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Лексико-грамматические тесты по английскому языку. Часть I (110,00 руб.)

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АвторыТитова Людмила Николаевна, Должикова Ксения Юрьевна, Юницкая Лариса Георгиевна
ИздательствоИздательско-полиграфический центр Воронежского государственного университета
АннотацияУчебно-методическое пособие подготовлено на кафедре английского языка естественно-научных факультетов факультета РГФ Воронежского государственного университета.
Кому рекомендованоРекомендуется для студентов 1 курса очной формы обучения геологического факультета.
Лексико-грамматические тесты по английскому языку. Часть I / Л.Н. Титова, К.Ю. Должикова, Л.Г. Юницкая .— Воронеж : Издательско-полиграфический центр Воронежского государственного университета, 2009 .— 20 с. — 19 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/245661 (дата обращения: 15.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

ФЕДЕРАЛЬНОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ОБРАЗОВАНИЮ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНОЕ УЧРЕЖДЕНИЕ ВЫСШЕГО ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНОГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ «ВОРОНЕЖСКИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ» ЛЕКСИКО-ГРАММАТИЧЕСКИЕ ТЕСТЫ ПО АНГЛИЙСКОМУ ЯЗЫКУ Часть I Учебно-методическое пособие Составители: Л. <...> Чернова Учебно-методическое пособие подготовлено на кафедре английского языка естественно-научных факультетов факультета РГФ Воронежского государственного университета. <...> Для специальности 020301 – Геология 2 TEST I UNIT I GEOLOGY AND THE EARTH I. Give Russian equivalents. <...> Physical and chemical changes; Earth’s surface; common minerals; composition of rocks and minerals; driving forces; volcanic eruptions; erosion and weathering of continents; carbon dioxide; surface temperature; atmospheric pressure; past life of the Earth; formation of the solar system; the most abundant elements; gravitational attraction; extremely high pressure. <...> Match the words from “a” and “b” to make word combinations. a) internal; a mixture of; physical and chemical; fossil; living; the shock; terrestrial; a thin surface; a homogeneous; a sequence of; b) changes; fuels; veneer; planet; processes; gases; events; organisms; wave; planets. <...> Processes that originate deep in the Earth’s interior are called . . . . 2. . . . includes water in streams, wetlands, lakes and oceans. 3. <...> Paleontologists are geologists who study . . . by examining fossils and evidence preserved in rock and sediment. 4. <...> This growth continued until a number of small rocky spheres, called . . . , formed. (rocks; the hydrosphere; terrestrial planets; the evolution and history of life; the crust; minerals; internal processes; planetesimal) V. Use the words in brackets to form a word that fits in the space. 1. <...> But the . . . continues. (erode) 3. . . . processes form the ocean basins and alter their size and shape. (geology) 4. <...> Put all types of questions to the sentence. <...> The Earth we live on is a rocky slightly bulged at the poles Globe with the radius of 6372 km. The outer shell called the crust comprises only 0.6 % of the planet’s volume. <...> The crust with the thickness ranging form 5 to 35 km, is separated from the mantle by a sharp boundary, known as the Moho surface. <...> Apparently, the mantle consists of three zones: the upper layer with the depth of about 370 km, the intermediate layer with the depth of approximately 600 km and the lower one <...>
TEST I UNIT I GEOLOGY AND THE EARTH I. Give Russian equivalents. Physical and chemical changes; Earth’s surface; common minerals; composition of rocks and minerals; driving forces; volcanic eruptions; erosion and weathering of continents; carbon dioxide; surface temperature; atmospheric pressure; past life of the Earth; formation of the solar system; the most abundant elements; gravitational attraction; extremely high pressure. II. Give English equivalents. Расстояние; поверхность земли; выходить на поверхность; происхождение пород; свойства и состав минералов; природный газ; натуральные ресурсы; внутренние и поверхностные процессы; выветривание и эрозия; климат; континенты; геологическая шкала времени; вулканические извержения. III. Match the words from “a” and “b” to make word combinations. a) internal; a mixture of; physical and chemical; fossil; living; the shock; terrestrial; a thin surface; a homogeneous; a sequence of; b) changes; fuels; veneer; planet; processes; gases; events; organisms; wave; planets. IV. Complete the sentences. 1. Processes that originate deep in the Earth’s interior are called . . . . 2. . . . includes water in streams, wetlands, lakes and oceans. 3. Paleontologists are geologists who study . . . by examining fossils and evidence preserved in rock and sediment. 4. Most of the Earth is composed of . . . . 5. Rocks, in turn, are composed of . . . . 6. Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars are called . . . . 7. . . . is a thin surface veneer, also composed of rock. 8. This growth continued until a number of small rocky spheres, called . . . , formed. (rocks; the hydrosphere; terrestrial planets; the evolution and history of life; the crust; minerals; internal processes; planetesimal) V. Use the words in brackets to form a word that fits in the space. 1. These are the driving forces that raise mountains, cause earthquakes and produce volcanic . . . . (erupt) 3
