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Organisation's Responsibility and Quality Management

Автор: Zinurova R. I.

The tutorial will help graduate students majored in 27.04.02 «Quality Management», 27.04.06 «Organization and management of science consuming industries», 27.04.07 «High-tech technologies and economics of innovation» to study real practical cases and research work related to the specifics of implementing responsible policy in relation to employees of Russian companies, as well as show examples of best practices in the field of social responsibility of big businesses. The authors also proposed materials that reveal the problems of human capital development, and the principles of sustainable development of Russian enterprises. In addition, a circle of problems has been identified for the development of social responsibility of small and medium-sized businesses at the federal and regional levels. The tutorial also can be useful to undergraduates, graduate students, postgraduate students, scholars and universities’ professors.

Предпросмотр: Organisation's Responsibility and Quality Management tutorial.pdf (0,2 Мб)

Optimization of Logistics Costs at Direct Supply Chain with Automobile Dispatches // The Caucasus. - 2016. - V. 12. - I. 2. - Pp. 17-20

Автор: Khoruzhenko E. S.

The assigned task of this paper is to develop a model that will allow scheduling the delivery process of goods by road by motor transport in direct supply chains .Fundamental factors taken into account in the model are time of delivery and compliance and number of goods which need to deliver. Usage of this model in practice allows you to simulate the flow of transport and storage processes within for operational current planning that allows you to make more informed management decisions thereby increasing the efficiency of the whole system of supply chain management. A mathematical model describing the process of cargo delivery and warehousing in the direct SC designed, allowing obtaining shift-year delivery plan.


Organization of Transport Logistics Based of the Concepts of JIT and JIS // Black Sea Scientific Journal of Academic Research. - 2016. - V. 27. - I. 1. - pp. 32-38


В статье обоснована актуальность развития и реализации логистических концепций «точно в срок» и «точно в последовательности», необходимость применения данных концепция в практике планирования, организации и управления процессами доставки грузов. Представлена классификация цепей поставок с учетом логистических концепций «точно в срок» и «точно в последовательности». Дается характеристика моно- и полипартионной доставки. Описана математическая модель процесса доставки грузов в прямой цепи поставок в условиях применения концепций «точно в срок» и «точно в последовательности», позволяющая получить сменно-суточный план доставки.


Oracle открывает представительство в Санкт-Петербурге


Об открытии нового офиса корпорации Oracle, призванного поддержать развитие бизнеса корпорации в Северо-Западном федеральном округе.