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Глобализация культуры и миссия вузов культуры и искусств (на англ. яз.) (80,00 руб.)

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Первый авторШлыкова О. В.
АвторыКиселева Т. Г.
АннотацияГлобализация - это многоплановое, постоянно меняющееся событие. Это новая ступень развития человечества, которая влияет как на всю мировую экономику, так и на политику гигантских транснациональных компаний.
Кому рекомендованоДля студентов, аспирантов, преподавателей учреждений высшего профессионального образования.
Шлыкова, О.В. Глобализация культуры и миссия вузов культуры и искусств (на англ. яз.) / Т.Г. Киселева; О.В. Шлыкова .— : [Б.и.], 2010 .— 13 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/14231 (дата обращения: 16.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Kiseleva Tatiana Grigorievna, Rector of Moscow State University of Culture and Arts Shlykova Olga Vladimirovna (speaker), Professor of Virtual Communication’s Department at the Moscow State University of Culture and Arts “GLOBALIZATION OF CULTURE AND THE MISSION OF UNIVERSITIES OF CULTURE AND ARTS” INTRODUCTION Globalization is a multiplanned, constantly changing event. <...> Recently the most states – UNESCO members, cultural and scientific public troubles much because of negative influence of globalization on national cultures and finally on constant development of countries in the interest of mankind. <...> At the same time globalization has its positive sides. <...> It approaches the mankind, gives unseen before possibilities for the development of international economic, scientific and cultural links. “There are no easy and quick answers to these calls of globalizations. <...> However it’s possible to cope with the troubles of globalization – it is necessary to take global decisions. <...> It is vitally important for the world academic cooperation to contribute to the strengthening of this movement” (K.Matsurra, general director of UNESCO). <...> The role of education in the supporting of national cultures, saving and multiplying of cultural heritage is great. <...> A particular place in this process are for the universities of culture and arts which lead educational, scientific cultural enlighting and social-pedagogical activities on all levels of pre-university, higher, postgraduate and additional education on high spectrum of humanitarian knowledge. <...> They define their mission as:    providing conditions for personality development, moral and professional level of graduates who are to be an active part of intelligentsia, home and world intellectual elite. saving and development of cultural heritage, best traditions of home and world cultures. consolidation of the society on the priorities of civic rights, improving of cultural plurality and international dialogue. <...> The claim of the results of activities and their social importants, scientific potential and practical experience, the level of international links and material and technical providing of the university give the opportunity to define the following priorities of the following development: - satisfaction of the demands of the society in qualified specialists with high education who can combine deep professional knowledge and high culture and civic activities by means of the realization of educational programmes in the sphere of high education <...>
Kiseleva Tatiana Grigorievna, Rector of Moscow State University of Culture and Arts Shlykova Olga Vladimirovna (speaker), Professor of Virtual Communication’s Department at the Moscow State University of Culture and Arts “GLOBALIZATION OF CULTURE AND THE MISSION OF UNIVERSITIES OF CULTURE AND ARTS” INTRODUCTION Globalization is a multiplanned, constantly changing event. It is a new stage of the mankind development which influences the whole world economics and politics from the side of gigantic transnational companies. Recently the most states – UNESCO members, cultural and scientific public troubles much because of negative influence of globalization on national cultures and finally on constant development of countries in the interest of mankind. At the same time globalization has its positive sides. It approaches the mankind, gives unseen before possibilities for the development of international economic, scientific and cultural links. “There are no easy and quick answers to these calls of globalizations. However it’s possible to cope with the troubles of globalization – it is necessary to take global decisions. It is necessary to create a counter global moving with the aim” to humanize the globalization”. This is a real exist for the mankind nowadays. It is vitally important for the world academic cooperation to contribute to the strengthening of this movement” (K.Matsurra, general director of UNESCO). The role of education in the supporting of national cultures, saving and multiplying of cultural heritage is great. A particular place in this process are for the universities of culture and arts which lead educational, scientific cultural enlighting and social-pedagogical activities on all levels of pre-university, higher, postgraduate and additional education on high spectrum of humanitarian knowledge. They define their mission as:  providing conditions for personality development, moral and professional level of graduates who are to be an active part of intelligentsia, home and world intellectual elite.  saving and development of cultural heritage, best traditions of home and world cultures.  consolidation of the society on the priorities of civic rights, improving of cultural plurality and international dialogue. The claim of the results of activities and their social importants, scientific potential and practical experience, the level of international links and material and technical providing of the university give the opportunity to define the following priorities of the following development: - satisfaction of the demands of the society in qualified specialists with high education who can combine deep professional knowledge and high culture and civic activities by means of