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Мировое сообщество и глобализация: социокультурные, политические, экономические и исторические аспекты = World Society and Globalization: Socio-Cultural, Political, Economic and Historical Issues (190,00 руб.)

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АвторыКиселев Ю. И., Яросл. гос. ун-т
АннотацияСборник содержит статьи участников конференции «Мировое сообщество и глобализация: социокультурные, политические, экономические и исторические аспекты» - ученых Ярославского (Россия) и Кассельского (Германия) университетов. В статьях обсуждаются различные аспекты процесса глобализации в современном мире. Конференция проходила на факультете социально-политических наук ЯрГУ с 28.01.2006 г. по 5.02.2006 г. Статьи печатаются в авторской редакции. Составитель: зам. декана по научной работе факультета социально-политических наук ЯрГУ доктор социологических наук И.Ю. Киселев.
Мировое сообщество и глобализация: социокультурные, политические, экономические и исторические аспекты = World Society and Globalization: Socio-Cultural, Political, Economic and Historical Issues : Междунар. росс.-германская науч. конференция: сб. науч. трудов / Ю. И. Киселев; Яросл. гос. ун-т .— Ярославль : ЯрГУ, 2006 .— 144 с. — текст на англ. яз; ISBN 5-8397-0411-3 .— ISBN 978-5-8397-0411-3 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/200126 (дата обращения: 25.04.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Демидова Факультет социально-политических наук Мировое сообщество и глобализация: социокультурные, политические, экономические и исторические аспекты Международная российско-германская научная конференция Сборник научных трудов Ярославль, 2006 2 Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation Federal Agency of Education Yaroslavl State University named after P.G. Demidov Department of Social and Political Sciences World Society and Globalization: Socio-Cultural, Political, Economic and Historical Issues International Russian-German Scientific Conference Scientific Proceedings Yaroslavl, 2006 3 УДК 3:061.2/.4 ББК С550 М64 Рецензенты: доктор философских наук, профессор А. <...> Kudrin; Chair of politology and sociology of Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky World Society and Globalization: Socio-Cultural, Political, Economic and Historical Issues. <...> Kiselev, dean’s deputy if charge of scientific research and academic development (Department of Social and Political Sciences of Yaroslavl State University). <...> Collection contains articles prepared by the participants of the conference "World Society and Globalization: Socio – Cultural, Political, Economic and Historical Issues". <...> At this conference Russian and German scholars from Yaroslavl State University (Russia) and Universitaet Kassel (Bundesrepublik Deutschland) took part. <...> V. Babak Some Questions of the Children Rights Protection in Conditions of Globalization . 17 O. Belokhvostova Administrative Practice of Treatment of Immigrants in Russia . 20 N.V. Dosina, T. Martell, E.V. Ratmanova, D.E. Palatnikov The Problem of the Democratization of the Society in the Context of Global Changes in Gender Research . 28 O.V. Eparkhina Habitus Significance in Globalization . 35 O.K. Efimova Idea of globalization: a variety of interpretations . 37 I.Yu. <...> Kiselev American Vision of Globalization: Projection of the US Self-image onto the World Politics . 46 S.A. Kudrina «Overturned» Values on the Way to a Police State . 56 V.N. Melikhovskiy, I.G. Perelomova Globalization and Development of the Subject of Economic Theory of Information . 63 5 G.M. Nazmudinov The Phenomenon of "Social Exclusion" In Contemporary Russia . 66 L.D. Rudenko Migration Aspect of Globalization . 74 N.V. Scherbakova Human Rights and Freedoms in Conditions of Globalization . 79 A.G. Shustrov Die Persoenlichkeitsquellen des Globalismus . 88 A.G. Smirnova Cooperation among States in the Era of Globalization: Search for the Shared <...>
Ярославский государственный университет им. П.Г. Демидова 1
Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации Федеральное агентство по образованию Ярославский государственный университет им. П.Г. Демидова Факультет социально-политических наук Мировое сообщество и глобализация: социокультурные, политические, экономические и исторические аспекты Международная российско-германская научная конференция Сборник научных трудов Ярославль, 2006 2
Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation Federal Agency of Education Yaroslavl State University named after P.G. Demidov Department of Social and Political Sciences World Society and Globalization: Socio-Cultural, Political, Economic and Historical Issues International Russian-German Scientific Conference Scientific Proceedings Yaroslavl, 2006 3
УДК 3:061.2/.4 ББК С550 М64 Рецензенты: доктор философских наук, профессор А. К. Кудрин ; кафедра политологии и социологии ЯГПУ им. К.Д. Ушинского Мировое сообщество и глобализация: социокультурные, политические, экономические и исторические аспекты. Международная российско-германская научная конференция: Сборник научных трудов / Сост. И.Ю. Киселев ; Яросл. гос. ун-т. – Ярославль : ЯрГУ, 2006. – 144 с. ISBN 5-8397-0411-3 Статьи печатаются в авторской редакции. Составитель: зам. декана по научной работе факультета социально-политических наук ЯрГУ доктор социологических наук И.Ю. Киселев Сборник содержит статьи участников конференции «Мировое сообщество и глобализация: социокультурные, политические, экономические и исторические аспекты» – ученых Ярославского (Россия) и Кассельского (Германия) университетов. В статьях обсуждаются различные аспекты процесса глобализации в современном мире. Конференция проходила на факультете социально-политических наук ЯрГУ с 28.01.2006 г. по 5.02.2006 г. ISBN 5-8397-0411-3 УДК 3:061.2/.4 ББК С550 М64 Scientific reviewers: doctor of philosophy, professor А.