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Известия высших учебных заведений. Проблемы полиграфии и издательского дела

Известия высших учебных заведений. Проблемы полиграфии и издательского дела №5 2016 (449,00 руб.)

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АннотацияНаучно-технический журнал, посвященный распространению новейших достижений науки, техники, технологии и экономики в области полиграфии и издательского дела.
Известия высших учебных заведений. Проблемы полиграфии и издательского дела .— 2016 .— №5 .— 144 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/317569 (дата обращения: 28.05.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Научно-технический журнал, посвященный распространению новейших достижений науки, техники, технологии и экономики в области полиграфии и издательского дела. <...>
СОДЕРЖАНИЕ МАШИНОСТРОЕНИЕ, МАТЕРИАЛОВЕДЕНИЕ И ТЕХНОЛОГИИ ПОЛИГРАФИИ Янковская О.С., Баблюк Е.Б. НЕКОТОРЫЕ СВОЙСТВА ФОТОПОЛИМЕРИЗУЮЩИХСЯ ПЛАСТИН ДЛЯ ФОРМ ФЛЕКСОГРАФСКОЙ ПЕЧАТИ ........................................................................... 3 ИНФОРМАТИКА, ВЫЧИСЛИТЕЛЬНАЯ ТЕХНИКА И УПРАВЛЕНИЕ В МЕДИАБИЗНЕСЕ Бикметов А.Р., Самохин В.Н., Хуснуллин И.Х., Чечкина Т.П. ПЛОСКИЙ СКАЛЯРНЫЙ АНАЛОГ ЗАДАЧИ ЛИНЕЙНОЙ ГИДРОДИНАМИКИ С НЕПЕРИОДИЧЕСКОЙ МИКРОСТРУКТУРОЙ НА ЧАСТИ ГРАНИЦЫ ОБЛАСТИ .................. 10 ИЗДАТЕЛЬСКОЕ ДЕЛО И ДОКУМЕНТАЛЬНАЯ ИНФОРМАЦИЯ Беловицкая А.А. СИСТЕМНО-ТИПОЛОГИЧЕСКИЙ МЕТОД КНИГОВЕДЕНИЯ ............................................... 30 Беловицкая А.А. ИЗ ИСТОРИИ ПЕРВЫХ ДЕСЯТИЛЕТИЙ СОВЕТСКОГО КНИГОИЗДАНИЯ: КНИЖНЫЕ СЕРИИ ............................................................................................................... 38 Вагабов М.М., Суркова Е.А. ПАМЯТНИКИ КНИЖНОЙ КУЛЬТУРЫ В ФОНДЕ НАЦИОНАЛЬНОЙ БИБЛИОТЕКИ РЕСПУБЛИКИ ДАГЕСТАН: ОРГАНИЗАЦИЯ ХРАНЕНИЯ И ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЯ .......................................................................................................... 47 Вагабов М.М., Суркова Е.А. ПРОБЛЕМЫ ФОРМИРОВАНИЯ ИНФОРМАЦИОННОЙ КУЛЬТУРЫ ЛИЧНОСТИ СТУДЕНТОВ В НАУЧНОЙ БИБЛИОТЕКЕ ДАГЕСТАНСКОГО ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОГО УНИВЕРСИТЕТА .............................................................................. 54 Векшин Г.В. КЛЮЧЕВЫЕ ПОНЯТИЯ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЙ ЯЗЫКА СМИ: ПРОБЛЕМЫ ТЕРМИНОЛОГИИ ............................................................................................ 60 Векшин Г.В., Хомякова Е.В. КНИГА КАК КОММУНИКАТИВНЫЙ ФЕНОМЕН (ФУНКЦИОНАЛЬНЫЙ АСПЕКТ) ................. 73 Звонарёва Л.У., Кудрявцева Л.С. ИЗ ИСТОРИИ ИЛЛЮСТРИРОВАНИЯ СКАЗОК Х.К. АНДЕРСЕНА РУССКИМИ ХУДОЖНИКАМИ С 1868 ПО 2016 ГОД ............................................................. 82
СОДЕРЖАНИЕ 139 Звонарёва Л.У. КНИГИ И АВТОГРАФЫ РУССКИХ ПИСАТЕЛЬНИЦ-ЭМИГРАНТОК В СОБРАНИИ РЕНЭ ГЕРРА ................................................................................................. 89 Звонарёва Л.У. СЕМАНТИЧЕСКАЯ ТРАНСФОРМАЦИЯ ПОЛЬСКИХ ТОПОНИМОВ И ПРОИЗВОДНЫХ ОТ НИХ В ТВОРЧЕСТВЕ ЮРИЯ КУЗНЕЦОВА ........................................ 99 Козленко П.В. ДЕРИВАЦИОННЫЙ ВЗГЛЯД НА АГЕНТИВНОЕ ИМЯ В ПРОИЗВЕДЕНИЯХ Ф.М. ДОСТОЕВСКОГО .................................................................... 105 Козленко П.В. ЛИЧНО-ИМЕННАЯ МОДЕЛЬ ОЦЕНОЧНОГО ВЫСКАЗЫВАНИЯ ........................................ 112 Козленко П.В. ОЦЕНОЧНО-ПРЕДМЕТНАЯ МОДЕЛЬ С АГЕНТИВНЫМ ИМЕНЕМ В ПРОИЗВЕДЕНИЯХ Ф.М. ДОСТОЕВСКОГО .................................................................... 119 ПРОБЛЕМЫ ЭКОНОМИКИ МЕДИАБИЗНЕСА Бирюков В.А., Костина Е.П., Королев Д.А. МЕХАНИЗМ УСТОЙЧИВОГО РАЗВИТИЯ ЭКОНОМИКИ СРЕДСТВ МАССОВОЙ ИНФОРМАЦИИ: ТЕОРЕТИЧЕСКИЕ АСПЕКТЫ .............................................. 129 CONTENT ........................................................................................................................... 140
C O N T E N T ENGINEERING, MATERIAL SCIENCE AND PRINTING TECHNOLOGIES O.S. Yankovskaya, E.B. Babluk SOME PROPERTIES OF PHOTOPOLYMERIZING PLATES FOR FLEXOGRAPHIC PRINTING FORMS ................................................................................. 3 The paper presents experimental results study forms and flexoprinting plates. Shows the relationship quality of prints with the physico-mechanical properties of flexographic printing forms. Keywords: flexography, printing plate for flexographic, properties of printing plates. INFORMATION AND COMPUTER SCIENCE, MEDIA BUSINESS MANAGEMENT A.R. Bikmetov, V.N. Samokhin, I.Kh. Khusnullin, T.P. Chechkina PLANE SCALAR ANALOGUE OF LINEAR HYDRODYNAMICAL PROBLEM WITH NON-PERIODIC MICROSTRUCTURE ON THE PORTION OF THE BORDER ..................... 