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Legal Regulation of the Economy (278,00 руб.)

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Первый авторПавлов П. В.
АвторыЮжный федер. ун-т
ИздательствоРостов н/Д.: Изд-во ЮФУ
АннотацияThe concepts of legal regulation of economic relations, state regulation and management in the field of economy are defined; specific features of civil law regulation are highlighted. The general provisions on obligations and contracts are given; the main contract types in economic activity are reviewed. Special attention is paid to tax regulation of entrepreneurial activity, legal regulation of banking, and the characterization of crimes in the economic sphere. The foundations of international public and private law are given, international economic, commercial and financial law is considered. The author takes into account the latest changes in Russian legislation.
Кому рекомендованоThe textbook, designed for students, graduate students and teachers of economic universities, provides the basics of the legal regulation of economic activity in the Russian Federation.
Павлов, П.В. Legal Regulation of the Economy : учебник / Южный федер. ун-т; П.В. Павлов .— Ростов-на-Дону : Изд-во ЮФУ, 2019 .— 218 с. — Текст на англ. яз. — ISBN 978-5-9275-3257-5 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/745906 (дата обращения: 16.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

MINISTRY OF SCIENCE AND HIGHER EDUCATION OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal state autonomous educational institution оf higher education «SOUTHERN FEDERAL UNIVERSITY» P. V. Pavlov LEGAL REGULATION OF THE ECONOMY Textbook Rostov-on-Don – Taganrog Southern Federal University Press 2019 1
UDC 336.744 BBC 67.99(2Р)3я73 Р12 Published by decision of the Department of Enterprise Economics Institute of Management in Economic, Ecological and Social Systems, Southern Federal University (Minutes No. 12 of March 26, 2019) Reviewers: Yana S. Matkovskaya, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Accounting, Consulting and Taxation, State University of Management (99, Ryazan Avenue, 109542, Moscow, Russia; e-mail: matkovskaya@guu.ru); Yulia V. Vertakova, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Kursk branch, Financial University under the Government of Russian Federation (3, Lomonosova str., 305016, Kursk, Russia; e-mail: YVVertakova@fa.ru); Yuriy A. Kolesnikov, Doctor of Law, Professor, Department of Financial Law, Southern Federal University (105/42, B. Sadovaya Str., 344000, Rostov-on-Don, Russia; e-mail: yakolesnikov@sfedu.ru) Pavlov, Р. V. Р12 Legal regulation of the economy : textbook / Р. V. Pavlov ; Southern Federal University. – Rostov-on-Don ; Taganrog : Southern Federal University Press, 2019. – 214 p. ISBN 978-5-9275-3257-5 The textbook, designed for students, graduate students and teachers of economic universities, provides the basics of the legal regulation of economic activity in the Russian Federation. The concepts of legal regulation of economic relations, state regulation and management in the field of economy are defined; specific features of civil law regulation are highlighted. The general provisions on obligations and contracts are given; the main contract types in economic activity are reviewed. Special attention is paid to tax regulation of entrepreneurial activity, legal regulation of banking, and the characterization of crimes in the economic sphere. The foundations of international public and private law are given, international economic, commercial and financial law is considered. The author takes into account the latest changes in Russian legislation. UDC 336.744 BBC 67.99(2Р)3я73 ISBN 978-5-9275-3257-5 © Southern Federal University Press, 2019 © Pavlov Р. V., 2019 2 2
CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................... 5 1. STATE ADMINISTRATION IN THE FIELD OF ECONOMY ..................... 7 1.1. GENERAL PROVISIONS ON STATE ADMINISTRATION IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION .............................................................................................................. 7 1.2. GENERAL PROCEDURE OF ADMINISTRATION IN THE FIELD OF ECONOMICS ......... 8 1.2.1. Management of Economic Development, Customs and State Property .... 10 1.2.2. Management in the Sphere of Finance ...................................................... 13 1.2.3. Management in Industry, Commerce and Energy ..................................... 17 1.2.4. Management in the Field of Agro-Industrial and Fishery Complex ......... 19 1.2.5. Management in the Field of Construction and Housing and Communal Services ................................................................................................................ 22 1.2.6. Management in the Field of Information Technology and Communications .................................................................................................. 24 1.2.7. Antimonopoly and Tariff Management ...................................................... 26 2. REGULATION OF CIVIL LAW RELATIONS IN THE ECONOMY ........ 