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Известия высших учебных заведений. Проблемы полиграфии и издательского дела

Известия высших учебных заведений. Проблемы полиграфии и издательского дела №2 2016 (449,00 руб.)

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АннотацияНаучно-технический журнал, посвященный распространению новейших достижений науки, техники, технологии и экономики в области полиграфии и издательского дела.
Известия высших учебных заведений. Проблемы полиграфии и издательского дела .— 2016 .— №2 .— 168 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/317566 (дата обращения: 19.05.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Научно-технический журнал, посвященный распространению новейших достижений науки, техники, технологии и экономики в области полиграфии и издательского дела. <...>
СОДЕРЖАНИЕ МАШИНОСТРОЕНИЕ, МАТЕРИАЛОВЕДЕНИЕ И ТЕХНОЛОГИИ ПОЛИГРАФИИ Бобров В.И. МОДЕЛЬ ПРОЦЕССА ЗАХВАТА ПЕТЛИ ЛИСТА ВАЛИКАМИ В НОЖЕВОМ ФАЛЬЦЕВАЛЬНОМ УСТРОЙСТВЕ ................................................................. 3 Карташева О.А., Пастухова Ю.В. ИЗУЧЕНИЕ ВОЗМОЖНОСТЕЙ ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЯ КОНЦЕНТРИЧЕСКОЙ РАСТРОВОЙ ТОЧКИ В ЦИФРОВОЙ МАСОЧНОЙ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ ИЗГОТОВЛЕНИЯ ФЛЕКСОГРАФСКИХ ПЕЧАТНЫХ ФОРМ.................................................. 12 Корнилов И.К. СИСТЕМНЫЙ ПОДХОД ПРИ ПРОЕКТИРОВАНИИ ИЗДАНИЙ ............................................. 19 Линкевич А.Ю., Самохин В.Н., Спиридонов С.В., Чечкин Г.А. УСРЕДНЕНИЕ МОДИФИЦИРОВАННОЙ ЖИДКОСТИ О.А. ЛАДЫЖЕНСКОЙ, ПРОТЕКАЮЩЕЙ ЧЕРЕЗ ПОРИСТУЮ ПРЕГРАДУ ................................................................ 25 Литунов С.Н., Тощакова Ю.Д. ПРИМЕНЕНИЕ АКТИВАТОРОВ КАК РЕШЕНИЕ ПРОБЛЕМЫ СТРУКТУРИРОВАНИЯ ОФСЕТНОЙ КРАСКИ ........................................................................ 36 Савельев М.А., Комарова Л.Ю., Кондратов А.П. АДАПТАЦИЯ СИНТЕТИЧЕСКИХ НЕТКАНЫХ МАТЕРИАЛОВ ДЛЯ ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЯ В ПОЛИГРАФИЧЕСКОМ ПРОИЗВОДСТВЕ .................................. 44 Тарасов Д.А., Сергеев А.П., Тягунов А.Г. ПРЕДИКТОРЫ СКОРОСТИ ЧТЕНИЯ ЭЛЕКТРОННЫХ ТЕКСТОВ .......................................... 55 Шадрина С.А., Чуркин А.В., Шашлов А.Б. ШИРОКОФОРМАТНЫЕ ПРИНТЕРЫ С УФ-ОТВЕРЖДАЕМЫМИ ЧЕРНИЛАМИ .................... 69 ИЗДАТЕЛЬСКОЕ ДЕЛО И ДОКУМЕНТАЛЬНАЯ ИНФОРМАЦИЯ Куприянова Т.Г., Желудева Е.В. ОБРАЗ М.Е. САЛТЫКОВА-ЩЕДРИНА КАК РЕДАКТОРА «ОТЕЧЕСТВЕННЫХ ЗАПИСОК» В ИСТОРИИ РУССКОЙ ЖУРНАЛИСТИКИ (К 190-ЛЕТИЮ СО ДНЯ РОЖДЕНИЯ ПИСАТЕЛЯ) ......................................................................................................................... 88 Перевалова Е.В. ЖИЗНЬ МОСКВЫ И МОСКОВСКОЙ ГУБЕРНИИ 1860–1880-Х ГГ. В ПУБЛИКАЦИЯХ «МОСКОВСКИХ ВЕДОМОСТЕЙ» ............................................................ 96
СОДЕРЖАНИЕ 163 ПРОБЛЕМЫ ЭКОНОМИКИ МЕДИАБИЗНЕСА Бирюков В.А. МЕТОДИКА ОЦЕНКИ СТРАТЕГИЧЕСКОЙ ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКОЙ УСТОЙЧИВОСТИ СРЕДСТВ МАССОВОЙ ИНФОРМАЦИИ................................................. 105 Бирюков В.А. ОСОБЕННОСТИ ЦЕНООБРАЗОВАНИЯ НА РАЗМЕЩЕНИЕ РЕКЛАМЫ В СРЕДСТВАХ МАССОВОЙ ИНФОРМАЦИИ ..................................................................... 119 Катанаева М.А., Степанова Г.Н. ОРГАНИЗАЦИОННАЯ ИННОВАТИКА: СТРАТЕГИЧЕСКАЯ ЭКВИФИНАЛЬНОСТЬ РАЗВИТИЯ МЕДИАОРГАНИЗАЦИЙ ................................................................................... 127 Ливсон М.В. АКТУАЛЬНЫЕ ВОПРОСЫ РАЗРАБОТКИ РЕКЛАМНО-КОММУНИКАЦИОННОЙ СТРАТЕГИИ ТЕЛЕКАНАЛОВ КАК ФАКТОРА ПОВЫШЕНИЯ ИХ ДОХОДНОСТИ ................. 136 Ливсон М.