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English for lawyer (200,00 руб.)

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Первый авторШевелёва С. А.
ИздательствоМ.: ЮНИТИ-ДАНА
АннотацияПособие ориентировано на развитие устной и письменной речи на основе профессионально-ориентированной тематики (право и закон, конституция, английское право, права человека, уголовное право, семейное право, суды и судьи т.д.) и лексики. Особое внимание уделяется диалогической речи, воспроизводящей ситуации общения в Davied's School of English, а также на семинарах юридических факультетов английских университетов. Тексты юридической тематики сопровождаются упражнениями на развитие устной и письменной речи. Грамматические правила сопровождаются разнообразными упражнениями. Приводятся тексты и игры на проверку усвоенного материала, а также англо-русский словарь юридических терминов и понятий.
Кем рекомендованоУчебно-методическим центром «Профессиональный учебник» в качестве учебного пособия для студентов высших учебных заведений, обучающихся по направлению «Юриспруденция» (030500)
Шевелёва, С.А. English for lawyer : учеб. пособие / С.А. Шевелёва .— Москва : ЮНИТИ-ДАНА, 2015 .— 432 с. — (Special English for Universities, Colleges) .— ISBN 978-5-238-01194-3 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/351657 (дата обращения: 12.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

ISBN 978-5-238-01194-3 Агентство CIP РГБ Пособие ориентировано на развитие устной и письменной речи на основе профессионально-ориентированной тематики (право и закон, конституция, английское право, права человека, уголовное право, семейное право, суды и судьи т.д.) и лексики. <...> Пособие ориентировано на развитие устной и письменной речи на основе профессионально-ориентированной тематики: закон и право конституции права человека суды и судьи уголовное право семейное право право собственности Европейский Союз и т.д. <...> Желаем вам больших успехов в вашей работе! 4 CONTENTS От автора UNIT 1: STUDYING LAW Section 1: Grammar Articles Section 2: Texts 1 Faculty of law 2 Studying law at Cambridge 3 Moscow State Law Academy Section 3: Speaking English Students UNIT 2: HISTORICAL SOURCES OF ENGLISH LAW Section 1: Grammar The Singular and the Plural of Nouns Section 2: Texts 1 The Common Law 2 Equity 3 Legislation Section 3: Speaking English The House of Lords UNIT 3: CLASSIFICATION OF LAW Section 1: Grammar Indefinite Tenses Section 2: Texts 1 Criminal Law and Civil Law 2 Public Law and Private Law 3 Substantive Law and Procedural Law 4 Municipal Law and Public International Law Section 3: Speaking English Municipality UNIT 4: LAW AND ENFORCEMENT Section 1: Grammar Continuous Tenses Section 2: Texts 1 The nature of law 2 Custom and law 3 Enforcement 5 55 59 59 63 40 43 43 47 25 28 28 30 3 12 12 16 Section 3: Newspaper item Russian law enforcers move against online music pirates Section 4: Speaking English Music pirates and law Section 5: Word game UNIT 5: STATES, STATUTES AND CONSTITUTIONS Section 1: Grammar Perfect Tenses Section 2: Texts 1 The Russian Federation 2 State <...>
УДК 811.111(075.8) ББК 81.2Àíãë-923 Ø37 Рецензенты: кафедра иностранных языков Московского университета МВД России (начальник кафедры канд. юрид. наук, проф. И.А. Горшенева); профессор В.В. Шпрынов (Московский государственный лингвистический университет) Главный редактор издательства кандидат юридических наук, доктор экономических наук Н.Д. Эриашвили Шевел¸ва, Светлана Александровна. Ø37 English for lawyers: ó÷åá. пособие для студентов âóçîâ, обучающихся по направлению «Þðèñïðóäåíöèÿ» (030500) / Ñ.À. Øåâåë¸âà. — Ì.: ÞÍÈÒÈ-ÄÀÍÀ, — 431 ñ. — (Ñåðèÿ «Special English for Universities, Colleges»). 2015. ISBN 978-5-238-01194-3 Агентство CIP РГБ Пособие ориентировано на развитие устной и письменной речи на основе профессионально-ориентированной тематики (право и закон, конституция, английское право, права человека, уголовное право, семейное право, суды и судьи т.