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Агрохимический вестник  / №4 2013

Влияние отходов горения и компоста из осадков сточных вод на содержание макрокомпонентов в почве (160,00 руб.)

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Первый авторКшивы-Гавронска
АннотацияВ статье описан опыт, проведенный на почве из легкого песчанистого суглинка. В опыте применен отход горения в виде пепла от бурого угля, а также компост, произведенный с участием бытовых осадков сточных вод методом GWDA.
Кшивы-Гавронска, Е. Влияние отходов горения и компоста из осадков сточных вод на содержание макрокомпонентов в почве / Е. Кшивы-Гавронска // Агрохимический вестник .— 2013 .— №4 .— С. 47-51 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/354444 (дата обращения: 16.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

В почвах вариантов, удобренных компостом без и с добавлением пепла бурого угля, увеличилось содержание pHKCl и содержание органического угля, общего N, P, K и S, а также форм усвоения P, K и Мg. <...> Ключевые слова: пепел, осадки сточный вод, компост, почва, общее содержание макроэлементов, содержание форм усвоения. <...> EFFECT OF THE COMBUSTION WASTES AND MUNICIPAL SEWAGE SLUDGE COMPOST ON THE CONTENT OF MACROELEMENTS IN SOIL E. Krzywy-Gawrońska A single-factor field experiment was carried out The Cultivar Evaluation Station in Szczecin-Dąbie in 2008-2010. <...> The soil on which this experiment was set up is formed from light loamy sand (lls). <...> Regarding its granulometric composition, the soil is classified to the category of light soils, of soil quality class IV b and good rye complex. <...> In the experiment, a combustion waste in the form of high-calcium brown coal ash was used, as well as a compost produced from municipal sewage sludge by the GWDA method. <...> A test plant was perennial Amur silver grass (Miscanthus sachariflorus). <...> The highest average increase in the nitrogen content in soil in 2008-2010 was observed in the objects fertilised with municipal sewage sludge compost at a dose corresponding to 250 kg N∙ha-1 with addition of high-calcium brown coal ash being introduced into soil in the first year of study and in next years, respectively by 23.3% and 27.7%, when compared to those with calcium carbonate or high-calcium brown coal ash being applied at the beginning of experiment. <...> The positive effect in soil richness indices was obtained after the application of municipal sewage sludge compost with annual introduction of high-calcium brown coal ash into soil. <...> In the soil of objects being fertilised with municipal sewage sludge compost without and with addition of high-calcium brown coal ash, the pHKCl value and the content of organic carbon and total N, P, K and S increased, as well as that of assimilable P, K and Mg forms. <...> Keywords: waste, sewage sludge, compost, soil, total content of macroelements and assimilable forms. <...> Many authors paid attention to the possibility of ecological and agricultural use of high-calcium brown <...>

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