В. ОСОБЕННОСТИ ФОРМИРОВАНИЯ ДОХОДОВ ТЕЛЕКОМПАНИЙ В УСЛОВИЯХ ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКОГО КРИЗИСА .................................................................. 147 Шаронин П.Н. МЕТОДОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ АСПЕКТЫ ФОРМИРОВАНИЯ ИНТЕГРАЦИОННОГО КАПИТАЛА МЕДИАОРГАНИЗАЦИЙ НА ОСНОВЕ ПОСТРОЕНИЯ КАПИТАЛОГРАММЫ ..... 155 CONTENT ........................................................................................................................... 162 Приложение ...................................................................................................................... 167
C O N T E N T ENGINEERING, MATERIAL SCIENCE AND PRINTING TECHNOLOGIES V.I. Bobrov MODEL OF THE PROCESS OF LOOP CAPTURE SHEET BY FOLDING ROLLERS IN A KNIFE FOLDER ............................................................................................................... 3 The article examines the folding process of sheet materials in a knife folder (KF) considering the elastic properties of a sheet loop. The condition of the KF operability is received and equation of motion of the sheet at the stage of its acceleration for different diagrams of hardening of the loop of the sheet along with the motion on its speeding-up stage. A graphic example of the calculation of the motion parameters of a head of a sheet loop is also given. Keywords: folding of sheets, process of a folding, a knife folder, elastic-plastic properties of sheets, working capacity of a knife folder, the motion equation of a sheet in a knife folder. O.A. Kartasheva, Yu.V. Pastuhova STUDY OF THE POSSIBILITY OF USING OF CONCENTRIC RASTER POINT IN THE DIGITAL MASK TECHNOLOGY OF MAKING FLEXOGRAPHIC PRINTING PLATES ..........12 The article covers the study of possibility of using of concentric raster point in the making of flexographic printing plates with the digital mask technology. The assessment of the image tone rendering with different "ring" and "slot" size ratios of the dots has been made. The analysis of the received results has been conducted by comparing the usage of concentric dots and the usage of widely applied round dots. The concentric dot application potential for fulfilling certain tasks is revealed. Keywords: concentric dot, digital mask technology, halftone process, oxygen inhibition, tone rendering. I.K. Kornilov SYSTEM APPROACH AT DESIGNING THE EDITIONS.............................................................. 19 The article examines main rules of a system approach, which applies at designing the editions. The universal scheme of production is analyzed and indicators of quality of editions are entered. The methods of calculation of integral indicator of quality is presented. Keywords: system approach, edition, indicators of quality, integral indicator. A.Yu. Linkevitch, V.N. Samokhin, S.V. Spiridonov, G.A.Chechkin HOMOGENIZATION OF O.A. LADYZHENSKAYA MODIFIED FLUID FLOWING THROUGH A POROUS BARRIER ............................................................................................ 25 In this paper we study the behavior of a stationary boundary layer of the O.A.Ladyzhenskaya modified fluid flowing through a porous barrier. We consider a family of boundary value problems with a small parameter, in which the microinhomogeneity focused on the boundary of the domain (the initial velocity profile depends on a small parameter). We constructed the homogenized problem and prove the convergence of solutions of the original problem to the solution of the homogenized one, while reducing the size of microinhomogeneities. Thus, we describ the movement of this microinhomogeneous fluid. Keywords: fluid mechanics, boundary layer, the O.A. Ladyzhenskaya modified fluid, microinhomogeneous fluid, homogenization.
