658Организация производства. Экономика предприятий. Организация и техника торговли
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Автор: Olhovskiy Vladimir Ya.
Изд-во НГТУ
One of the main tasks of the manual is to consolidate the theoretical material studied by the students in the first term of the Master Program. The manual also includes the issues of electromagnetic compatibility in electrical supply systems with the object under study – the interaction of the system «power supply network – consumer». It allows a student to better understand the physical processes running
not only during the interaction of consumer power supply systems and
power networks but also during the processes of consumerʼs interactions.
The authors analyze the quality of consumer electrical power supply on the
basis of the system operating conditions in accordance with STANDART
Предпросмотр: The Electromagnetic Interference in the Electrical Power Supply Sjstem. The long-term variance of the voltage specifications study guide.pdf (0,2 Мб)
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