Национальный цифровой ресурс Руконт - межотраслевая электронная библиотека (ЭБС) на базе технологии Контекстум (всего произведений: 644910)


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АвторыДрегало Александр Алексеевич, Ульяновский Виктор Иванович
АннотацияВ статье представлен концептуальный анализ территориальной типологии северного региона. Обосновывается методология интегративного подхода типологизации северных территорий как конгломерата локальных сред. Дан методологический анализ факторов перехода от «освоения к обживанию» северных территорий как основы социальной типологии северного человека, Nordmena.
ТЕРРИТОРИАЛЬНАЯ ЭКСПЛИКАЦИЯ СЕВЕРА КАК КОНГЛОМЕРАТА ЛОКАЛЬНЫХ СРЕД / А.А. Дрегало, В.И. Ульяновский .— : [Б.и.], 2011 .— 13 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/238033 (дата обращения: 12.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Abstract The article presents a conceptual analysis of the territorial typology of the northern region. <...> The methodology of the integrative approach typology of the northern territories as a conglomerate of local media is substantiated. <...> There is the methodological analysis of the factors of the transition from «the development of a habitation» northern territories as bases of social typology of the northern people, Nordmen. <...>
. 2011.  2 ()   316:008+316.012(045)   1 ©   ,   ,         ,      ,  « ».  11 . E-mail: uvi29@mail.ru. ©   ,  , ,          ,  .  14 . E-mail: mba@pomorsu.ru. .     .  «» , Nordmena. : , , , .
. 2011.  2 () Territorial explication of the North as a conglomerate of local environments © Dregalo Alexander, Doctor of Philosophy, professor, Head of Department of General and Special management of Pomor State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Senior Researcher of Arkhangelsk scientific centre of Ural Branch of the R A S, author of 14 monographies. © Ulyanovskiy Victor, Doctor of Sociology, professor of faculty of general and special management of Pomor State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Senior Researcher of Arkhangelsk scientific centre of Ural Branch of the R A S, author of 11 monographies. Abstract The article presents a conceptual analysis of the territorial typology of the northern region. The methodology of the integrative approach typology of the northern territories as a conglomerate of local media is substantiated. There is the methodological analysis of the factors of the transition from «the development of a habitation» northern territories as bases of social typology of the northern people, Nordmen. Key words: territorial typology, the local environment, habitation territory of, aboriginal people of the north. ,  .  «» :   ;   ,    ; , . ,  .      ,  . ,  ,  ,        ,     . .  [1]. .  «» , .  ,  82  44 . , .       .    . :  ;    ;   ;    ;  ;  ; 2