CONTENT 165 S.N. Litunov, Yu.D. Toshchakova USE OF ACTIVATORS AS SOLUTION OF THE PROBLEM OF STRUCTURING PAINT AT THE MOVEMENT OF TIKSOTROPNY LIQUID ........................................................... 36 The article presents the results of the study of problem of incomplete mixing of paint in a colorful box offset printing machine. The existing devices for changing the structure of the paint are considered, their effectiveness are analyzed. For mixing paint authors propose to use activators of the passive type. Experiments to determine the temperature of printing ink as technological criterion of mixing process of activator of passive type on example ink fountain of offset printing machine are conducted. The dependences of the paint temperature on the diameter of the activator and the amount of ink in the ink fountain are received. According to the results of the experiment authors concluded about minor impact of activator on the temperature of the rolling group. Keywords: tiksotropny liquid, offset printing, colorful box, paint hashing, activator. M.A. Savelev, L.Yu. Komarova, A.P. Kondratov ADAPTATION OF SYNTHETIC NONWOVENS FOR USE IN THE PRINTING INDUSTRY ............... 44 Authors revealed macro effects of interaction between the liquid droplets with a nonwoven fibrous-porous fabric comprising polypropylene fibers. These effects consist of the inversion of wetting and extreme change in absorption of water droplets in the fibrous-porous material in process the seal its structure. The optimal conditions for heat treatment prepress nonwoven webs to reduce losses of water-soluble paint with ink jet print are found. The possibility of using native nonwoven materials (webs) of a mixture of synthetic fibers in the thermoplastic melt as absorbents in the production of photopolymer in the production of printing forms for "FAST" technology of the firm DuPont are also research. Keywords: nonwoven material, fibers, heat treatment, wetting angle, capillarity, flaking. D.A. Tarasov, A.P. Sergeev, A.G. Tyagunov THE PREDICTORS OF THE ELECTRONIC TEXTS' READING SPEED........................................ 55 The work contains the results of the study of reading speed of electronic texts and associated oculomotor activity by using eyetracking. These information allowed to reveal the main predictors of the reading speed of texts in electronic media. Comparison of the results of study with the known data on the reading speed of texts on paper suggest that the oculomotor patterns of activity and the main predictors of the reading speed of electronic texts and on paper form are significantly different and require further research. Keywords: irregularity, reading speed, text, font, eyetracker. S.A. Shadrina, A.V. Churkin, A.B. Shashlov LARGE-FORMAT PRINTERS UV-CURABLE INK ..................................................................... 69 The article shows a condition of the modern market of the equipment for the large-format press. The detailed description of features of UV-curable ink is given. The basis of the article is table of popular in the Russian market UV printers. Author covers tendencies of development of modern Russian market of large-format UV printing as well as background to the use of UV-LED technology. Upgrading of the design of the printers allows printing on various materials. Keywords: large-format printing, jet printer, UV-curable ink, UV printer, UV-LED technology. PUBLISHING AND DOCUMENTARY DATA T.G. Kupriyanova, E.V. Zheludeva IMAGE OF M.E. SALTYKOV-SHCHEDRIN AS EDITOR OF "NOTES OF THE FATHERLAND" IN THE HISTORY OF RUSSIAN JOURNALISM (190-th anniversary of the writer's birthday) ......................................................................... 88 The article is devoted to the 190th anniversary of the great Russian writer and journalist M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. Authors consider the problem of studying his activities as editor of the journal "Notes of the Fatherland" and his role in the formation and development of this edition. Keywords: edition, editorial work, belles-lettres, hand-written texts, proofreading, publicism, review, censorship, literary criticism. E.V. Perevalova LIFE OF MOSCOW AND MOSCOW PROVINCE IN THE 1860–1880TH IN PUBLICATIONS OF "MOSCOVSKIE VEDOMOSTI" ............................................................. 96
