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Основные направления и механизмы совершенствования институциональной среды российского предпринимательства

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Первый авторЧернопятов Александр Михайлович
ИздательствоLulu Press, Inc.
АннотацияМонография посвящена теоретическим, методологическим и практическим проблемам и их решения в области совершенствования институциональной среды российского предпринимательства. Проведён ретроспективный теоретический, методологический обзор понятий предпринимательство, приватизация, государственно-частное партнерство, конкуренция, налоговый институт. Стоит отметить, что показаны составляющие данных понятий в период становления рыночной экономики в Российской Федерации с начала 90-х годов прошлого столетия. Проведённый анализ эволюционной составляющей категории «предпринимательство» позволил определить, что для достижения поставленной цели исследования следует руководствоваться понятием конкурентоспособности предприятия в условиях рынка.
Кому рекомендованоДля учёных, практиков, а также для использования в учебном процессе при преподавании экономических и финансовых дисциплин.
Чернопятов, А.М. Основные направления и механизмы совершенствования институциональной среды российского предпринимательства = The main directions and mechanisms to improve the institutional environment of Russian entrepreneurship : [монография] / А.М. Чернопятов .— North Carolina : Lulu Press, Inc., 2015 .— 76 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/348209 (дата обращения: 26.04.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

A monograph is devoted theoretical, methodological and practical problems and their decisions in area of perfection of institucional'noy environment of the Russian enterprise. <...> The retrospective theoretical, methodological review of concepts is conducted enterprise, privatization, state-private partnership, competition, tax institute. <...> It is needed to mark that the constituents of these concepts are rotined in the period of becoming of market economy in Russian Federation from the beginning of 90th of the past century. <...> Conducted analysis of evolutional making category КХХШаОН ЭШ НОПТЧО К «ОЧЭОrprТsО», ЭСКЭ ПШr КМСТОЯОЦОЧЭ ШП ЭСО pЮЭ pЮrpШsО ШП rОsОКrМС ТЭ Тs ЧОМОssКrв to follow the concept of competitiveness of enterprise in the conditions of market. <...> Annotation Enterprise is basic dvizhitelem, development of society of any state, thus independently, regardless of patterns of ownership. <...> It is possible certainly diskussirovat' on this theme, calling, that for example, a state enterprise is uneffective, and the private is higher achievement of market. <...> All points of view have a right on life, but at the same time not always arrive at the put purpose. <...> There are areas of enterprise, in which not to do without state participation. <...> At times all depends on mentality, way of life, knowledges, financial resources and other. <...> At the same time, there is yet the large field for different developments, in legal, financial, tax and other aspects. <...> Every step must be adjusted and not only in laboratory, and and necessarily in the field terms. <...> Any irreflective step results in destruction of trust in an enterprise environment. <...> It is possible to remember only some unproductive steps of Government of Russian FEDERATION in part of destruction of trust in an enterprise. <...> It, for example, introduction of high insurance collections, lifted in 2011 to 34%, and then with permanent steps going to the decline. <...> From 2013 sharp growth on insurance coverage happened for individual businessmen. <...> Both a step was caused by closing or going away to shade millions of businessmen. <...> And quite a bit such actions take, that does not enable to develop more rapid rates to the managing subjects. <...> In Russia large attention is spared, certainly, an enterprise, but at the same time it not enough for achievement of the put aims. "Problems of enterprise on the essence difficult and manysided, that obuslavlivaet <...>
: ..  - -, . ,  ..  - - . ,   ..         : /.. .- .: -........, 2015.248.   ,              .   ,    , , - , ,  .  ,                90-   .      «»  ,              .  , ,             . A monograph is devoted theoretical, methodological and practical problems and their decisions in area of perfection of institucional'noy environment of the Russian enterprise. The retrospective theoretical, methodological review of concepts is conducted enterprise, privatization, state-private partnership, competition, tax institute. It is needed to mark that the constituents of these concepts are rotined in the period of becoming of market economy in Russian Federation from the beginning of 90th of the past century. Conducted analysis of evolutional making category КХХШаОН ЭШ НОПТЧО К «ОЧЭОrprТsО», ЭСКЭ ПШr КМСТОЯОЦОЧЭ ШП ЭСО pЮЭ pЮrpШsО ШП rОsОКrМС ТЭ Тs ЧОМОssКrв to follow the concept of competitiveness of enterprise in the conditions of market. For scientists, practical workers, and also for the use in an educational process at teaching of economic and financial disciplines. 4
 ..............................................................................................................................................7 ...........................................................................................................................................8  ................................................................................................................................10  1.           ..................................................................................................11 1.1.         ...........................................................................................................................................11 1.2.    .....................................................................................18 1.3.      ...........................................23  2.      …........44 2.1.     ……….........................................................44 2.2.         ............................48 2.3.        ........................................55 ........................................................................................................................................74 6

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