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Стилистика (165,00 руб.)

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Первый авторОбидина Н. В.
ИздательствоМ.: Издательство Прометей
АннотацияПособие содержит теоретический и практический материал по стилистике английского языка. Предназначено для студентов факультета славянской и западноевропейской филологии МПГУ, а также всех интересующихся стилистикой языка.
Обидина, Н.В. Стилистика : учеб. пособие / Н.В. Обидина .— Москва : Издательство Прометей, 2011 .— 124 с. — ISBN 978-5-4263-0017-0 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/315956 (дата обращения: 03.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

We apply the instruments of stylistics as a study of beauty. <...> The cocktail here is a play of word meanings, a pun in stylistic terms. <...> Stylistics seems to take place between science and art because of its aesthetic function. <...> In some way we can name stylistics a discipline of beauty. <...> On the one hand, style is something individual (thus, different singers have different styles of singing), on the other, it belongs to society (we may talk about Russian manner of behaviour, thinking and so on). <...> Table 1 - All Sorts of Things Have Style # SORT OF THING 1 Individuals 2 Groups of people 3 The products of human beings 4 5 Places EXAMPLE Different soccer players have different, recognizable styles of running, passing and shooting. <...> Variants. 6 From the very beginning included in the process of writing, i.e. language, style went through different stages of historical development, preserving in a majority of standpoints its triple nature: Table 2 - Notion of Style # PERIOD CLASSIFICATION OF STYLE 1 Ancient Greece The languages of drama and tragedy (high), poetry (medial), comedy (low). 2 Ancient Rome Three general styles (urbanitas, rusticitas, peregrinitas) and three poetic genres. 3 Enlightment 4 Modern times Lomonosov’s theory of the three styles (social and cultural criteria of speech evaluation). <...> Three general styles: neutral (literary normal), high (poetic, bookish, pompous), and low (colloquial, derogatory). <...> For the middle style, between the two, the watchword is elegance – perhaps respectable clothes for a night out [Leech, 1969: 17]. <...> These mechanisms are making for choice and arrangement of language units. <...> CHOICE Communicative situation presupposes a particular purpose in a particular social setting. <...> Every premeditated use of language goes some way towards the ideal of a style in which linguistic choices precisely fit their purpose, and bear their full weight of meaning. <...> The phrase le mot juste is misleading if it suggests that acceptable prose style is merely a matter of choosing the right words – it is rather a question of drawing freely from all the expressive resources of the language, lexical, grammatical, phonological and graphical, for the purpose in hand [Leech, 1969: 2728]. <...> Indeed, Pope’s well-known <...>
УДК 811.111 ББК 81.432.1 О 13 Рецензент – кандидат филологических наук И. В. Стекольщикова О 13 Обидина Н. В. Стилистика: Учебное пособие. – М.: МПГУ, 2011. – 124 с. Пособие содержит теоретический и практический материал по стилистике английского языка. Предназначено для студентов факультета славянской и западноевропейской филологии МПГУ, а также всех интересующихся стилистикой языка. В авторской редакции ISBN 978-5-4263-0017-0 © Н. В. Обидина, 2011 © МПГУ, 2011 © Оформление. Издательство «Прометей», 2011
Content Introduction ....................................................................................................... 1 1. Style & Stylistics ............................................................................................ 6 1.1. Style in Language ................................................................................ 6 1.2. Stylistics ............................................................................................. 11 1.3. Stylistic Analysis ............................................................................... 15 2. Expressive Means & Stylistic Devices .................................................. 23 2.1. Phonostylistics........................................................................................... 23 2.1.1. Phonetic & Phonological Stylistics ..................................................... 23 2.1.2. Graphological Stylistics ...................................................................... 37 2.2. Grammatical Stylistics ............................................................................. 44 2.2.1. Morphological Stylistics ..................................................................... 44 2.2.2. Syntactical Stylistics ........................................................................... 44 2.3. Lexical Stylistics ....................................................................................... 57 2.3.1. Lexis .................................................................................................... 58 2.3.2. Semantics & Pragmatics ..................................................................... 64 2.3.3. Intertextual Features ............................................................................ 73 3. Functional Stylistics .................................................................................... 78 3.1. Publicist Style............................................................................................ 81 3.1.1. Oratory & Speeches ............................................................................ 82 3.1.2. Essay .................................................................................................... 84 3.1.3. Journalistic Article & Editorial ........................................................... 84 3.1.4. Brief News Items ................................................................................. 85 3.1.5. Advertisement & Announcement ........................................................ 87 3.1.6. Headline .............................................................................................. 88 3.2. Scientific Style ........................................................................................... 93 3.3. Official Style ............................................................................................ 104 3.3.1. Language of Business ....................................................................... 107 3.3.2. Legal Documents .............................................................................. 108 3.3.3. Diplomatic Documents ...................................................................... 111 3.3.4. Military Documents .......................................................................... 111 Conclusion ...................................................................................................... 120 Bibliography .................................................................................................. 121