30 2.1. PARTICIPANTS OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION CIVIL RELATIONS ...................... 30 2.2. SOURCES OF CIVIL LAW .................................................................................... 31 2.3. IMPERATIVE AND DISPOSITIVE NORMS OF CIVIL LEGAL RELATIONS ................ 33 2.4. CITIZENS AS SUBJECTS OF PROPERTY RELATIONS ............................................. 35 2.5. LEGAL ENTITIES IN ECONOMIC RELATIONS ...................................................... 39 3. MAIN CONTRACTS IN ECONOMICS .......................................................... 45 3.1. GENERAL PROVISIONS OF THE CONTRACT ........................................................ 45 3.2. CONTRACT SIGNING PROCEDURE ..................................................................... 50 3.3. CONTRACT CHANGE AND TERMINATION .......................................................... 55 3.4. PURCHASE AND SALE ....................................................................................... 58 3.5. EXCHANGE ....................................................................................................... 64 3.6. RENT OR TENANCY ........................................................................................... 65 3.7. LOAN AND CREDIT ............................................................................................ 70 4. LEGAL FOUNDATIONS OF TAX RELATIONS .......................................... 75 4.1. TAXES AND TAX RELATIONS: THEIR CONCEPT AND ROLE IN MODERN SOCIETY ................................................................................................................... 75 4.2. TAX SYSTEM OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION ..................................................... 80 4.3. TAX LAW SUBJECTS .......................................................................................... 84 4.4. GENERAL CONCEPT OF TAXES LEVIED ON INDIVIDUALS ................................... 88 4.5. GENERAL PROVISIONS ON CORPORATE TAXES ................................................. 95 3 3
5. LEGAL REGULATION OF BANKING ACTIVITY ................................... 108 5.1. BANKING SYSTEM OF RUSSIA. CREDIT INSTITUTIONS ..................................... 108 5.2. BANKING OPERATIONS AND TRANSACTIONS OF CREDIT INSTITUTIONS .......... 114 5.3. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF CENTRAL BANK OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION (BANK OF RUSSIA) ................................................................................................. 119 5.4. BANK OF RUSSIA ORGANIZATION PRINCIPLES ................................................. 122 5.5. BANK OF RUSSIA OPERATIONS AND TRANSACTIONS ....................................... 130 5.6. BANKING REGULATION AND SUPERVISION ...................................................... 134 6. LEGAL FOUNDATIONS OF LABOR RELATIONS .................................. 141 6.1. GENERAL PROVISIONS OF LABOR LAW OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION ............ 141 6.2. LABOR RELATIONS AND SOCIAL PARTNERSHIP IN THE FIELD OF LABOR ......... 145 6.3. WORKING HOURS AND SALARIES OF EMPLOYEES ........................................... 152 6.4. GUARANTEES AND COMPENSATIONS ............................................................... 155 6.5. LABOR DISCIPLINE. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH. PROFESSIONAL TRAINING AND RETRAINING OF PERSONNEL .......................................................... 157 6.6. DAMAGE COMPENSATION PROCEDURE BY PARTIES TO EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT, AND WAYS TO PROTECT THEIR RIGHTS .............................................. 163 7. LEGAL REGULATION OF FOREIGN TRADE .......................................... 168 7.1. INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC AND PRIVATE LAW. DIPLOMATIC AND CONSULAR LAW ....................................................................................................................... 168 7.2. INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC, COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL LAW. ANTITRUST LEGISLATION ....................................................................................... 177 7.3. INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS ................................................................... 184 7.4. FORMS OF INTERNATIONAL INTEGRATION AND INTEGRATION ASSOCIATIONS 198 REFERENCES ...................................................................................................... 208 Main Course Books ............................................................................................ 208 Additional Reading............................................................................................. 208 Normative legal acts .......................................................................................... 209 CONCLUSION ...................................................................................................... 212 4 4

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