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Профессиональное издание, на страницах которого широко и детально освещаются вопросы эффективного применения ISO 9001, ISO 22000, ISO 45001, ISO 50001, ISO 14001, ISO 31000 и др.


Management practices of Russian companies : in 2 vols. Vol. 2

Автор: Akim М.
Издательский дом ВШЭ

The HSE Graduate School of Business continues to support the initiative of involving the faculty members into the case studies development. The second group of GSB professors has completed the certification program in case writing from The Case Centre, one of the top case clearing houses. The cases included into this volume explore a spectrum of managerial challenges from a multidisciplinary angle. The collection is intended for professors and business school students, as well as for managers who are interested in understanding the peculiarities of modern Russian business and the specifi cs of managerial approaches of international companies operating in Russia.

Предпросмотр: Management practices of Russian companies in 2 vols..pdf (0,1 Мб)

Management practices of Russian companies : in 2 vols.1

Автор: Artamoshina Р.
Издательский дом ВШЭ

This collection of compact cases on management practices in Russian companies was produced by professors of HSE Graduate School of Business and other units of HSE University and resulted from a joint project between HSE GSB and The Case Centre, the one of the top case clearing houses globally. The cases in this volume reflect on a wide range of the current issues in business management, such as Strategic Management, Business Innovation, Supply Chain Management, Brand Management, ESG and Business Ethics, Talent Mana gement, Entrepreneurship, as well as doing business during the COVID-19 pandemic. This case collection is recommended for students, participants and faculty of various programs in management — fro Bachelor and Master to MBA and Executive Education.

Предпросмотр: Management practices of Russian companies in 2 vols..pdf (0,2 Мб)

Management of Industrial Clusters

Автор: Avilova V. V.

In the tutorial examines the concept of competition, discusses the mecha-nisms of management and functioning of clusters as one of the effective methods to achieve competitiveness. The experience of creation of industrial clusters in Russia and abroad. In the petrochemical industry, the process of clustering define the strat-egy of development of the industry. The emphasis is on the analysis of the TRANS-Kama innovation cluster, which determines the development strategy of the petro-chemical industry of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Предпросмотр: Management of industrial clusters tutorial.pdf (0,3 Мб)

Modeling and Optimization of the Decision-Making Process in the Transport System // MATEC Web of Conferences: TransSiberia 2018. - Vol. 239. - Article Number 03015


The article deals with the issue of constructing an intellectual system for managing the transport system for the delivery of goods by road in cities. The authors develop the algorithm for constructing schedule the work of all participants of the transport system. It can be used to build an operational plan for the delivery of goods and the subsequent management of the transport system.


Mеждународный имидж государства как инструмент мягкой силы

Автор: Коптяева Анна Алексеевна

Международный имидж государства как инструмент мягкой силы раскрывается на примере России как одной из арктических стран. Проведён анализ основных аспектов международного имиджа России, выявляется совокупность причин и факторов, влияющих на восприятие образа России за рубежом. Представлена характеристика инструментов формирования международного имиджа России в мире.