Национальный цифровой ресурс Руконт - межотраслевая электронная библиотека (ЭБС) на базе технологии Контекстум (всего произведений: 608419)
Вестник ОрелГАУ  / №4(49) 2014


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АвторыPetrushina O.V.
Аннотацияdoi: 10.15217/279709
INFRASTRUCTURE OF THE GRAIN MARKET IN AN OPEN ECONOMY: REALITIES AND PROSPECTS (A VIEW FROM THE REGION) / Petrushina O.V. // Вестник ОрелГАУ .— 2014 .— №4(49) .— doi: 10.15217/279709 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/279709 (дата обращения: 13.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Vestnik OrelGAU, 4(49), August 2014 UDC 338.43(470.323) INFRASTRUCTURE OF THE GRAIN MARKET IN AN OPEN ECONOMY: REALITIES AND PROSPECTS (A VIEW FROM THE REGION) Petrushina O.V., Researcher Kursk State Agricultural Academy named after Professor I.I. Ivanov, Kursk, Russia E-mail: petao@yandex.ru ABSTRACT The article analyzes the problematic issues of modern infrastructure of the grain market. <...> The base of grain elevators in Kursk region has been analyzed and the estimation results of the appropriateness of the construction of new line elevators are presented. <...> The problems of the logistic maintenance of export operations in the grain market are examined, alternative interaction on rail transport - shipper routes has been proposed. <...> The directions of improving the implementation of export operations in the part of the interlinkages export balances and domestic consumption next year have been substantiated by quotas on the importation of meat products and the volume of carry-over stocks on the basis of the concept of food security of the country. <...> Measures to enhance the level of the processing organization of export operations are proposed. <...> Modern problems and prospects of development of the exchange unit have been discussed. <...> The necessity of improving the species diversity of exported grain has been substantiated. <...> Promising lines of development of the infrastructure of export-oriented grain market have been discussed. <...> Modern infrastructure of the grain market can be represented as follows: Block 1 - farmers: grown, treated, dried and stored grain; Block 2 - cereal receiving enterprises: provide services for preparation, form large uniform consignments and shipped to consumers in the domestic and foreign markets; Block 3 - transport, logistics companies and other carriers: carry out the delivery of grain to the cereal receiving points (CRP) and consumers, providing freight forwarding services; Block 4- grain terminals near ports: transshipment of grain exported from cars and other vehicles on the ships. <...> The most important task of the development of grain market infrastructure for grain producers is to overcome the shortage of facilities for the storage of grain, which occurs: due to the lack of demand for significant volumes of produced grain, and, as a consequence, to the formation on the CRP of large residues of grain, which limits their opportunities for acceptance and storage of grain; due to lack of the granaries among majority of producers , acceptable <...>