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Arctic Environmental Research_  / №2 2017

Semigroups Approximation with Respect to Some Ad Hoc Predicates (90,00 руб.)

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Первый авторDang
АвторыKorabel’shchikova S.Yu., Mel’nikov B.F.
АннотацияThe problem of semigroups approximation with respect to various predicates has been investigated by many scientists. Some necessary and sufficient conditions for the semigroups approximation with respect to such predicates as “equality”, “membership of an element to a subsemigroup”, “regular conjugation relation”, “Green ratio of L-, R-, H- and D-equivalence”, “membership of an element to a monogenic subsemigroup”, etc. were obtained. However, there were practically no results on the conditions of approximation with respect to the predicate of membership of an element to a subgroup of a given semigroup. The paper presents the necessary and sufficient condition for approximation with respect to this predicate. We constructed a special semigroup acting the role of a minimal approximation semigroup for many predicates. This semigroup has neither identity nor additive identity. It contains an infinite number of idempotents, and the presence of each idempotent is mandatory. By this semigroup, we have successfully solved the problem of approximation with respect to the predicate of membership of an element to a subsemigroup. A class of semigroups is also described, for which it is the minimal approximation semigroup. We obtained a criterion for the approximation of a semigroup with respect to the Green H-equivalence. The problem of algebraic systems approximating with respect to a predicate consists of three components: a set of algebraic systems (groups, semigroups, etc.); set of predicates; set of functions (homomorphisms, continuous mappings, etc.). The change of one of these components determines a new line of research.
Dang, V.V. Semigroups Approximation with Respect to Some Ad Hoc Predicates / V.V. Dang, S.Yu. Korabel’shchikova, B.F. Mel’nikov // Arctic Environmental Research_ .— 2017 .— №2 .— С. 133-140 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/618081 (дата обращения: 01.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

МАТЕМАТИКА УДК 512.5 DOI: 10.17238/issn2541-8416.2017.17.2.133 SEMIGROUPS APPROXIMATION WITH RESPECT TO SOME AD HOC PREDICATES1 V.V. Dang*, Korabel’shchikova S.Yu.**, Mel’nikov B.F.*** *Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam) **Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Arkhangelsk, Russian Federation) ***Center of Information Technologies and Systems for Executive Power Authorities (Moscow, Russian Federation) The problem of semigroups approximation with respect to various predicates has been investigated by many scientists. <...> Some necessary and sufficient conditions for the semigroups approximation with respect to such predicates as “equality”, “membership of an element to a subsemigroup”, “regular conjugation relation”, “Green ratio of L-, R-, H- and D-equivalence”, “membership of an element to a monogenic subsemigroup”, etc. were obtained. <...> However, there were practically no results on the conditions of approximation with respect to the predicate of membership of an element to a subgroup of a given semigroup. <...> It contains an infinite number of idempotents, and the presence of each idempotent is mandatory. <...> By this semigroup, we have successfully solved the problem of approximation with respect to the predicate of membership of an element to a subsemigroup. <...> The problem of algebraic systems approximating with respect to a predicate consists of three components: a set of algebraic systems (groups, semigroups, etc.); set of predicates; set of functions (homomorphisms, continuous mappings, etc.). <...> Keywords: semigroups approximation, approximation with respect to the predicate, minimal semigroup of approximation. 1This research is funded by Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology under grant number T-KHUD-2016-109. <...> Corresponding author: Svetlana Korabel’shchikova, address: Naberezhnaya Severnoy Dviny, 17, Arkhangelsk, 163002, Russian Federation; e-mail: kmv@atnet.ru For citation: Dang V.V., Korabel'shchikova S.Yu., Mel'nikov B.F. Semigroups Approximation with Respect to Some Ad Hoc Predicates. <...> С. 133–140 A common concept of approximation of the algebraic system is represented by the Russian academician A.I. Mal’tsev [1, pp. 450–462]. <...> In the article, Mal’tsev demonstrates a connection between a finite approximation of the algebraic system with respect to a given predicate and a problem of its solvability in the system. <...> A notion of a finitely approximable semigroup is also mentioned with some results on the semigroup approximation. <...> The problem of semigroup approximation <...>