166 CONTENT The article discusses publications of the newspaper of M.N. Katkov "Moscovskie Vedomosti" which covered the life and problems of Moscow and the Moscow province in the 1860–1880th. Author revealed that content of edition was very various, actual and met information requirements and interests of the Moscow mass audience. Keywords: "Moscovskie Vedomosti", M.N. Katkov, Moscow, thematic variety. ISSUES OF ECONOMICS OF MEDIABUSINESS V.A. Biryukov METHODS OF ASSESSMENT OF STRATEGIC ECONOMIC STABILITY OF MASS MEDIA ....... 105 The article describes the essence of strategic economic stability of the mass media, which focuses on development strategy, the characteristic of its components is given. The author's methods of an assessment of strategic economic stability of mass media is offered. Keywords: methods, strategic economic stability, assessment, strategy, mass media. V.A. Biryukov FEATURES OF PRICING FOR ADVERTISING PLACEMENT IN MASS MEDIA .......................... 119 The article deals the features of pricing for advertising placement in the mass media considering their specifics. The examples of determination of the price for advertising in mass media are considered. Keywords: pricing, advertising, radio, television, mass media. М.A. Katanayeva, G.N. Stepanova ORGANIZATIONAL INNOVATICS: STRATEGIC EQUIFINALITY OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE MEDIA ORGANIZATIONS ......................................................... 127 The paper reflects the issue of design of management structure of media organization on the basis of the "developing" approach in the conditions of dynamic development of external environment. Structural alternatives as reflection of strategic equifinality decisions are considered. The organizational and staffing decisions are presented. They allow to realize current and future activities based on the use of the intellectual potential of employees. Ways for creation of the trainee media organization on the basis of creative technologies are formulated. Keywords: development, management structure, structural opportunities and restrictions, equifinality, functional conflict, system and process approaches, trainee organization. M.V. Livson TOPICAL ISSUES OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF ADVERTISING & COMMUNICATION STRATEGY OF TV CHANNELS AS A FACTOR OF INCREASING OF ITS PROFITABILITY ........... 136 The article discusses the features of the development of advertising and communication strategy for TV companies, which will attract more audience and increase monetization business. Keywords: advertising, communication, media business, audience, monetization, profitability, television viewing, mass media. M.V. Livson FEATURES OF FORMATION OF INCOME OF TV COMPANIES IN CONDITIONS OF ECONOMIC CRISIS .............................................................................. 147 The article describes actual problems of formation of the income of the TV organizations under the influence of crisis processes during the period 2014-2016. Author proposes innovative methods of income generation that will allow the TV channels to adapt for changing economic conditions. Keywords: advertising, budgets, mass media, crisis, income, public funding, advertisers, TV channel. P.N. Sharonin METHODOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF FORMATION INTEGRATION CAPITAL OF MEDIA ORGANIZATIONS ON THE BASIS OF CONSTRUCTION OF CAPITAL STRUCTURE ................. 155 This article examines the innovative way of creation of competitive advantages of media organizations on a basis of creation of a certain configuration of the capitals - capital structure of corporation which depends on priorities and the chosen strategy of development of the media organization. Keywords: integration capital, configuration of capitals, capital structure, media organization, media industry.