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Первый авторPerepich
АннотацияCantatas and oratorios for the children’s choir in the USSR at the time of the “thaw” and “developed socialism” are studied in the research paper. The large number of these compositions is the evidence of the certain tradition formation and is determined by the fact that the party leaders gave them great value in guided ideological education of the younger generation. The model of the world approved in the Soviet Union is represented in the compositions for the pioneers, the events of national history are highlighted, the themes of communism development, the succession of generations, patriotism and service to the native land are involved. Musical and poetic means of their implementation are subjected to the problems of affordable, spectacular and vivid representation, creating an appropriate emotional atmosphere. The complex of vivid and recognizable means and techniques, typical of the worship genre of music, such as solemn fanfare entrance, major mode, basis on the genre model of march, song-march, anthem and waltz, referring to the techniques of musical vividness and instrumental theatricality are used in the music.
Perepich, N.V. Soviet Worship Cantatas and Oratorios of the Late 1950s – Early 1980s for Children’s Chorus / N.V. Perepich // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2016 .— №1 .— С. 169-183 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/449962 (дата обращения: 16.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 1 (2016 9) 169-183 ~ ~ ~ УДК 78 Soviet Worship Cantatas and Oratorios of the Late 1950s – Early 1980s for Children’s Chorus Natalia V. Perepich* Krasnoyarsk State Institute of Art 22 Lenin Str., Krasnoyarsk, 660049, Russia Received 24.09.2015, received in revised form 11.10.2015, accepted 19.11.2015 Cantatas and oratorios for the children’s choir in the USSR at the time of the “thaw” and “developed socialism” are studied in the research paper. <...> The large number of these compositions is the evidence of the certain tradition formation and is determined by the fact that the party leaders gave them great value in guided ideological education of the younger generation. <...> The model of the world approved in the Soviet Union is represented in the compositions for the pioneers, the events of national history are highlighted, the themes of communism development, the succession of generations, patriotism and service to the native land are involved. <...> Musical and poetic means of their implementation are subjected to the problems of affordable, spectacular and vivid representation, creating an appropriate emotional atmosphere. <...> The complex of vivid and recognizable means and techniques, typical of the worship genre of music, such as solemn fanfare entrance, major mode, basis on the genre model of march, song-march, anthem and waltz, referring to the techniques of musical vividness and instrumental theatricality are used in the music. <...> Compositions of different genres and forms that meet a number of criteria are referred to the fi eld of worship music. <...> The most important of them are: the function of glorifi cation, praise and approval of the state and its leaders; the heroes, who distinguished merits to the homeland, as well as the events that were landmark for it; presence of the poetic text that sends the message of the leaders’ greatness, the episodes of history and, as a whole, the specifi c state to the audience; confi nement to the events and dates landmark for © Siberian Federal University. <...> All rights reserved * Corresponding author E-mail address: kgamit@list.ru # 169 # the state; appropriate performance conditions: the situation of offi cial celebrations, a large number of listeners; attracting major orchestras and bands in accordance with the event grandness, vast spaces or areas; special stylistics (literary and musical) as a system of means that in this case are intended to create jubilant and triumphant <...>

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* - вычисляется автоматически
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