Национальный цифровой ресурс Руконт - межотраслевая электронная библиотека (ЭБС) на базе технологии Контекстум (всего произведений: 643261)
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Самые забавные лживые саги (106,00 руб.)

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АвторыДжаксон Т. Н., Мельникова Е. А.
ИздательствоМ.: Русский фонд содействия образованию и науке
АннотацияПредлагаемый вниманию читателей сборник подготовлен к юбилею единственного в нашей стране и одного из крупнейших в международном саговедении специалиста по древнескандинавским сагам о древних временах, кандидата исторических наук, ведущего научного сотрудника Института всеобщей истории РАН Галины Васильевны Глазыриной. В сборник вошли статьи отдельных российских, а преимущественно зарубежных саговедов, специалистов в этой узкой, но широко исследуемой в настоящее время, области.
Самые забавные лживые саги : сб. статей в честь Галины Васильевны Глазыриной / ред.: Т. Н. Джаксон, Е. А. Мельникова .— Москва : Русский фонд содействия образованию и науке, 2012 .— 248 с. : ил. — ISBN 978-5-91244-059-5 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/208602 (дата обращения: 29.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

UD*DOLQD YLðYLQLUìtQLURJVDPVWDUIVPHQQXPYtèDYHU|OG W|NXPKpUK|QGXPVDPDQRJVHQGXPìpUiUQDèDUyVNLU iìHVVXPWtPDPyWXPRJyVNXPìpUJ IXRJJHQJLV tIUDPWtèLQQLMDIQWSHUVyQXOHJDVHPiIU èDVYLèLQX Tabula gratulatoria Theodore M. Andersson, Indiana University, USA Martin Arnold, University of Hull, UK Ármann Jakobsson, University of Iceland (Háskóli Íslands) Ásdís Egilsdóttir, University of Iceland (Háskóli Íslands) Randi Rønning Balsvik, Institute of History and Religious Studies, University of Tromsø, Norway Marco Battaglia, Germanic Philology, Dept. of Linguistics ‘T. Bolelli’, University of Pisa, Italy Bjarki M. Karlsson, University of Iceland (Háskóli Íslands) Robert E. Bjork, Arizona State University, USA Jesse Byock, Scandinavian Section and Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), USA George Clark, Queen's University at Kingston, Ontario, Canada Carla Cucina, University of Macerata, Italy Matthew James Driscoll, Arnamangæan Institute, Copenhagen University, Denmark David Dumville, University of Aberdeen, Scotland, UK Thor Ewing, independent scholar, UK Beatrice La Farge, Institut für Skandinavistik, Universität Frankfurt, Germany Fulvio Ferrari, Università degli Studi di Trento, Italy Alison Finlay, Birkbeck College, University of London, UK Fiske Icelandic Collection, Cornell University Library, USA Patricia Harris Stablein Gillies, University of Essex, Wivenhoe Park, UK Jürg Glauser, Universität Basel and Universität Zürich, Switzerland Joseph Harris, Harvard University, USA Fredrik J. Heinemann, Department of Anglophone Studies, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany Richard Holt, Institute of History and Religious Studies, University of Tromsø, Norway Silvia Hufnagel, Arnamangæan Institute, Copenhagen University, Denmark Shaun F. D. Hughes, Purdue University, USA Henrik Janson, Institute for Historical Studies, University of Gothenburg, Sweden Mary Katherine Jones, Department of History, University of Tromsø, Norway Marianne Kalinke, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA Hans Kuhn, Australian National <...>
  
RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES  DMITRIY POZHARSKIY UNIVERSITY    Edited by Tatjana N. Jackson and Elena A. Melnikova DMITRIY POZHARSKIY UNIVERSITY 
           
 930.85  63.3(0)32+63.4            .        /   . .   . .  — .:      , 2012. — 246 . ISBN 978-5-91244-059-5                          ,   ,          .      ,    ,    ,      , .    . ©  . .,  . ., , 2012 © , , 2012 ©    , 2012 ©      , 2012 ©  . ., , 2012 ISBN 978-5-91244-059-5       189r  Rask 32,     XVIII .       . The front cover incorporates an image of f. 189r of Rask 32, a paper manuscript from the second half of the 18th century. Image courtesy of the Arnamagnæan Institute, Copenhagen.
 ð   
/Contents   / Part One  / Articles What’s Truth Got to Do with It? Views on the Historicity of the Sagas /     ?     MATTHEW J. DRISCOLL /  .  ................................................ 15 Food and Cultural Identity in the fornaldarsögur /          ÁSDÍS EGILSDÓTTIR /   ...................................................... 28 Kappar in Ásmundar saga kappabana and Bjarnar saga Hítdœlakappa «»  «    »   «     » ALISON FINLAY / A  ........................................................................ 34    «  » / Valkyries in the Völsungasaga . .  / NATALIA GVOZDETSKAYA ................................................. 43 Sörla saga sterka – eine bisher unerforschte Vorzeitsaga / «   »:          SILVIA HUFNAGEL /   .......................................................... 54 On the Possible Sources of the Textual Map of Denmark in Göngu-Hrólfs saga /    « »   «   » TATJANA N. JACKSON /  .  ................................................... 62 Hrólfs saga kraka and related rímur / «   »      TEREZA LANSING /   ................................................................... 71 «    »      / The Legend of Hildebrand in German and Scandinavian Literary Tradition . .  / INNA G. MATYUSHINA .......................................................... 80 An Eye for an Eye and a Snake for a Snake: Stanza 8 of Ragnars saga /   ,   :  8  «    » RORY MCTURK /   ........................................................................ 111
12 /Contents      :   / Germanic Heroic Epic in Medieval Scandinavia: Actualization of the Tradition . .  / ELENA A. MELNIKOVA ..................................................... 122 Ketils saga hængs, Friðþjófs saga frækna, and the Reception of the Canon Episcopi in Medieval Iceland / «   », «   »   « »    STEPHEN MITCHELL /   ............................................................ 138 Friðþjófs saga ins frœkna. The Connection between the Character of the Hero and Heroine and their Success in Life / «   »:            ELSE MUNDAL /   ......................................................................... 148 Female Friendship in fornaldarsögur /        AGNETA NEY /   ................................................................................ 158 The Extorted Dwarf: Cognitive Motif Analysis and Literary Knowledge /  :       WERNER SCHÄFKE /   .................................................................. 163   / Part Two  / Translations    / Sörla þáttr      . .  / Translated from Old Icelandic into Russian and commented by ELENA A. GUREVICH ............................................................ 191      / Ásmundarsaga kappabana      . .  Translated from Old Icelandic into Russian and commented by INNA G. MATYUSHINA .......................................................... 212   . .  ........................................................... 235 

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