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Первый авторShunkov
АннотацияThe transition period era (the second half of the 17th-beginning of the 18th century) demonstrated multiple examples of the tradition substitution process, of transformation of the Russian literature genre system, of forming a new artistic paradigm, determining a new understanding of the author’s task. In such transformation process special attention is given to the new narrative style, which becomes a milestone of its era: the parable story. The parable story that appeared in Russian narrative tradition at the turn of the 17th-18th centuries caused the idea of a new way of perception demonstrated by the reader able to evaluate a ёctional plot. The article presents an analysis of Russian ёctional story, deёned in genre as a parable story. In the analysis of the story, the role of parable tradition manifests itself in the construction of the plot, in the images of the protagonists. The relevance of the article is determined by existence of a separate area of research engaged with the study of the narrative tradition in Russian literature of the transition period.
Shunkov, AlexanderV. “Story of King Leo” and the Parable Tradition to the Memory of Supervisor E.K. Romodanovskaya / AlexanderV. Shunkov // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2015 .— №7 .— С. 58-64 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/446396 (дата обращения: 15.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 7 (2015 8) 1366-1372 ~ ~ ~ УДК 821.161.1 “Story of King Leo” and the Parable Tradition to the Memory of Supervisor E.K. Romodanovskaya Alexander V. Shunkov* Kemerovo State University of Culture and Arts 17 Voroshilova Str., Kemerovo, 650029, Russia Received 21.02.2015, received in revised form 12.03.2015, accepted 06.06.2015 The transition period era (the second half of the 17th-beginning of the 18th century) demonstrated multiple examples of the tradition substitution process, of transformation of the Russian literature genre system, of forming a new artistic paradigm, determining a new understanding of the author’s task. <...> In such transformation process special attention is given to the new narrative style, which becomes a milestone of its era: the parable story. <...> The parable story that appeared in Russian narrative tradition at the turn of the 17th-18th centuries caused the idea of a new way of perception demonstrated by the reader able to evaluate a fi ctional plot. <...> The article presents an analysis of Russian fi ctional story, defi ned in genre as a parable story. <...> The relevance of the article is determined by existence of a separate area of research engaged with the study of the narrative tradition in Russian literature of the transition period. <...> Keywords: Russian literature in the transition period, fi ction, parable, story, literary tradition. <...> The character of the Byzantine Emperor Leo VI the Wise (886-911) in the literature of Kievan Rus’ is well-known due to the translation of the Chronicles of Dorotheos, metropolitan of Monemvasia, of the year 1665 (AdrianovaPerets, 1948, 416; Droblenkova, 1998, 226). <...> One of the articles of the Chronicles is titled “On the Wise Deeds of Leo the Wise”. <...> In Rus’ the readers’ interest to such legendary tales was enormous, which caused tsar Alexey Mikhailovich to have the Chronicles of Dorotheos of Monemvasia translated. “The Story of King Leo the Wise” is considered to be a famous milestone in Russian fi ction literature of the transition period, existing as three manuscripts dated by 17th -18th centuries (Droblenkova, 1998, 227). <...> However, in the year 1994 E.K. Romodanovskaya introduced another manuscript edition of the story that had not Alexander V. Shunkov. “Story of King Leo” and the Parable Tradition… been published before; it was dated by the 19th century and at the primary comparison <...>