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Дерматовенерология. Косметология  / №3 2015

Use of isotretinoin in the treatment of dermatology diseases (30,00 руб.)

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Первый авторMuzychenka
АннотацияBackground. Treatment of acne, rosacea, Hof mfann’s suppurated and cleaved folliculitis and perifolliculitis are usually not an easy task Objective. 98 patients from 15 to 74 years old (65 females and 33 males) with dif efrent types of acne (n=53), rosacea (n=38) and Hof fman’s suppurated and cleaved folliculitis and perifolliculitis (n=7) were observed. Previous standard treatment in these patients was not ef efctive. Methods. Roaccutan in the dose 0.1–0.7 mg/kg/day was titrated until maintaining dose was established or until total cessation of the drug after therapeutic ef efct achievement. The patients underwent clinical and laboratory tests each month with regard to decrease in number of pathological lesions, evidence of psychological problems and dynamics of laboratory parameters. Results. All the patients had an improvement during the course of the disease. No severe side ef efcts were observed during the use of Roaccutane. Other ef efcts were dose dependent and did not necessitate the cessation of treatment. Conclusions. Roaccutane is the ef efctive treatment option for acne, rosacea, Hof mfan’s suppurated and cleaved folliculitis and perifolliculitis.
Muzychenka, A. Use of isotretinoin in the treatment of dermatology diseases / A. Muzychenka // Дерматовенерология. Косметология .— 2015 .— №3 .— С. 11-17 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/478875 (дата обращения: 15.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Treatment of acne, rosacea, Hoff mann’s suppurated and cleaved folliculitis and perifolliculitis are usually not an easy task. <...> Objective. 98 patients from 15 to 74 years old (65 females and 33 males) with diff erent types of acne (n=53), rosacea (n=38) and Hoff man’s suppurated and cleaved folliculitis and perifolliculitis (n=7) were observed. <...> Previous standard treatment in these patients was not eff ective. <...> Roaccutan in the dose 0.1–0.7 mg/kg/day was titrated until maintaining dose was established or until total cessation of the drug after therapeutic eff ect achievement. <...> The patients underwent clinical and laboratory tests each month with regard to decrease in number of pathological lesions, evidence of psychological problems and dynamics of laboratory parameters. <...> No severe side eff ects were observed during the use of Roaccutane. <...> Other eff ects were dose dependent and did not necessitate the cessation of treatment. <...> Roaccutane is the eff ective treatment option for acne, rosacea, Hoff man’s suppurated and cleaved folliculitis and perifolliculitis. <...> Лечение акне, розацеа, абсцедирующего и подрывающего фолликулита и перифолликулита Гоффманна представляет трудности. <...> Под наблюдением находилось 98 пациентов (65 женщин и 33 мужчины) в возрасте от 15 до 74 лет с различными формами акне (n=53) и розацеа (n=38), а также с абсцедирующим и подрывающим фолликулитом и перифолликулитом Гоффманна (n=7). <...> Побочные эффекты от применения роаккутана не носили тяжелого характера, являлись дозозависимыми и не требовали отмены препарата. «Дерматовенерология Косметология» № 3 (03), 2015 11 Use of isotretinoin in the treatment of dermatology diseases Выводы. <...> Изотретиноин является эффективным методом терапии акне, розацеа и абсцедирующего и подрывающего фолликулита и перифолликулита Гоффманна. <...> Isotretinoin (13-cis-retinoic acid) is successfully used since 1979. <...> Traditionally isotretinoin is used at high doses of 0.5–1 mg/kg body weight a day, and in severe cases even at 2 mg/kg with subsequent decrease of the dose until maintaining dose is established. <...> Optimal cumulative dose is <...>