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Dark matter and trojan horses. A strategic design vocabulary

Автор: Hill Dan
Стрелка Пресс: М.

We live in an age of sticky problems, whether it’s climate change or the decline of the welfare state. With conventional solutions failing, a new culture of decision-making is called for. Strategic design is about applying the principles of traditional design to «big picture» systemic challenges such as healthcare, education and the environment. It redefines how problems are approached and aims to deliver more resilient solutions. In this short book, Dan Hill outlines a new vocabulary of design, one that needs to be smuggled into the upper echelons of power. He asserts that, increasingly, effective design means engaging with the messy politics — the «dark matter» — taking place above the designer’s head. And that may mean redesigning the organization that hires you.

Предпросмотр: Dark matter and trojan horses. A strategic design vocabulary = Темная материя и троянские кони. Словарь стратегического дизайна.pdf (0,3 Мб)