10 In this paper we consider the problem of low-frequency vibrations of heavy viscous incompressible fluid in a vessel with free surface covered with a perforated cap with nonperiodic microstructure. It is assumed for simplicity that the problem is 2D. For the obtained quadratic operator pencil we construct the limit (homogenized) operator pencil and prove the homogenization theorem in the cases when the cap “disappears” and the perforation tightens. Keywords: non-periodic homogenization, operator pencil, vibration of fluid, perforation. PUBLISHING AND DOCUMENTARY DATA A.A. Belovitskaya SYSTEM-TYPOLOGICAL METHOD OF BOOKKNOWLEDGE ..................................................... 30 The article presents the theory, structure end scientific potentials of system-typological method of bookknowledge. Keywords: science, scientific knowledge, the structure of scientific knowledge, the General concept of the method, the ratio of theory and method, theory and system of the typological method in bookknowledge. A.A. Belovitskaya THE HISTORY OF THE FIRST DECADES OF THE SOVIET PUBLISHING: BOOK SERIES ........... 38 The article consideres various soviet book series published and conceived during the first decades of the USSR, as well as principles and criteria of their realization: general concept, purpose and types of various book series, book series as ways to the publishing flow and to influence reading habits of various social groups. Keywords: cultural revolution, publishing house, A.M. Gorky, ideology, book series, criteria, typology. M.M. Vagabov, E.A. Surkova MONUMENTS OF BOOK CULTURE IN THE COLLECTION OF THE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF THE REPUBLIC OF DAGESTAN: ORGANIZATION OF STORAGE AND USE ........... 47
CONTENT 141 The article describes the experience of work the Department of rare and valuable books of the Republican National library named after R. Gamzatov in Makhachkala on the conservation and sustainable use of unique book collections, valuable works of print, most of which is a kind of literary monuments of national and world science and culture. Keywords: monuments of book culture, library, national library of the Republic of Dagestan, deposit books, rare and valuable books. M.M. Vagabov, E.A. Surkova PROBLEMS OF FORMATION OF INFORMATION CULTURE OF STUDENTS IN THE SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY OF THE STATE OF DAGESTAN UNIVERSITY .............................. 54 The paper analyzes problems of formation of information culture of students in the scientific library of the State of Dagestan University. It presents, that if earlier traditionally the main function of university libraries was the collection and storage of books, but now, when university libraries have a rich potential of information, presented in the form of books, newspaper and journal collection, electronic databases, Internet resources, developed bibliographic apparatus in the electronic form, the most important task is the analysis of primary sources and conducting formal and original events. Keywords: information culture, student, scientific library of the State of Dagestan University. G.V. Vekshin THE KEY CONCEPTS OF MASS MEDIA LANGUAGE STUDIES: PROBLEMS OF TERMINOLOGY ............................................................................................. 60 The paper headlines some terminological problems of disciplines studying the language of mass media, important for the editors, working on the terminology and conceptual system of scientific publications. Keywords: term, term system, quasiterminology, language, mass media, discourse, functional style, genre, text, ideologeme, determinant. G.V. Vekshin, E.V. Khomyakova BOOK AS A COMMUNICATIVE PHENOMENA (FUNCTIONAL ASPECT) .................................. 73 Basing on the proposed general scheme of the communicative act, in the article it is undertaken the experience of functional semiotic description of the book in its core communicative elements and properties, which makes it a key cultural phenomena, and the original model of literary communication is presented, as well as the basic definition of a book as a communication tool is promoted. Keywords: semiotics, book, communication, model, context, language, author, reader, editor, edition. L.U. Zvonareva, L.S. Kudriavseva THE STYLES AND WAYS RUSSIAN ARTISTS INTERPRETED ANDERSEN’ FAIRY TAILES FROM 1868 TO 2016 ........................................................................................ 