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Foods and raw materials №2 2024 (660,00 руб.)

Foods and Raw Materials reports pioneering research in the food industry and agricultural science. We publish the results of fundamental and applied research as scientific papers, peer reviews, brief scientific reports, etc. The Journal is a single platform for scientific communication that bridges the gaps between regional, national, and international publications. Foods and Raw Materials has been published in the English language since 2013. Two volumes a year come out in print and online. All submitted manuscripts are checked for plagiarisms via ithenticate.com and antiplagiat.ru and undergo a double-blind peer review. Authors are responsible for the content of their article. As the Journal is fully supported by the Kemerovo State University, we do not charge for submission, translation, peer-review, or publication.

Предпросмотр: Foods and raw materials №2 2024.pdf (0,3 Мб)