Национальный цифровой ресурс Руконт - межотраслевая электронная библиотека (ЭБС) на базе технологии Контекстум (всего произведений: 637335)
Вестник ОрелГАУ  / №4(49) 2014


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АвторыKuzmicheva Yu.V. , Parakhin N.V.
АннотацияThe article takes a brief look at the problem of increasing the stability of crop production through the use of biological agents. The possibility to reduce resource consumption, enhance economic efficiency and competitive ability of domestic agricultural production due to biologization of intensification processes is shown. Particular attention is focused on the use of environment forming potential of legume crops in solving strategic problem of innovative development of Russia Agro Industrial Complex. doi: 10.15217/279697
USE OF BIOLOGICAL FACTORS IN INCREASING EFFICIENCY OF RESOURCE CONSERVATION AND CROP PRODUCTION STABILITY / Kuzmicheva Yu.V., Parakhin N.V. // Вестник ОрелГАУ .— 2014 .— №4(49) .— doi: 10.15217/279697 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/279697 (дата обращения: 01.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Vestnik OrelGAU, 4(49), August 2014 UDC 330.15:338.583:631.147 USE OF BIOLOGICAL FACTORS IN INCREASING EFFICIENCY OF RESOURCE CONSERVATION AND CROP PRODUCTION STABILITY Kuzmicheva Yu. <...> V.*, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Lecturer Parakhin N.V., Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Orel State Agrarian University, Orel City, Russia E-mail: juliemons@yandex.ru ABSTRACT The article takes a brief look at the problem of increasing the stability of crop production through the use of biological agents. <...> The possibility to reduce resource consumption, enhance economic efficiency and competitive ability of domestic agricultural production due to biologization of intensification processes is shown. <...> Particular attention is focused on the use of environment forming potential of legume crops in solving strategic problem of innovative development of Russia Agro Industrial Complex. <...> KEY WORDS Biological agriculture; Resource conservation; Crop production stability; Production efficiency; Product quality. <...> The increase of Russian crop production competitive ability in domestic and foreign markets in the framework of accession of Russia to the WTO is among primary intents emphasized in the State program of agriculture development and и market regulations of agricultural products, raw materials and foodstuffs for 2013-2020. <...> In new economic conditions it is has become obvious that for strengthening our positions in the world market we must produce products of high quality with low costs, because just these indicators determine its competitive ability [1 – 3]. <...> In this connection the vital strategic problem of innovative development of Russia Agro Industrial Complex is resource conservation. <...> As practice shows traditional technologies are not only highly expensive (for the last 6 years prices for plant protection agents have increased by 60%, for mineral fertilizers - by 150%, prices for fuels and lubricants have increased considerably), but also they result in pollution and destruction of biosphere, reduction of soil fertility. <...> Irrational use of this main national wealth and main agricultural production tools endangers the country food independency and a person’s health [4 – 5]. <...> In the Orel region the usage of crop production intensive systems allows obtaining high agricultural crop harvests. <...> This year the Orel region agrarians harvested <...>