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Нашлось результатов: 2

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Romanov Observatory Studies. Iss. 2: The Effect of the Earth on the Flow of Time


The second issue of Romanov Observatory Studies investigates the unexplored effect of the Earth on the flow of time, suggests the definition for the law of media establishment, calculates the constant of temporal fading, determines the size of life-centered space and of the living center of the world, calculates the ballistics of the «anomalous» deceleration of Pioneer 10 and other parameters, which are compared to the known ones.

Предпросмотр: Romanov Observatory Studies. Iss. 2 The Effect of the Earth on the Flow of Time.pdf (0,3 Мб)

Romanov Observatory Studies. Iss. 2: The Effect of the Earth on the Flow of Time


The second issue of Romanov Observatory Studies investigates the unexplored effect of the Earth on the flow of time, suggests the definition for the law of media establishment, calculates the constant of temporal fading, determines the size of life-centered space and of the living center of the world, calculates the ballistics of the «anomalous» deceleration of Pioneer 10 and other parameters, which are compared to the known ones.

Предпросмотр: Romanov Observatory Studies. Iss. 2 The Effect of the Earth on the Flow of Time.pdf (0,3 Мб)