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Social life (110,00 руб.)

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АвторыМалыхина Надежда Игоревна, Шишкина Наталья Михайловна
ИздательствоИздательский дом ВГУ
АннотацияПодготовлено на кафедре английского языка естественно-научных факультетов факультета романо-германской филологии Воронежского государственного университета.
Кому рекомендованоРекомендовано студентам 1-го курса естественно-научных факультетов.
Social life / Н.И. Малыхина, Н.М. Шишкина .— Воронеж : Издательский дом ВГУ, 2017 .— 48 с. — 48 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/684879 (дата обращения: 16.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Unit 1. RURAL AND URBAN LIVING 1. Look at the pictures above and compare them. Say what these two pictures have in common and in what way they are different. 2. Look at the pictures below and complete the lines with the words in the list used to describe a) City; b) Village; c) House; d) Street. • semi-detached • tree-lined • industrial • mansion • quiet • wide • comfortable • cosmopolitan • traditional • isolated • spacious • narrow • modern • little • eight-storeyed • remote • terraced • crowded • capital • congested • private • traffic-free 1) _________________________________ 2) _________________________________ 3) _________________________________ 3
village I come from with its 6) ________ houses, 7) _______ streets and cheap 8) _______ shops. 4. Read the text Life on the farm and choose the correct answers. Life on the farm I was 1) grown up/ lived up to/ brought up by my uncle and aunt 2) grew up/ joined in/ turned up on a small farm in the west of England. I think it was better 3) as/ more/ than living in a city, because 4) both/ every/ for day I ran about in the open air. 5) By/ In time/ Until I went to school, 6) every/ each/ all I did was play on the farm all day. 7) Neither/ All/ Both my aunt and uncle worked with the animals, and although they worked very 8) hard / hardly/ harder, they always explained 9) interested/ interest /interesting things to me. They didn’t have 10) lots/ much/ many money but they 11) kept up / got on / dealt with well with everyone, and we didn’t have 12) much/ any/ none of problems of living of living in the city. I always felt 13) happily / happy / a happy on the farm. There was 14) not/ none of / no noise or pollution, and it was 15) really / too / much peaceful. That’s probably why I became a farmer when I was older. 5. Watch an episode of Daniel’s philosophical ideas. Have you ever had similar thoughts? While watching choose the appropriate word. ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z09tGT2xpBs&feature =youtu.be) Hello! My name is Daniel and right now I’m standing in a field. For the 1) past / last three weeks I’ve been helping out with a building project in the south of France in a little town called Ruffepeyre. It has a population of 2) 57 / 75 people so we can definitely classify 3) this / these as rural living. In my free time I’ve meandered across these fields. I’ve played with Dolly the dog and I’ve pulled fresh vegetables out of the garden and I’ve 4) wandered / wondered if rural life can be life for me. 6
If I were to move to the countryside 5) can / could I still be a contributing member of society or does 6) isolating / isolation oneself geographically lead to social isolation as well? How can I somehow incorporate the best elements of both urban and rural living? Can I have art and technology and 7) progress / progressive thinking and diversity as well as sunsets and gardening and quietude and wide open spaces? Maybe a better question is 8) whether / weather or not this excavation needs to be so dualistic. Can there be a less sound in the middle if so, how do I find it? I suppose that’s one of the reasons why I’m travelling. To a certain degree and researching the concept of good living I want to 9) witness / witless how people are designing their 10) lives / life. For me like many people it’s a bit of a challenge. I’m a country boy who loves the energetic offerings of the city. I am a product of the 21st century. I want it all. So I guess I’ll keep meandering and perhaps I’ll 11) stump / stumble across something that feels like a good balance of urban and rural, something that feels like home, something that feels like me. Until 12) than / then I’m happy to 13) wander / wonder through fields and wander through cities and wander through questions about how I could be living my life. 6. Work in pairs. Tell each other about the place where you live. Do you like the place? Why / Why not? Would you like to move? 7. Make a list of possible benefits and problems of living in the country and in a city. Compare your lists and discuss the following questions: a) Where do you want to live? b) What is important to you in a place to live? c) Would you prefer to live in a city or in the countryside? d) What are good reasons to live in the countryside? e) What is good about living in a big city? 7
Unit 2. WILDLIFE Looking at the earth from afar, you realize it’s too small for conflict and just big enough for cooperation. Yuri Gagarin 1. What do you think of Gagarin’s words? 2. Look at the pictures below and say which of the following you can see in the pictures? Match the phrases with the pictures. 1. acid rain 2. industrial waste 3. deforestation 4. overfishing 5. flood 6. volcanic eruption 7. rising water levels 8. hole in ozone layer 9. typhoon 10. earthquake 11. rubbish 12. oil spills 13. noise pollution 14. ultraviolet radiation 8
b c а d e f g h i j k n l m 9
3. Which of the problems do you think your country/city/town is facing today? Can you list them in order from most to least serious? 4. Match the words and phrases in columns to make complete sentences. The air Fish stocks Forests Crops Seas and oceans is being are being contaminated polluted reduced wiped out destroyed by due to as a result of because of oil spills frequent flooding deforestation smoke and gases from factories overfishing 5. Read the title and think of questions you might want to ask about climate change. 6. Read the text and fill in the missing information using the words from the box. exhaust, power, cyclones, enough, engine, smash, floats, heat (2), away, blanket (2), going, Airplanes What is climate change? What is climate change? When we use a car the 1) ________makes a gas called CO2. The CO2 comes out of the 2) ________ pipe and 3) ______ up into the air. Because lots of people use cars, lots of CO2 is 4) ________ up into the air. When we leave the TV or the lights on, they use electricity. Electricity comes from a 5) _______ station and then makes lots of CO2. 6) _________ make even more 10

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