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Первый авторКняжева Елена Александровна
ИздательствоИздательско-полиграфический центр Воронежского государственного университета
АннотацияУчебное пособие подготовлено на кафедре ТПиМК факультета РГФ Воронежского государственного университета.
Кому рекомендованоРекомендуется для студентов 4-го курса дневного и 5-го курса вечернего отделений факультета романо-германской филологии Воронежского государственного университета.
Княжева, Е.А. Перевод в сфере кино / Е.А. Княжева .— Воронеж : Издательско-полиграфический центр Воронежского государственного университета, 2011 .— 19 с. — 19 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/226844 (дата обращения: 12.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

МИНИСТЕРСТВО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ И НАУКИ РФ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНОЕ УЧРЕЖДЕНИЕ ВЫСШЕГО ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНОГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ «ВОРОНЕЖСКИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ» Е. <...> Выполните предпереводческий анализ и перевод текста Film The world of American film and film-making is so far-reaching a topic that it deserves, and often receives, volumes of its own. <...> Hollywood, of course, immediately comes to mind, as do the many great directors, actors, and actresses it continues to attract and to produce. <...> But then, one also think of the many independent studios throughout the country, the educational and documentary series and films, the socially relevant tradition in cinema, and the film departments in universities such as the University of Southern California (USC), the University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA), or New York University which have trained directors such as Francis Ford Coppola, George Lucas, and Steven Spielberg. <...> However, to speak only of “the American cinema” is misleading. <...> For over 50 years, American movies have continued to grow in popularity throughout the world. <...> Generations have grown up watching American films (and viewing Americans through them!), for better or for worse. <...> What most national television systems across the globe have in common is the large proportion of American films they choose to run. <...> The great blockbusters of film entertainment that stretch from Gone with the Wind to Star Wars receive the most attention. <...> A look at the prizes awarded at the leading international film festivals will also demonstrate that as an art form, the American film continues to enjoy considerable prestige. <...> In the past decade, movies which treated alcoholism, divorce, the danger of nuclear power and weapons, inner city blight, the effects of slavery, the plight of Native 3 Americans, poverty, and immigration have all received awards and international recognition. <...> Подберите русские соответствия названиям следующих жанров игрового кино Action; adventure; animation; biography; comedy; crime; disaster; documentary; drama; family film; fantasy; film noir; gangster film; horror; musical; short; thriller; war; western. <...> Julia Roberts: Top 5/Bottom 5 DVDs by Christine Champ At the height of her reign as America's celluloid sweetheart, Julia Roberts lit up the silver screen with her genuine glow <...>
Задание 1. Выполните предпереводческий анализ и перевод текста Film The world of American film and film-making is so far-reaching a topic that it deserves, and often receives, volumes of its own. Hollywood, of course, immediately comes to mind, as do the many great directors, actors, and actresses it continues to attract and to produce. But then, one also think of the many independent studios throughout the country, the educational and documentary series and films, the socially relevant tradition in cinema, and the film departments in universities such as the University of Southern California (USC), the University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA), or New York University which have trained directors such as Francis Ford Coppola, George Lucas, and Steven Spielberg. However, to speak only of “the American cinema” is misleading. For over 50 years, American movies have continued to grow in popularity throughout the world. Generations have grown up watching American films (and viewing Americans through them!), for better or for worse. Television has only increased this popularity. What most national television systems across the globe have in common is the large proportion of American films they choose to run. In many cases, these American films, old or new, are shown more often than are the home-grown variety. The great blockbusters of film entertainment that stretch from Gone with the Wind to Star Wars receive the most attention. A look at the prizes awarded at the leading international film festivals will also demonstrate that as an art form, the American film continues to enjoy considerable prestige. Even when the theme is serious or, as they say, “meaningful”, American films remain “popular”. In the past decade, movies which treated alcoholism, divorce, the danger of nuclear power and weapons, inner city blight, the effects of slavery, the plight of Native 3
