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Акмеология  / №1 2014


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Первый авторGagarin
АннотацияThe study on the humanitarian perspective analyzes the particular interactions in ecologicalanthropological system «Human – Environment – Culture», underlines the necessity to study the particularities of fundamental personality formations (environmentally-oriented mindset, environmental culture, environmental competence) in this context.
Gagarin, AlexanderV. ECOLOGICAL ANTHROPOLOGY: ASPECTS OF INTERACTION IN THE SYSTEM «HUMAN – ENVIRONMENT – CULTURE» / AlexanderV. Gagarin // Акмеология .— 2014 .— №1 .— С. 117-122 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/405001 (дата обращения: 03.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКАЯ АКМЕОЛОГИЯ Ecological akmeology УДК 159.9 ECOLOGICAL ANTHROPOLOGY: ASPECTS OF INTERACTION IN THE SYSTEM «HUMAN – ENVIRONMENT – CULTURE»1 Alexander V. Gagarin − D.Ed., Professor, Department of Akmeology and Professional Psychology of the Russian Academy of National Economy and the Public Service under the President of the Russian Federation; Scientifi c and educational center «TEKO» Sholokhov Moscow State University for the Humanities; e-mail: av.gagarin@migsu.ru ABSTRACT The study on the humanitarian perspective analyzes the particular interactions in ecologicalanthropological system «Human – Environment – Culture», underlines the necessity to study the particularities of fundamental personality formations (environmentally-oriented mindset, environmental culture, environmental competence) in this context. <...> Key words: ecological anthropology (eco-anthropology), ecological-anthropological system «Human – Environment − Culture », psycho-pedagogical aspect, environmentally-oriented mindset, environmental culture, environmental competence. <...> Universalization and formation of planet-wide uniform structures, connections and relationships in various spheres of life (universal evolutionism) have made the world community to comprehend the necessity of developing and implementing the concept of sustainable development which calls for coordinated socio-economic measures, as well as policies in science and technology, natural resources and nature conservation, humanities based on modernization and a more environmentally-oriented education system. <...> As is known, the need for the world to make a transition to a development concept which would provide for the sustainability of the ‘socioeconomic problemsenvironmental conservation’ system as well as fi ll the needs of the present generation while preserving such an opportunity for the ones to come was voiced by Heads of states and governments at the UN Conference on Environment and Development held in Rio-de-Janeiro in 1992. <...> A planetary disaster was identifi ed as an alternative to sustainable development, and as the fundamental conditions for it the following factors were listed: achieving stable socioeconomic development without harming the environmental basis; better life conditions with limiting the impact of economic activity on the biosphere in order not to destroy the natural biotic mechanism of environmental regulation or cause global environmental change. <...> Later, scientists became concerned about the irreversible effect of ecological imbalances on the planet, and this found its way to various approaches to a scientifi c understanding of sustainable development which, in Russia, spurred the formation of a measurably coherent concept. <...> Развитие экологической культуры детей и молодежи в информационном <...>