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Бюллетень "Экономика Узбекистана" (на английском языке)

Бюллетень "Экономика Узбекистана" (на английском языке) №4 2010 (954,80 руб.)

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АннотацияЕжеквартальный информационно-аналитический бюллетень «Экономика Узбекистана» это единственное в стране издание: выпускается ежеквартально на трех языках: узбекском, русском, английском; представляет комплексный, системный анализ осуществляемых экономических преобразований, складывающихся тенденций социально-экономической трансформации и модернизации в стране в максимально доступной форме. Издание особенно полезно в ситуациях, когда нужно не просто владеть цифрами, но и знать причину их происхождения, понимать, почему в экономике страны формируются те или иные тенденции; где широко представлена статистическая информация из различных министерств и ведомств, зачастую не публикуемая в одном издании. Эта отраслевая и региональная статистика, статистика по труду, банковская и бюджетная статистика, статистика по рынку ценных бумаг и малому предпринимательству в динамике за ряд лет как в абсолютных и относительных значениях.
Бюллетень "Экономика Узбекистана" (на английском языке) .— : Центр экономических исследований .— 2010 .— №4 .— 70 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/193634 (дата обращения: 18.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Uzbekistan Economic Trends Information and Analytical Bulletin for 2010 Tashkent–2011 Editorial board: B.E. Turayev R.M. Shoabdurakhmanov М. <...> OUTPUT AND USE OF GDP High economic development rates preserve Growth in export of goods with high value-added Overall support to small business and service sector Economic growth factors. <...> Macroeconomic stability characterized by relatively low inflation rate equal to 7.3%, state budget surplus equal to 0.3% of GDP and positive foreign trade balance of over USD 4.2 billion; 2. <...> As a result, industrial output grew by 8.3%, production of consumer goods grew by 12%, volume of construction works rose by 8.1%, agricultural output increased by 6.8%, cargo transportation grew by 9.9%; 3. <...> In the structure of capital investments, the share of foreign investment and loans accounted for 28.8%, whereas the volume of foreign direct investment exceeded USD 2.4 billion. 4. <...> Growth of home demand and growth in real incomes of the population resulted in 14.7% increase in retail trade turnover and 13.2% growth in the service sector: 5. <...> Due to the growth in the resource base, commercial banks managed to extend loans for modernization and technical upgrading of industrial enterprises totaling over UZS 3250 billion, which surpassed the 2009 level by 35%. <...> The share of long-term loans (with maturity of over three years) accounts for 75.2% of total loans. 7. <...> Due to the measures aimed at the support and promotion of small business and private entrepreneurship, expansion of their access to financial and material resources, the share of small business in GDP grew from 50.1% in 2009 to 52.5% in 2010, in industry – from 16.9% to 19.6%, in employment – from 73.9% to 74.3%. <...> Growth rates in industrial production of small business accounted for 126.4% against 121.5% in 2009. <...> Implementation of the Service Sector and Entrepreneurship Development Program ensured the growth in the share of the service sector in GDP from 47.2% in 2009 to 49% in 2010. <...> Services provided in rural area had advance development. <...> Over 2000 entities of retail trade, about 500 entities of public catering and 3200 enterprises to render consumer services were put into operation creating 152,500 jobs in rural area. <...> INVESTMENT Growth in foreign investments into processing industries High investment activity of commercial banks <...>
Uzbekistan Economic Trends Information and Analytical Bulletin for 2010 Tashkent–2011
Editorial board: B.E. Turayev R.M. Shoabdurakhmanov М.М. Mirzayev R.М. Abdukarimov А.А. Khaitov К.F. Tolipov Chief Editor: B.M. Eshonov Deputy Chief Editor: J.A. Fattakhova Project Coordinator: Kh.M. Muradova Advisor: O.Z. Gaybullayev Technical assistance: O.V. Naumova Translator: Z.Kh. Zaitova Section coordinators: F.F. Nasritdinov D.R.Abduazizov A.A. Nabikhodjayev S.Kh. Khaitmuratov J.R. Sidikov A.Ya. Khaydarov M.A. Mirsadikov B.S. Yusupov E.S. Akulova N.J. Khusanov F.M. Rizaev N.Ya. Khamrakhodjayev V.V. Baturina E.Z. Zokirov E.M. Mukhitdinov A.Kh. Tuychiyev J.N. Ismailov U.K. Jumanov H.S. Dadayev U.A. Shakirov Yu.T. Abduganiyeva T.M. Akhmedov H.M. Saidakhmedov (section 1.1) (section 1.2) (section 1.3) (section 1.4) (section 2.1) (sections 2.2, 2.3, 2.4) (section 2.5) (section 2.6) (section 2.7.1) (section 2.7.2) (section 3) (section 4.1) (section 4.2) (section 4.3) (section 5.1) (section 5.2) (section 5.2) (sections 5.3, 5.4) (section 5.5) (section 5.6) (section 6) (section 7) (section 7) The publication has been produced with support of UNDP Economic Governance Unit and "Support to Reform Process in Uzbekistan" project. The views and opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the official positions of the Center for Economic Research or the United Nations Development Program. © Center for Economic Research, 2011 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission of the Center for Economic Research.
CONTENTS 1. MACROECONOMIC INDICATORS................................................................................................................... 4 1.1. OUTPUT AND USE OF GDP....................................................................................................................... 4 1.2. INVESTMENT.............................................................................................................................................. 7 1.3. PRICES AND INFLATION ......................................................................................................................... 10 1.4. DEMOGRAPHY, EMPLOYMENT AND LABOR MARKET........................................................................ 13 2. FINANCIAL SECTOR ...................................................................................................................................... 15 2.1. PUBLIC FINANCES................................................................................................................................... 15 2.2. MONETARY POLICY................................................................................................................................. 17 2.3. BANKING SECTOR................................................................................................................................... 18 2.4. CURRENCY POLICY................................................................................................................................. 20 2.5. INSURANCE MARKET.............................................................................................................................. 22 2.6. MARKET FOR LEASING SERVICES........................................................................................................ 24 2.7. SECURITIES MARKET.............................................................................................................................. 26 2.7.1. CORPORATE SECURITIES MARKET................................................................................................... 26 2.7.2. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES MARKET................................................................................................ 27 3. FOREIGN ECONOMIC ACTIVITY................................................................................................................... 30 4. PRIVATE SECTOR DEVELOPMENT AND MARKET TRANSFORMATIONS .............................................. 33 4.1. REAL ESTATE MARKET........................................................................................................................... 33 4.2. SMALL ENTREPRENEURSHIP................................................................................................................ 35 4.3. DEMONOPOLIZATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF A COMPETITIVE ENVIRONMENT.......................... 38 5. SECTORS AND INDUSTRIES OF ECONOMY............................................................................................... 40 5.1. INDUSTRY................................................................................................................................................. 40 5.2. AGRARIAN SECTOR ................................................................................................................................ 43 5.3. CONSUMER GOODS MARKET................................................................................................................ 46 5.4. TRANSPORT AND TRANSPORT COMMUNICATIONS .......................................................................... 48 5.5. COMMUNICATION AND INFORMATIZATION......................................................................................... 51 5.6. TRADE AND SERVICES........................................................................................................................... 53 6. INCOMES AND EXPENDITURES OF THE POPULATION. SOCIAL PROTECTION................................... 58 7. DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONS....................................................................................................................... 60 ANNEX ................................................................................................................................................................ 67 THE LAWS OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN ............................................................................................ 67 MAIN ECONOMIC EVENTS................................................................................................................................. 68