Has Julia perhaps done a deal with the devil for diva-dom, only to lose her Hollywood soul? In the meantime, let's all jiggle our movie memories around until past and present blur for a flashback of some of JR's most heartwarming and hollow performances. Top 5 Sleeping With the Enemy A darker take on Roberts as yet another breakable yet brave brown-eyed girl all the more admirable for her Olympian escape and teary-eyed terror. And finally JR meets her leading man, big-hair match. Steel Magnolias Who wouldn't want to save Shelby? She's childishly sweet on the surface, with a heartbreaking hopefulness and depth beneath. (Julia also dignifies a "drink your juice" diabetic disaster scene that could have gone comically wrong.) Pretty Woman Never has prostitution, or a prostitute, been so innocent or enchanting. We shouldn't buy it, but JR seduces us, and we do. Mystic Pizza Fired by passion and an impulsive sense of self-preservation, this pretty, pizza-pauper on the wrong side of the delivery route, may screw things up but at least Daisy, (and Roberts), gives it "a 100 percent." Erin Brockovich A balkier and nobler than usual, but still believable, Oscar-worthy heroine who at last champions more than her own love life. Bottom 5 Notting Hill "I'm just a girl ..." I've said it before I'll say it again: Boohoo Julia. (And Hollywood.) Boo. Hoo. Your suffering is as sincere as your acting in this film. 6
Runaway Bride All shtick and no substance make Julia and this Gere-Roberts rematch very dull. JR's romantic-melancholy routine is just as stale here as it was in Notting Hill. Hook You know you're being blackmailed by Steven Spielberg when ... You're cast to play Tinkerbell to Robin Williams' Peter Pan. In Julia's smallest role yet (ha, ha) she delivers Tinkerbell with the affectation you'd expect from an adolescent boy, in a middle school play, sucking helium backstage before each scene. The Mexican Clearly, Gandolfini's this movie's muse. Julia and Brad, however, prove an uninspiring pair. Neither manages to make screen sparks fly in their shared scenes, and JR ends up stiff and shrew-y. Stepmom Sarandon vs. Roberts. Old dame vs. young usurper. Mom vs. stepmom. Girls, get ready to snipe in a catfight with little subtlety or chemistry from either opponent. Задание 6. Переведите и прокомментируйте следующие реалии из сферы кино Golden Globe; Independent Spirit; Saturn Award; MTV Movie Awards; Golden Raspberry; Academy Special Achievement Award; Academy Scientific and Technical Award; The Irving G.Thalberg Memorial Award; Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award. Задание 7. Подберите русские соответствия названиям следующих профессий 7
Executive producer; director; assistant director; director of photography; camera operator; equipment operator; lighting technician; sound mixer/sound engineer; score recordist; foley artist; costume designer; art director/production designer; set designer/ scenic artist; animation artist; make-up artist; digital modeler; special effects supervisor; FX artist; visual effects supervisor/digital effects supervisor; dialogue editor; music editor; technical director; production designer; safety supervisor. Задание 8. Подберите русскоязычные соответствия названиям следующих номинаций Best picture; best actor in leading role; best actress in leading role; best cinematography; best director; best adapted screenplay; best original score; best original song; best film editing; best actor in supporting role; best actress in supporting role; best visual effects; best foreign language film; best costume design; best makeup; best animated feature; best animated short feature; best documentary feature; best documentary short subject; best live action short film. Задание 9. Переведите с листа следующие тексты 1. Slumdog Millionaire. An eighteen year-old from the slums of Mumbai finds himself competing on the game show “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire”, where the questions he must answer offer a look back at his earlier life. The show’s host, however, insists that he must be cheating and takes steps to force young Jamal to admit that a boy from such an impoverished background could not possibly possess the knowledge necessary to win the show’s top prize. • • • Achievement in Cinematography Achievement in Directing Achievement in Film Editing 8