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Читаем газету на английском языке (110,00 руб.)

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АвторыЮмашева Валерия Владимировна, Шамаева Елена Николаевна
ИздательствоИздательско-полиграфический центр Воронежского государственного университета
АннотацияЦелью данного учебно-методического пособия является овладение иноязычной коммуникативной компетенцией на уровне, достаточном для профессионально-значимого общения.
Кому рекомендованоРекомендовано для студентов 1-го курса дневного отделения факультета журналистики.
Читаем газету на английском языке / В.В. Юмашева, Е.Н. Шамаева .— Воронеж : Издательско-полиграфический центр Воронежского государственного университета, 2009 .— 46 с. — 46 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/278038 (дата обращения: 15.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Для специальности 030601 – Журналистика 2 Пояснительная записка Учебно-методическое пособие «Читаем газету на английском языке» предназначено для студентов 1 курса дневного отделения, обучающихся по специальности 030601 – Журналистика. <...> При имеющемся по учебному плану количестве часов (2 ч.) данное пособие позволит организовать аудиторную и самостоятельную работу студентовжурналистов и будет способствовать реализации целей и задач обучения ИЯ. 3 Unit 1 Types of media Practise reading the following words and expressions media mass media print media electronic media news media Read the text that follows paying attention to the words and expressions mentioned above. <...> The media include print media such as newspapers and magazines, and electronic media such as radio and television. <...> Read them out and then complete the tasks by combining the word ‘media’ with the other words in the box below the numbered questions. <...> Black had set his heart on the 'News', which he saw as a key part of his plan to build a worldwide media empire. <...> The thought of a quiet ceremony and a small dinner party to follow is becoming more attractive to stars as they watch publicised marriages like Elizabeth Taylor's being transformed into a media circus. <...> Reporters were kept away from the group when they arrived from Nairobi amid fears that any media coverage of the event might compromise their safety. 1 Find three expressions referring to what the media give or show if they talk about something. <...> The people who have been driven to fury by the finance minister are those who have lost their livelihoods. c ...another satellite network, Sky Television, owned by the media ______________ Mr Rupert Murdoch. 6 d The Palace had claimed that Fergie had hired top media __________________ Sir Tim Bell to handle publicity on her behalf. e For the past three years he had been chairman of Thames Television and had been due to retire shortly because of his ill-health. <...> Each group makes a list of all the types of article one expects to find in a newspaper including the essential categories such as home and foreign news <...>
Пояснительная записка Учебно-методическое пособие «Читаем газету на английском языке» предназначено для студентов 1 курса дневного отделения, обучающихся по специальности 030601 – Журналистика. Оно обеспечивает включение студентов факультета журналистики в ситуации профессионально-значимого общения. Целью данного учебно-методического пособия является овладение иноязычной коммуникативной компетенцией на уровне, достаточном для профессионально-значимого общения. В процессе работы с данным учебно-методическим пособием решаются следующие задачи: – развитие умений ознакомительного и поискового чтения с целью получения информации по одной из профессиональных проблем журналистики; – развитие умений обсуждать предложенные проблемы журналистики в различных формах парного и группового взаимодействия; – развитие навыков смысловой трансформации текста и выделения ключевой информации. Пособие состоит из 15 частей, каждая из которых включает аутентичный текст и блок упражнений, направленных на чтение, понимание, извлечение информации из текста, a также лексические упражнения и упражнения на обсуждение, которые способствуют развитию коммуникативных умений студентов. Задания, сопровождающие текстовый материал, носят деятельностный характер. Они построены на когнитивно-коммуникативном и компетентностном подходе. Наиболее важной чертой текстовых заданий является их коммуникативная направленность. Работа с каждым разделом (unit) требует 4–6 академических часов. При имеющемся по учебному плану количестве часов (2 ч.) данное пособие позволит организовать аудиторную и самостоятельную работу студентовжурналистов и будет способствовать реализации целей и задач обучения ИЯ. 3
Coverage exposure attention Hype circus media empire campaign Media partners Media ____________ Media ____________ Media ____________ Media ____________ Language note The verbs corresponding to the noun hype are hype or hype up. Events can be hyped or hyped up by the media. Media partners 2. Make combinations with 'media' from the box below and use them to complete the extracts. (In extract c, it's not possible to find the exact word.) 1 Find one expression meaning an expert on using the media. _______________________ 2 Find one expression for an expert on the media as a business. ________________________ 3 Find one expression meaning someone who gives their opinions using the media. ________________________ 4 Find one expression for someone who reports on the media in the media. ________________________ 5 Find three expressions for the head of a media organisation. ________________________ correspondent tycoon pundit analyst media magnate a Estimates by Browen Maddox, media ________________________at Kleinwort Benson Securities are that the company will lose more than 330 million this year. b But it is not the economists and media___________ who matter. The people who have been driven to fury by the finance minister are those who have lost their livelihoods. c ...another satellite network, Sky Television, owned by the media ______________ Mr Rupert Murdoch. 6 guru mogul Media ______________ Media ______________ Media ______________ Media ______________
d The Palace had claimed that Fergie had hired top media __________________ Sir Tim Bell to handle publicity on her behalf. e For the past three years he had been chairman of Thames Television and had been due to retire shortly because of his ill-health. Our media____________, Torin Douglas, looks back at his career. Extra practice What’s in a newspaper? Work in groups of four to five. Each group makes a list of all the types of article one expects to find in a newspaper including the essential categories such as home and foreign news stories, feature articles, leaders and comment columns, readers’ letters, business news, advertisements, TV and radio reviews and programme schedules, weather reports, crosswords and other readers’ competitions, cartoons, sports pages, review articles, law reports. Spend 10 minutes finding an example of each type of article. Classify and put a name to each type of article in a newspaper. Spend further 10 minutes looking for any features that do not fit your original list of categories. Add these categories to your lists. Unit 2 Programmes and people Practise reading the following words and expressions Read the text that follows paying attention to the words and expressions mentioned above. Translate. broadcast programme show a programme host a programme host a show disc jockey DJ Host Programmes on radio and television may be referred to formally as broadcasts; and they may be referred to informally as shows, especially in American English. Programmes or shows on radio and television are often presented or hosted by a programme host. Popular music programmes are presented by disc jockeys or DJs. Language note 7
Programme is spelt program in American English. Broadcast is a noun and a verb. Disc jockey is spelt disk jockey in American English and can be spelt with a hyphen. Translate the following sentences in writing. In an unsportsmanlike and provocative move, they have chosen to broadcast on the same frequency that we have been using for the past five years. No lawyer representing the tobacco companies would be interviewed for this broadcast. Groucho flourished in situations with no script at all. One enormous success was his hosting of a show called 'You Bet Your Life' which began in 1947 and ran for four years on radio and 2 on television. An obsessed fan who sent poison-pen letters to TV presenter Michaela Strachan was yesterday found guilty of threatening to kill her. Clifford Jones, 42, sent 2,000 letters over a two-year period to the children's programme host, a Liverpool court was told. Top DJs have taken over much of the ground that pop stars used to occupy. Practise reading the following words and expressions anchor anchorman anchorwoman anchorperson anchor a news programme front a news programme newsreader newscaster report reporter correspondent TV crew news gatherer broadcaster Read the text that follows paying attention to the words and expressions mentioned above. Translate. News programmes may be hosted, fronted, or anchored by anchors famous in their own right, sometimes more famous than the people in the news. Variations of the noun anchor are shown on the left. In more traditional news programmes, the news is read by a newsreader or newscaster: newscaster is now a rather old-fashioned word. 8