К. Kudrin; Chair of politology and sociology of Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky World Society and Globalization: Socio-Cultural, Political, Economic and Historical Issues. International Russian-German Scientific Conference: Scientific Proceedings. ISBN 5-8397-0411-3 Collection of Articles in English and German (translated by the authors) Edited by doctor of sociology I.Yu. Kiselev, dean’s deputy if charge of scientific research and academic development (Department of Social and Political Sciences of Yaroslavl State University). Collection contains articles prepared by the participants of the conference "World Society and Globalization: Socio – Cultural, Political, Economic and Historical Issues". At this conference Russian and German scholars from Yaroslavl State University (Russia) and Universitaet Kassel (Bundesrepublik Deutschland) took part. In their articles various issues of globalization and modernity are under discussion. Conference took place at the Department of Social and Political Sciences of Yaroslavl State University during the period Jan. 28 – Feb. 5, 2006. ISBN 5-8397-0411-3 4 © Yaroslavl State University, 2006 © Ярославский государственный университет, 2006
Contents M. Afonin Globalization and International Conflicts ................................ 7 I.F. Albegova, E.B. Vorobjov Erwachsenenausbildung als globales Problem der Gegenwart ....................................................................... 14 Ju.V. Babak Some Questions of the Children Rights Protection in Conditions of Globalization ............................................. 17 O. Belokhvostova Administrative Practice of Treatment of Immigrants in Russia ................................................................................. 20 N.V. Dosina, T. Martell, E.V. Ratmanova, D.E. Palatnikov The Problem of the Democratization of the Society in the Context of Global Changes in Gender Research ..... 28 O.V. Eparkhina Habitus Significance in Globalization ..................................... 35 O.K. Efimova Idea of globalization: a variety of interpretations ................. 37 I.Yu. Kiselev American Vision of Globalization: Projection of the US Self-image onto the World Politics ..................... 46 S.A. Kudrina «Overturned» Values on the Way to a Police State ............... 56 V.N. Melikhovskiy, I.G. Perelomova Globalization and Development of the Subject of Economic Theory of Information ................................... 63 5
G.M. Nazmudinov The Phenomenon of "Social Exclusion" In Contemporary Russia ...................................................... 66 L.D. Rudenko Migration Aspect of Globalization ........................................... 74 N.V. Scherbakova Human Rights and Freedoms in Conditions of Globalization ..................................................................... 79 A.G. Shustrov Die Persoenlichkeitsquellen des Globalismus ........................ 88 A.G. Smirnova Cooperation among States in the Era of Globalization: Search for the Shared World View ...................................... 89 S. Sushkov “Democracy in action” on the Post-Soviet space ................... 99 L.G. Titova Interaction of Subjective and Objective Principles of the Political Process ........................................................ 103 Johannes Weiss ......................................................................... 107 Humankind as such or An End of Culture ........................... 107 Johannes Weiss Globalization as/or Americanization? A European View ... 123 L.A. Yaroshenko The Image of Hero in the American Culture after September 11th Events ............................................... 131 S. Zaets Russia and the Process of Bologna: Globalization of Higher Education ............................................................ 138 6
M. Afonin Globalization and International Conflicts Globalization has become a prominent aspect of modern global system, one of the most influential forces determining the further process of a civilization. It covers all areas of a public life, including economy, politics, social sphere, culture, ecology, safety, etc. Within last decades a number of globalization sources have come to light. One of them – the technological progress resulted in sharp reduction of transport and communication costs, in significant reduce in processing, storage and information use expenses. Information service is directly connected to successes in electronics – creation of e-mail and Internet. The second source of globalization is the liberalization of trade and other forms of the economic liberalization which caused restriction of protectionism and made world trade more free. In result tariffs have been essentially reduced, many other barriers in goods and services trade are eliminated. Others liberalization measures have led to intensification of movement of the capital and other factors of industry. It is possible to consider the third source of globalization significant expansion of organizations activity, becoming possible as a result of progress in technology and management on the basis of new means of the communications. So, many companies guided earlier only on the local markets, have expanded the industrial and marketing opportunities and came out to national, multinational, international and even a global level. Similar structural changes strengthen positions of such companies, increase their profit, raise productivity that allow them to choose sources of raw material, to open manufacture and to fill the markets in other countries, quickly adapting to varying conditions. Practically all large enterprises have network of branches or the strategic unions which provide them necessary influence and flexibility in the market. Within the framework of such multinational corporations almost the third of world trade now is carried out. 7