Национальный цифровой ресурс Руконт - межотраслевая электронная библиотека (ЭБС) на базе технологии Контекстум (всего произведений: 638984)

The digital age (220,00 руб.)

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АвторыВоронина Елена Владимировна, Шишкина Наталья Михайловна
ИздательствоИздательский дом ВГУ
АннотацияУчебно-методическое пособие подготовлено на кафедре английского языка естественно-научных факультетов факультета романо-германской филологии Воронежского государственного университета.
Кому рекомендованоРекомендуется для студентов 1-го и 2-го курсов очно-заочной формы обучения факультета прикладной математики, информатики и механики. Для направления 010500 – Прикладная математика и информатика
The digital age / Е.В. Воронина, Н.М. Шишкина .— Воронеж : Издательский дом ВГУ, 2014 .— 78 с. — 78 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/310668 (дата обращения: 15.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Which computer uses didn’t you mention in 1b? <...> They are used to access the Internet, to do basic research and to communicate with other students around the world. <...> New smartphones combine a telephone with web access, video, a games console, an MP3 player, a personal digital assistant (PDA) and a GPS navigation system, all in one. <...> On the ground, airlines are connected to travel agencies by computer. <...> Can you guess the meaning from context? 1. perform 2. word processor 3. online 4. download 5. built-in 6. digital 7. store 8. financial 9. monitor 10. data 2c. <...> Match the words in 2b (1-10) with the correct meanings (a-j). a. keep, save b. execute, do c. monetary d. screen e. integrated f. connected to the Internet g. collection of facts or figures h. describes information that is recorded or broadcast using computers i. program used for text manipulation j. copy files from a server to your PC or mobile 4 Language Work: Collocations Verbs and nouns often go together in English to make set phrases, for example access the Internet. <...> Thanks to Wi-Fi, it’s now easy to _____ from cafйs, hotels, parks and many other public places. 2. <...> Which types of computers do these descriptions refer to? 1. a hand-held computer which can be used as a telephone, a web explorer and a personal organizer 2. a typical computer found in many businesses and popular for home use 5 3. a large computer used for intensive data processing and often linked to many terminals 4. a small computer that fits into items of clothing 5. a portable computer that can be closed up like a briefcase, but it can be as powerful as a desktop PC 6. a full-function PC, though it only weighs 1.2 kg – you can go to a meeting and write your notes on it, like a paper notepad; its screen mode can be from portrait to landscape From mainframes to wearable computers A mainframe can process and store users at the same time is the most powerful <...>
Unit1 Living with computers 1a. Make a list of the ways you and your family use computers at work and in your free time. 1b. Swap opinions with your group mates. 2a. Read the text. Which computer uses didn’t you mention in 1b? The digital age We are now living in what some people call the digital age, meaning that computers have become an essential part of our lives. Young people who have grown up with PCs and mobile phones are often called the digital generation. Computers help students to perform mathematical operations and improve their maths skills. They are used to access the Internet, to do basic research and to communicate with other students around the world. Teachers use projectors and interactive whiteboards to give presentations and teach sciences, history or language courses. PCs are also used for administrative purposes – schools use word processors to write letters, and databases to keep records of students and teachers. A school website allows teachers to publish exercises for students to complete online. Students can also enroll for courses via the website and parents can download official reports. Mobiles let you make voice calls, send texts, email people and download logos, ringtones or games. With a built-in camera you can send pictures and make video calls in face-to-face mode. New smartphones combine a telephone with web access, video, a games console, an MP3 player, a personal digital assistant (PDA) and a GPS navigation system, all in one. In banks, computers store information about the money held by each customer and enable staff to access large databases and to carry out financial transactions at high speed. They also control the cashpoints, or ATMs (automatic teller machines), which dispense money to customers by the use of a PIN-protected card. People use a Chip and Pin card to pay for goods and services. Instead of using a signature to verify 3
