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Law and Modern States

Law and Modern States №1 2014

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АннотацияЖурнал издается с 2011 года. Миссия журнала «Право и современные государства» — сделать российских исследователей известными в иностранных научных кругах. В состав Редакционного совета журнала входят признанные российские специалисты в государственно-правовых и общественных науках, а также заслуженный профессор права юридической школы Дикинсон Университета штата Пенсильвания Уильям Э. Батлер и директор Центра европейских исследований Университета Индонезия (Джакарта) профессор Йенни М. Харджатно. С 2015 года не выходит
Law and Modern States : Comparative Studies Journal .— Москва : Фонд Консалтинга и правовой защиты населения, 2011 .— 2014 .— №1 .— 61 с. : ил. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/270174 (дата обращения: 11.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

1 LAW AND MODERN STATES Comparative Studies Journal 2014 / No 1 LAW AND MODERN STATES Comparative Studies Journal FOUNDER: Consulting and Legal Protection of People Foundation ISSN 2307–3306 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14420/ Certificate of Registration: ПИ № ФС77-49248 issued by Federal Service on Supervision at the Field of Communication, Information Technology and Mass Media Subscription Index in the United Catalog “Press of Russia”- 41290 E-mail: law_and_modern_states@mail.ru Journal is included into the Russian Cite Index: (http://elibrary.ru/publisher_titles.asp?publishid=10666) Journal «Law and Modern States» is published by Graphic Visions Associates, Gaithersburg, MD, USA 20877 and is located on the official website of the Founder: www.bar-association.ru If texts reprinted, reference to Law and Modern States Journal is compulsory. <...> EDITORIAL BOARD: Svetlana Boshno, Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor (Moscow) William E. Butler, John Edward Fowler Distinguished Professor of Law Dickinson School of Law, Pensylvania State University (USA) Olga Belousova, Doctor of Economics, Professor (Moscow) Marina Davydova, Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor (Moscow) Kadyrbech Delokarov, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor, Honoured Science Worker of Russian Federation (Moscow) Ekaterina Dogadailo, LLD, Ph. <...> D (Jurisprudence), Associate Professor (Moscow) Jenny M.T. Hardjatno, Doctor, ProfessorUniversity of Indonesia, Director of Center of European Studies University of Indonesia, Jakarta (Indonesia) Abulfas Guseinov, Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor Baku State University (Azerbaijan) Marina Markhgeim, Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor (Rostov-on-Don) Elena Nazarova, Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor (Moscow) Sergey Pavlikov, Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor (Moscow) William E. Pomeranz, Doctor of Legal Sciences, Ph.D., Deputy Director Kennan Institute (USA) Igor Ponkin, Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor (Moscow) Valery Rybalkin, Doctor of Philology, Professor Kiev National State University, Head of Division of National Academy of Sciences (Ukraine) Alevtina Shevchenko, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor (Moscow) Olga Tsybulevskaya, Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor (Saratov) Andrey Vassoevich, Doctor of Philosofical Sciences, Ph.D. (Economics), Professor (St. Piteresburg) Elena <...>
1 LAW AND MODERN STATES Comparative Studies Journal 2014 / No 1
LAW AND MODERN STATES Comparative Studies Journal FOUNDER: Consulting and Legal Protection of People Foundation ISSN 2307–3306 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14420/ Certificate of Registration: ПИ № ФС77-49248 issued by Federal Service on Supervision at the Field of Communication, Information Technology and Mass Media Subscription Index in the United Catalog “Press of Russia”- 41290 E-mail: law_and_modern_states@mail.ru Journal is included into the Russian Cite Index: (http://elibrary.ru/publisher_titles.asp?publishid=10666) Journal «Law and Modern States» is published by Graphic Visions Associates, Gaithersburg, MD, USA 20877 and is located on the official website of the Founder: www.bar-association.ru If texts reprinted, reference to Law and Modern States Journal is compulsory. All the published materials may not express standpoint of the Founder and the Editorial Board.
EDITORIAL BOARD: Svetlana Boshno, Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor (Moscow) William E. Butler, John Edward Fowler Distinguished Professor of Law Dickinson School of Law, Pensylvania State University (USA) Olga Belousova, Doctor of Economics, Professor (Moscow) Marina Davydova, Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor (Moscow) Kadyrbech Delokarov, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor, Honoured Science Worker of Russian Federation (Moscow) Ekaterina Dogadailo, LLD, Ph.D (Jurisprudence), Associate Professor (Moscow) Jenny M.T. Hardjatno, Doctor, ProfessorUniversity of Indonesia, Director of Center of European Studies University of Indonesia, Jakarta (Indonesia) Abulfas Guseinov, Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor Baku State University (Azerbaijan) Marina Markhgeim, Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor (Rostov-on-Don) Elena Nazarova, Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor (Moscow) Sergey Pavlikov, Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor (Moscow) William E. Pomeranz, Doctor of Legal Sciences, Ph.D., Deputy Director Kennan Institute (USA) Igor Ponkin, Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor (Moscow) Valery Rybalkin, Doctor of Philology, Professor Kiev National State University, Head of Division of National Academy of Sciences (Ukraine) Alevtina Shevchenko, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor (Moscow) Olga Tsybulevskaya, Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor (Saratov) Andrey Vassoevich, Doctor of Philosofical Sciences, Ph.D. (Economics), Professor (St. Piteresburg) Elena Vinogradova, Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor (St. Pitersburg)