82 The article presents the Andersen fairy tales illustration experience developed by the Russian artists from 1868 to 2016. Keywords: combination of domestic and visionary, unique symbolism, psychologism, reality, aquatint etch, masterly cursory pattern, watercolor figure-ground, the integral artistic book space, romantic suite. L.U. Zvonareva BOOKS AND MANUSCRIPTS OF THE RUSSIAN FIRST EMIGRATION WAVE AUTHORESSES COMPRISED BY RENЙ GUERRA’S ARCHIVE ...................................... 89 In article author presents and comments autographs and books by Zinaida Guippius, Catherine Tauber, Irene Odoevtseva, Nina Berberova and Galina Kuznetsova, being part of the said assemblage. It’s no need to mention that Renй Guerra is known as the famous French Slavonic philologist, with his archive being the most comprehensive collection of this type in the world, and founder of the unique Mallemuck publishing house issuing Russian emigrant writers’ books. Studying of the autographs makes it possible for the author to clarify the peculiarities of relations among emigrant writers and reiterate that Renй Guerra was right long before claiming the Russian Silver Age begun in St. Petersburg and completed in Paris. Keywords: the Silver Age, Russian Paris domestic culture, colloquialism cultivation, intellectual center, implemented project.
142 CONTENT L.U. Zvonareva SEMANTIC TRANSFORMATION OF POLISH TOPONISMS AND ITS DERIVATIVES MADE BY JURY KOUZNETSOFF IN ITS CREATIONS ............................................................... 99 The article presents peculiarities of historic and symbolic meanings of Polish toponims and its derivatives, as well as the way Jury Kouznetsoff actualizes their semantic potential in his works. Keywords: toponym, translation, semantic dyad, symbol, messianic value. P.V. Kozlenko THE DERIVATION OF AGENT NOUN IN THE WORKS OF F. DOSTOYEVSKY ............................ 105 The article describes the word-forming potential of the agent noun as the important element of derivation typology in the functional-semantic field of evaluation. The article investigates the specific of word-forming modification of the agent noun in the works of F. Dostoyevsky. The article proves that agent noun reflects the interaction of the syntactical and lexical derivation represented by evaluative predicate as the element of mechanism of the function-semantic field of evaluation. Keywords: derivation typology, word-formative modification, transposition morpheme, evaluative predicate, idiostyle, agent noun, Dostoyevsky, function-semantic field of evaluation. P.V. Kozlenko PERSON-NOUN MODEL OF THE EVALUATIVE EXPRESSION ............................................... 112 The article observes the person-noun model of the evaluative expression in Dostoyevsky’s idiostyle. The article studies the evaluative discourse of characters in statements which reflect the evaluative situation of egocentric type, represented by contradictory appraisals. The article proves that agent noun in predicate position of person-noun statements create the pragmatic effect for communication and evaluative describes the character. Keywords: person-noun model, evaluative predicate, agent-self-appraisal, agentcharacteristics, self-characteristic of the character, idiostyle, agent noun, agent-connotation, agent-pragmeme, agent-function, Dostoyevsky, function-semantic field of evaluation. P.V. Kozlenko EVALUATIVE-OBJECTIVE MODEL WITH AGENT NOUN IN THE WORKS OF FEODOR DOSTOYEVSKY ................................................................................................ 119 The article considering the variety of the agent noun evaluation models in the works of F. Dostoyevsky. It describes the features of the implementation of evaluative-objective model and its distinctive figurative character in the art space of Dostoyevsky. The article proves that the agent noun implement the axiological predicate of the evaluative-objective models in the functionsemantic field of evaluation and their expressive and emotional modifications. Keywords: evaluative-objective model, evaluative predicate, idiostyle, agent noun, agentconnotation, agent-pragmeme, figurative agentive, Dostoyevsky, functional-semantic field of evaluation. ISSUES OF ECONOMICS OF MEDIABUSINESS VA. Biryukov, E.P. Kostina, D.A. Korolev MECHANISM OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF ECONOMY OF MASS MEDIA: THEORETICAL ASPECTS ........................................................................ 129 In article describes factors and causes of infringement of stability of economy of mass media, approaches to essence of the mechanism of their sustainable development are analysed and its functioning is offered. Keywords: mechanism, stability, sustainable development, economy, mass media.

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