3. a large computer used for intensive data processing and often linked to many terminals 4. a small computer that fits into items of clothing 5. a portable computer that can be closed up like a briefcase, but it can be as powerful as a desktop PC 6. a full-function PC, though it only weighs 1.2 kg – you can go to a meeting and write your notes on it, like a paper notepad; its screen mode can be from portrait to landscape From mainframes to wearable computers A mainframe can process and store users at the same time is the most powerful type of computer. It large amounts of data. It supports multiple and can support more simultaneous processes than a PC. The central system is a large server connected to hundreds of terminals over a network. Mainframes are used for large-scale computing purposes in banks, big companies and universities. A desktop PC itor and keyboard. It or as a workstation has its own processing unit (or CPU), monis used as a personal computer in the home for group work. Typical examples are the IBM PC and the Apple Macintosh. It’s designed to be placed on your desk. Some models have a vertical case called a tower. A laptop (also called a notebook PC) is a lightweight transport easily. It can work as fast as a similar processors, memory capacity, and computer that you can desktop PC, with disk drives, but it is portable and has a smaller screen. Modern notebooks have a TFT (Thin Film Transistor) screen that produces very sharp images. Instead of a mouse, they have a touchpad built into the keyboard – a sensitive pad that you can touch to move the pointer on the screen. They offer a lot of connectivity options: USB (Universal Serial Bus) ports for connecting peripherals, slots for memory cards, etc. They come with battery packs, which let you use the computer when there are no electrical outlets available. 6
A tablet PC which you can write and rotate the screen looks like a book, with an LCD screen on using a special digital pen. You can fold 180 degrees. Your handwriting can be recognized and converted into editable text. You can also type at the detached keyboard or use voice recognition. It’s mobile and versatile. A personal digital assistant or PDA is a tiny computer which can be held PDA refers to a wide variety of handand pocket PCs.For input, you type at a a stylus – a special pen used with a touch in one hand. The term held devices, palmtops small keyboard or use screen to select items, draw pictures, etc. Some models incorporate handwriting recognition, which enables a PDA to recognize characters written by hand. Some PDAs recognize spoken words by using voice recognition software.They can be used as mobile phones or as personal organizers for storing notes, reminders and addresses. They also let you access the Internet via wireless technology, without cables. A wearable computer runs on batteries and is worn on the user’s body, e.g. for mobile or handswith a wireless modon a belt, backpack or vest; it is designed free operation. Some devices are equipped em, a small keyboard and a screen; others are voice-activated and can access email or voice mail. 2. Look at the computer advertisement and find this information. 1. What type of computer is advertised? 2. What kind of screen does it have? 3. Which pointing device replaces the mouse? 4. What type of ports does it have for connecting cameras and music players? 5. What sort of power supply does it use? 7
Toshiba Satellite - Intel Centrino processor - 1,024 MB RAM, 100 GB hard disk drive - DVD SuperMulti (+/- R double layer) drive - 15.4” widescreen TFT active-matrix LCD display - 85-key keyboard and touchpad - 2 memory slots, 1 PC Cards or PCMCIA slot - Wireless communications: Wi-Fi compliancy and Bluetooth - 4 USB ports for connecting peripherals: digital camera, MP3 player, modem, etc. - 6-cell rechargeable Lithium-ion battery pack 3. Read this interview with Adam Hawkins, an IT manager, and complete it with words from the PDA section of the text above. Interviewer: What are the basic features of a PDA? Adam: Interviewer: And how do you enter information? Adam: Well, a typical PDA is a (1) …………………. device that runs on batteries and combines computing, phone and Net capabilities. For input, you use a (2) ………………….. or pen to write and make selections on a (3) …………….. ………………… They also have buttons for launching programs. Some models have a small keyboard. They may have a (4) ……………….. system that reacts to the user’s voice. Interviewer: Do they need special software? Adam: Yes, most of them run on Windows Mobile. Palmtops supported by Palm Inc. use Palm OS. Pen-based systems include (5) …………………., so you write on the screen and the computer recognizes your handwriting and inserts the appropriate letters. Interviewer: What sort of things can you do with a PDA? Adam: 4. In pairs, discuss the following questions. 1. How can laptops be beneficial to business people? 2. How can tablet PCs be used in the classroom? 8 You can store personal information, take notes, draw diagrams and make calculations. Many PDAs can access the Net via (6)……..……technology.