Национальный цифровой ресурс Руконт - межотраслевая электронная библиотека (ЭБС) на базе технологии Контекстум (всего произведений: 637390)
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Первый авторKudinov
АвторыKudinov S.S., Aybazova S.R., Jerez MartinK.
АннотацияThe article is devoted to the problem of the systematic conditionality of personality self-realization. It substantiates the prospects of a systematic approach to the study of this phenomenon, as opposed to the well-established analytical strategies in Russian and foreign psychology. System components and structural characteristics of the self-realization are provided.
RESEARCH ON PERSONALITY SELF-REALIZATION IN CONTEXT OF SYSTEMIC PARADIGM / S.I. Kudinov [и др.] // Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов. Серия: Психология и педагогика .— 2015 .— №2 .— С. 9-15 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/409215 (дата обращения: 02.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

АКТУАЛЬНЫЕ ПРОБЛЕМЫ ПСИХОЛОГИИ ЛИЧНОСТИ И СОЦИАЛЬНОЙ ПСИХОЛОГИИ RESEARCH ON PERSONALITY SELF-REALIZATION IN CONTEXT OF SYSTEMIC PARADIGM S.I. Kudinov, S.S. Kudinov, S.R. Aybazova, K. Marin Jerez Department of Social and Differential Psychology Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia Mikluho-Maklaya str., 6, Moscow, Russia 117198 The article is devoted to the problem of the systematic conditionality of personality self-realization. <...> It substantiates the prospects of a systematic approach to the study of this phenomenon, as opposed to the well-established analytical strategies in Russian and foreign psychology. <...> System components and structural characteristics of the self-realization are provided. <...> Modern research on the problem of self-realization of the personality, show that its success not only promotes the development of professional, social and personal competencies, but also offers a quality of life that affects all aspects of life and human activities. <...> Self-realization acquires a special importance in difficult situations provoked by external challenges as well as individual and personal difficulties as a result of the lack of internal resources, the loss of vital goal-setting and other negative manifestations in human life. <...> Currently, due to the rapid process of integration and globalization of the international community there is a lot of controversy, especially among young people, who are increasingly faced with the contradictions between the need for an active expression in different spheres of life and the lack of an effective mechanism for self-realization preconditioned by external and internal obstacles. <...> The desire to achieve success in the society and profession, to become independent and competitive, and the inability to determine the priority area in the personal selfrealization. <...> The analysis of Russian and foreign philosophical and psychological literature concerning the research of personality self-realization attests to the fact that this problem is interdisciplinary and remains poorly developed, especially in the framework of the national psychology. <...> This is confirmed by the absence of a unified methodology and theoretical basis of the study, the ambiguity in the interpretation of the term “self-realization”,an illegal substitution of the present psychological phenomenon to other definitions, such as self-actualization, self-fulfillment, and others, the uncertainty in explaining the genesis of this phenomenon, the contradictory assumptions and determinations of its manifestation, the bipolarity of points of view toward the nature and the structural organization of the human self-realization. <...> In recent years, more and more attempts being made for the systemic study of selfrealization (E.V. Galazhinsky, L.A. Korostyleva, I.V. Kostakova, Kudinov S.S. and others). <...> The principal research conducted in this approach <...>