д.) и лексики. Особое внимание уделяется диалогической ðå÷è, воспроизводящей ситуации общения в Davied's School of English, а также на семинарах юридических факультетов английских университетов. Тексты юридической тематики сопровождаются упражнениями на развитие устной и письменной речи. Грамматические правила сопровождаются разнообразными упражнениями. Приводятся тексты и игры на проверку усвоенного материала, а также англо-русский словарь юридических терминов и понятий. ББК 81.2Àíãë-923 ISBN 978-5-238-01194-3 © ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО ÞÍÈÒÈ-ÄÀÍÀ, 2007 Воспроизведение всей книги или какой-либо ее части любыми средствами или в какой-либо форме, в том числе в Интернет-сети, запрещается без письменного разрешения издательства. © Оформление «ÞÍÈÒÈ-ÄÀÍÀ», 2007
CONTENTS От автора UNIT 1: STUDYING LAW Section 1: Grammar Articles Section 2: Texts 1 Faculty of law 2 Studying law at Cambridge 3 Moscow State Law Academy Section 3: Speaking English Students UNIT 2: HISTORICAL SOURCES OF ENGLISH LAW Section 1: Grammar The Singular and the Plural of Nouns Section 2: Texts 1 The Common Law 2 Equity 3 Legislation Section 3: Speaking English The House of Lords UNIT 3: CLASSIFICATION OF LAW Section 1: Grammar Indefinite Tenses Section 2: Texts 1 Criminal Law and Civil Law 2 Public Law and Private Law 3 Substantive Law and Procedural Law 4 Municipal Law and Public International Law Section 3: Speaking English Municipality UNIT 4: LAW AND ENFORCEMENT Section 1: Grammar Continuous Tenses Section 2: Texts 1 The nature of law 2 Custom and law 3 Enforcement 5 55 59 59 63 40 43 43 47 25 28 28 30 3 12 12 16
Section 3: Newspaper item Russian law enforcers move against online music pirates Section 4: Speaking English Music pirates and law Section 5: Word game UNIT 5: STATES, STATUTES AND CONSTITUTIONS Section 1: Grammar Perfect Tenses Section 2: Texts 1 The Russian Federation 2 State power in the Russian Federation 3 The USA and the Constitution Section 3: Speaking English Vetoes 91 Section 4: Annotation of the book Interpreting States Constitutions 93 Section 5: Newspaper item New statutes of Catalonia 95 UNIT 6: THE UK AND CHARACTERISTICS OF ENGLISH LAW 97 Section 1: Grammar Passive Voice Section 2: Texts 1 The UK and government 2 Characteristics of English law 3 Legal systems of the UK Section 3: Newspaper item Blair mobilising supporters Section 4: Speaking English Bills and acts Section 5: Illustrations Act of Parliament UNIT 7: THE EUROPEAN UNION AND LAW Section 1: Grammar Present Participle Absolute Participial Construction Section 2: Texts 1 The European Union and its institutions 2 European Union legislation 3 European Union law in the UK Section 3: Newspaper item EU draft patent law Section 4: Speaking English Patents and licences Section 5: Annotation of the book Taxation in the EU Section 6: Word game 127 130 133 135 109 111 113 116 116 118 97 99 73 76 77 77 81 71 6
UNIT 8: HUMAN RIGHTS Section 1: Grammar Past Participle Section 2: Texts 1 Human rights 2 The European human rights system Section 3: Speaking English Human Rights Watch Section 4: Newspaper item Sarkozy supports giving immigrants a vote in city polls Section 5: Annotations of the books 1 International Human Rights in Context: Law, Politics, Morals 2 European Human Rights Law Review Section 6 Illustrations The Tyrer case UNIT 9: THE JUDICIARIES, LAW OFFICERS AND LEGAL PROFESSION Section 1: Grammar The Gerund Section 2: Texts 1 The Lord Chancellor and judges 2 Law officers 3 Solicitors 4 Barristers Section 3: Speaking English Notaries and lawyers Section 4: Annotation of the book City lawyers Section 5: Newspaper item Supreme Court nominee Section 6: Word game UNIT 10: COURTS Section 1: Grammar The Infinitive Section 2: Texts 1 Civil courts of the UK 2 Criminal courts 3 Other courts 4 Lay persons in the courts Section 3: Speaking English The Old Bailey Section 4: Annotations of the books 1 The Supreme Court Review, 2004 2 The Supreme Court Economic Review, 2005 7 198 200 170 174 176 178 179 179 184 151 155 155 158 144 147 149 136 136 139