IV. Complete the sentences. 1. A true mineral must form by . . . . 2. Limestone is commonly composed of the shells of . . . . 3. An atom consists of a small, dense, positively charged center called . . . surrounded by negatively charged . . . . 4. A mineral is a naturally occurring . . . with a characteristic . . . and a crystalline structure. 5. The forces that hold atoms and ions together to form compounds are called . . . . 6. As a result, only nine . . . make up most rocks of the Earth’s crust. 7. . . . amounts. 8. Many . . . are made up of nearly pure calcite. (inorganic solid; limestone; chemical bonds; natural processes; electrons; dead corals, clams and similar marine organisms; chemical composition; a nucleus; rock-forming minerals; accessory minerals) V. Use the word in brackets to form a word that fits in the space. 1. A true mineral must form by . . . processes. (nature) 2. . . . compounds do not contain carbon-hydrogen bonds. (organic) 3. The two largest particles are positively charged protons and . . . neutrons. (charged) 4. An atom consists of a small, dense, . . . charged center called a nucleus surrounded by . . . charged electrons. (positive, negative) 5. The eight abundant elements . . . combine in only a few ways. (common) 6. Only a small number of minerals are important because they are common or . . . . (value) VI. Do the test. Only one variant is possible. 1. Her brother . . . at her yesterday. a) shouted; b) shouts; c) is shouting. 2. Mrs Smith . . . in the kitchen two days ago. a) works; b) is; c) worked. 3. Mr and Mrs Smith . . . very well last night. a) rests; b) rested; c) was. 4. His wife . . . plants in the garden last Sunday. a) will water; b) waters; c) watered. 5. Last Tuesday I . . . at half past six. a) gets up; b) got up; c) is getting up. 6. She . . . school last year. a) finished; b) finishes; c) is finished. 6 are minerals that are common but usually are found only in small
7. He . . . a new suit yesterday. a) wears; b) worn; c) wore. 8. Yesterday I . . . not talk to them. a) does; b) do; c) did. VII. Put all types of questions to the sentence. The 88 elements occur naturally in the Earth’s crust. VIII. Read the text. About 20 elements occur naturally in their native states as minerals. Fewer than ten, however, are common enough to be of economic importance. Gold, silver, platinum, and copper are all mined in their pure forms. Iron is rarely found in its native state in the Earth’s crust, but metallic iron is common in certain types of meteorites. Native iron and nickel are thought to comprise most of the Earth’s core. Native sulfur, used to manufacture sulfuric acid, insecticides, fertilizer, and rubber, is mined form volcanic craters, where it is deposited from gases emanating from the vents. Are the following statements true or false? 1. More than 20 elements are of economic importance. 2. Iron is common in its native state in the Earth’s crust. 3. Native sulfur is mined from underground reservoirs. IX. Translate from Russian into English. 1. Каждый минерал отличается от других химическим составом и кристаллической решеткой. 2. Породообразующие минералы являются самыми распространенными минералами на земле. 3. Некоторые породы состоят из одного минерала, а другие состоят из двух или пяти распространенных минералов. TEST III UNIT III IGNEOUS ROCKS I. Give Russian equivalents. To ascend; basement; to descend; to remain; ridge; solid; to saturate; to solidify; to subduct; fine-grained; underlying; tectonic environments; to generate magma; to melt; resistant to weathering; mantle plumes; large-scale melting; surrounding rocks. 7
II. Give English equivalents. Повышающаяся температура; падающее давление; добавление воды; точка плавления; сухие породы; зона субдукции; центр спрединга; горные цепи; рыхлый осадок; образование магмы; распространенные элементы; тектонические плиты; океаническая кора. III. Match the words from “a” and “b” to make word combinations. a) mid-oceanic; tectonic; to prevent rocks from; volcanic; to solidify; medium and coarse; pressure-release; to be covered by; b) environments; eruption; expanding; ridge; grained; within the crust; melting; oceanic crust. IV. Complete the sentences. 1. Melting caused by decreasing pressure is called . . . . 2. . . . is a volcanically active place at the Earth’s surface directly above a mantle plume. 3. . . . of a rock refers to the size, shape, and arrangement of its mineral grains, or crystals. 4. . . . is the plutonic counterpart of basalt, it is mineralogically identical but consists of larger crystals. 5. Rocks that make up the foundation of a continent are called . . . . (basement rocks; a hot spot; pressure-release melting; gabbro; the texture) V. Which of the following words are: 1. Nouns: a) solid; b) solidify; c) solidification; d) solidified. 2. Participle II: a) round; b) surrounded; c) surrounding; d) surround. 3. Adverb: a) origin; b) originally; c) originate; d) original. 4. Participle I: a) melt; b) melted; c) molten; d) melting. VI. Do the test. Only one variant is possible. 1. Rock is much . . . in the mantle than in the crust. a) hot; b) hottest; c) the hottest. 2. Pluto is . . . planet in the Solar System. a) small; b) smaller; c) the smallest. 3. The rock-forming minerals are . . . than accessory minerals. a) important; b) more important; c) the most important. 4. Density of a crust is . . . than density of a mantle. a) lower; b) more low; c) the lowest. 8