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Cultural Space of Europe: Mosaic of Culture & Arctic Dimension = Культурное пространство Европы: Мозаика культур и арктический вектор: учеб.пособие

Автор: Шадрина Ольга Николаевна
Северный (Арктический) федеральный университет имени М.В. Ломоносова

The training manual "Cultural Space of Europe: Mosaic of Culture & Arctic Dimension" is intended for students, studying the course "Cultural Space of Europe: Arctic Dimension'1 in the programs "Master of European Studies" and "European Research: the Arctic Dimension". This manual presents the author's concept of the tutorial in the interdisciplinary course in the humanities study. The phenomena and processes of the development of the European countries are presented in geocultural and geopolitical aspects.

Предпросмотр: Cultural Space of Europe Mosaic of Culture & Arctic Dimension = Культурное пространство Европы Мозаика культур и арктический вектор учеб.пособие.pdf (0,5 Мб)