Section 5: Illustrations Arbitration and courts Section 6: Word Game UNIT 11: LEGAL SOURCES Section 1: Grammar Modal Verbs and the Infinitive Section 2: Word-formation Conversion Section 3: Texts 1 Judicial precedent 2 Legislation 3 Textbooks 4 Local customs Section 4: Speaking English Customs Section 5: Annotation of the book Law’s Limits Section 6: Illustrations Examples of cases UNIT 12: CRIMINAL LAW Section 1: Grammar The Passive Infinitive Section 2: Word formation Suffixes of nouns Section 3: Texts 1 Definition of crime 2 Criminal liability 3 Offences 4 Economic crimes Section 4: Speaking English Frauds Section 6: Illustrations Examples of cases UNIT 13: THE LAW OF TORT Section 1: Grammar The Perfect Infinitive Section 2: Word formation Suffixes of verbs Section 3: Texts 1 The nature of a tort 2 Damage and liability 3 Capacity of parties in tort Section 4: Speaking English Torts and languages 8 263 Section 5: Newspaper item French students riot over employers’ law 265 Section 6: Illustrations Examples of cases 266 242 Section 5: Newspaper item Foreign tax fraud is within reach of US law, says court 243 246 247 247 250 251 220 221 223 225 225 228 230 202 203 204 204 207 209
UNIT 14: THE LAW OF PERSON Section 1: Grammar 1 The Rules of the Sequence of Tenses 2 Indirect Speech Section 2: Word formation 1 Suffixes of Adjectives 2 Suffixes of Adverbs Section 3: Texts 1 Legal persons 2 Nationality and domicile 3 Marriage 4 Divorce Section 4: Speaking English Marriage by the Church of England 285 Section 5: Illustrations Examples of cases Section 6: Test 287 288 UNIT 15: JURISTIC PERSONS AND THE CROWN Section 1: Grammar Indirect Speech Section 2: Word formation Prefixes Section 3: Texts 1 Corporations 2 Registration 3 Companies 4 Other juristic persons Section 4: Speaking English The Crown Section 5: Illustrations The Crown Proceedings Act, 1947 Section 6: Test UNIT 16: THE LAW OF CONTRACT Section 1: Grammar The construction to suggest that smb should do smth Section 2: Word formation Compound Nouns Section 3: Texts 1 Classification of contracts 2 Intention to create legal relations 3 Arbitration 9 308 310 311 313 313 315 316 290 290 293 295 274 271 269 269
4 Arbitration procedure Section 4: Speaking English At a business talk Section 5: Illustrations Contract (an extract) Section 6: Word game UNIT 17: TRUSTS Section 1: Grammar The Construction it is important that smb should do smth Section 2: Word formation Compound Adjectives Section 3: Texts 1 Definition of a trust 2 Private trusts 3 Public (or charitable) trusts 4 Trustees Section 4: Speaking English Trust corporations Section 5: Illustrations 1 Examples of cases 2 Power of attorney Section 6: Test UNIT 18: THE LAW OF PROPERTY Section 1: Grammar The Constructions with the verb to wish Section 2: Word formation Abstract Nouns Section 3: Texts 1 Ownership 2 Property 3 Property law 4 Sale of land Section 4: Speaking English Conveyance of the property Section 5: Illustrations Examples of cases Section 6: Test UNIT 19: THE LAW OF SUCCESSION Section 1: Grammar Complex Sentences with clauses of unreal condition 1 Succession on bankruptcy 10 369 370 372 374 374 Section 2: Words Abbreviations 377 Section 3: Texts 378 352 354 354 356 358 348 350 329 331 333 334 334 336 338
2 Succession on death 3 Nature of a will Section 4: Speaking English Formalities Section 5: Illustrations 1 A specimen will 2 A liquidation clause of a contract Section 6: Test UNIT 20: PROCEDURE Section 1: Grammar Punctuation (Commas) Section 2: Words Latin borrowings Section 3: Texts 1 Civil procedure 2 Case management 3 Commencement of proceedings Section 4: Speaking English Trial Section 5: Illustrations 1 Criminal procedure in a magistrates’ court 2 Criminal procedure in the Crown Court Section 6: Crossword puzzle Keys (to Tests and Word games of Units 4—20) English-Russian Vocabulary of Law Terms 410 413 415 405 407 392 394 394 398 399 386 388 11