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Growth of Schrenk’s Spruce (Picea schrenkiana) Seedlings Related to the Pre-Sowing Stimulating Seed Treatment = Рост сеянцев ели Шренка (Picea schrenkiana) при предпосевной стимулирующей обработке семян

Северный (Арктический) федеральный университет имени М.В. Ломоносова

The uniqueness of the biological properties and the occurrence in nature of the Schrenk’s Spruce (Picea schrenkiana Fisch. & C.A. Mey.), its great forestry significance, and important eco-stabilizing functions of its stands in the Northern Tian Shan are of great interest to a wide range of researchers in many countries. However, many characteristics of this endemic species have been poorly studied so far, and information on the effectiveness of its introduction is extremely limited. We investigated the characteristics of growth and development of spruce seedlings in the conditions of the Nizhny Novgorod region. The seeds were harvested in natural plantations on the territory of the Almaty State Nature Reserve, which is located in the Central part of the Trans-Ili Alatau in South-Eastern Kazakhstan. They were sown in an open ground nursery under stimulating treatment with the following bioactive stimulants: siliplant, ferovit, ecofus, kornevin, heteroauxin, zircon, extrasol, epin, and albit. The soaking of all the seeds in water at the same exposure for 24 h served as control. The aftereffect of bioactive substances in the pre-sowing stimulating treatment of Shrenk’s spruce seeds was found to activate the growth processes of the aboveground part of its seedlings during the introduction into the Nizhny Novgorod region. It was found that the biennial part of seedlings axial shoot had unequal length in different experimental options. The highest values were achieved in the variants with the use of the following stimulants: ferovit (5.95± ±0.02 cm), heteroauxin (5.62±0.16 cm), ecofus (5.47±0.32 cm), and albit (5.49±0.015 cm). The generalized value was 5.08±0.07 cm. The growth characteristics of seedlings also respond to the stimulating effect. The best results in this case were shown by ferovit (2.25±0.023 cm) and heteroauxin (1.96±0.17 cm). The differences in the number of side shoots are less contrasting. However, we can also see the previously noted trends: ferovit (1.42±0.25 pcs); heteroauxin (1.34±0.19 pcs); and albit (1.31±0.19 pcs). We obtained the certificate of sufficient resource of natural conditions of the region for seed breeding of Schrenk’s spruce in the open ground and the significant potential of its introduction to the Nizhny Novgorod region. Уникальность биологии и распространения ели Шренка (Picea schrenkiana Fisch. & C.A. Mey.), большое лесохозяйственное значение и важные эколого-стабилизирующие функции ее насаждений на Северном Тянь-Шане обуславливают неослабевающий интерес исследователей разных стран к этому эндемичному виду. Однако на сегодняшний день многие его характеристики изучены слабо, крайне ограничены сведения об эффективности интродукции. Нами исследованы особенности роста и развития сеянцев ели Шренка в условиях Нижегородской области. Семена были заготовлены в естественных насаждениях на территории Алматинского государственного природного заповедника, который расположен в центральной части Заилийского Алатау на юго-востоке Казахстана. Высевание семян производили в питомнике открытого грунта при стимулирующей обработке биоактивными препаратами: силиплантом, феровитом, экофусом, корневином, гетероауксином, цирконом, экстрасолом, эпином и альбитом. Контролем выступало намачивание семян в воде в единой для всех вариантов экспозиции 24 ч. Эффект применения биоактивных веществ при предпосевной стимулирующей обработке семян ели Шренка выразился в активизации ростовых процессов надземной части ее сеянцев при интродукции в Нижегородскую область. Установлена неодинаковая длина 2-летней части осевого побега сеянцев по вариантам опыта. Наибольшие значения достигнуты в вариантах применения феровита (5,95±0,02 см), гетероауксина (5,62±0,16 см), экофуса (5,47±0,32 см) и альбита (5,49±0,015 см). Среднее значение составило 5,08±0,07 см. Ростовые характеристики сеянцев также реагируют на стимулирующее воздействие. Лучшие результаты и в этом случае показали препараты феровит (2,25±0,023 см) и гетероауксин (1,96±0,17 см). Менее контрастны различия по количеству боковых побегов. Однако и здесь прослеживаются ранее отмеченные тенденции: феровит – 1,42±0,25 шт., гетероауксин – 1,34±0,19 шт., альбит – 1,31±0,19 шт. Получено свидетельство о достаточном ресурсе природных условий региона для семенного размножения ели Шренка в открытом грунте и о существенном потенциале ее интродукции в Нижегородскую область.


Genetic Variation in Growth Characteristics of Hippophae rhamnoides L. Grown under Controlled Conditions

Автор: Demidova
Северный (Арктический) федеральный университет имени М.В. Ломоносова

The Sea Buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.), being one of the most useful plants in the food and medical industry, is widely used for field amelioration, soil recultivation and restoration of disturbed lands. Knowledge about genetic parameters for important traits is a prerequisite for a successful breeding of any species. There are limited number of publications on within- population variation for growth traits and frost hardiness of Sea buckthorn. The experiments were done under the controlled conditions in a climate chamber at the Department of Forest Genetics, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Seedlings of Sea Buckthorn, originating from a controlled cross between three female plants and six male plants, as well as from an open pollination of mother plants, were grown under the controlled conditions until bud-set, a period of dormancy and an ensuing bud flush. Variation in growth, duration of growth period, earliness in bud flush and the fraction of frost-damaged buds after freezing were studied. Confirming previously reported observations, we found that Sea Buckthorn seedlings do not terminate growth at long nights, but low temperature treatment is needed. This lack of photoperiodic response stands in contrast to the majority of tree species in the temperate region. In this experiment, Sea Buckthorn reveals high level of genetic variance for growth and growth rhythm. The female variance component for the characteristics studied was higher than the male variance component, probably owing to seed size. The results analysis suggest that estimation of genetic parameters in Sea Buckthorn shall be based upon controlled crosses rather than on open pollinated progenies. The observed maternal effects indicate that seed weight may be a significant covariate in analyses of variance. The freezing test used in this experiment did not disclose any major genetic variance components responsible for the variation in fraction of damaged buds after freezing.