Свободный доступ

Ограниченный доступ
Автор: Morozova
Researchers at the Seismological Laboratory of the Institute of Geodynamics and Geology of the Federal
Center for Integrated Arctic Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences (FCIARctic) have been engaged in
the seismological monitoring of the European Arctic sector since 2011. In this paper, we present a comparative assessment of the earthquakes spatial distribution in this region based on the data from the International
Seismological Centre (ISC) and the FCIARctic’s Arkhangelsk Seismic Network (ASN) obtained in 2012–
2016. The paper presents the waveforms of earthquakes occurred at the Gakkel Ridge and the Svalbard archipelago processed with the use of a Russian software package WSG (Windows Seismic Grafer) recommended
by the Unified Geophysical Service of the Russian Academy of Sciences. A standard 4–8 Hz bandpass filter
was used for the processing of regional Arctic earthquakes. The impact of seasonal variations on the quality of earthquakes registration was analysed based on the seismograms recorded by the ASN’s island-based
Arctic stations from 2012 to 2014 The same analysis was done for the central broadband sensor SPA0 of the
Norwegian NORSAR-owned SPITS group installed at the Svalbard archipelago. A correlation has been established between the number of earthquakes recorded by the ASN’s island Arctic stations and SPA0 station. The
number of regional earthquakes, recorded by ASN’s island Arctic stations is is smaller in summer-autumn
periods than in winter periods. Forthe SPA0 station, which is part of SPITS group, there is not seasonality in
the number of registered earthquakes. Generally, earthquakes are recorded uniformly, exception on January.
This might be due to the increased seismic activity in the Svalbard archipelago during that period.
Автор: Shakirova
Special aluminum alloys appear to be promising materials for manufacture of high-strength light-alloy drill
pipes (HSLADP) that can be used in areas with a severe climate and challenging geology. The effect of using
light-alloy drill pipes (LADP) depends directly on the properties of the aluminum alloys from which such
pipes are made. As the wells become deeper and horizontal wellbores get longer, use of LADPs becomes
more relevant. Since light-alloy pipes are 2.8 times softer than steel pipes, LADPs offer the same performance
as steel drill pipes of the lowest strength grade even in the case of rotary drilling. The materials from which
such pipes are made have a number of unique advantages: extra light weight in the drill mud, allowing the
coefficient of sliding friction between the pipe surface and the borehole wall to be reduced; high corrosion
resistance in aggressive media with A high concentration of hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide; and high
magnetic inductive capacity that allows LADPs to be used as a housing for MWD (measurement while drilling)
and LWD (logging while drilling) telemetry systems during well-drilling operations. This study suggests
methods for industrial production of submicrocrystalline (SMC) structure in aluminum alloys with the help
of severe plastic deformation. Through the example of model aluminum-lithium alloys 1420 (Al-Mg-Li-Zr)
and 1460 (Al-Сu-Li-Zr), the researchers demonstrate that SMC structure helps significantly increase resistance
to wear and reduce the rate of corrosion depending on the pH value. The research team also states that
severe plastic deformation methods may be used to develop highly promising technologies for manufacture
Издательство Дальневосточного Федерального университета
В сборнике представлены стенограммы выступлений участников Первого
Дальневосточного МедиаСаммита, который прошел 3-4 июня 2014 года во
Владивостоке, презентации и фотоматериалы. В издании освещены вопросы, касающиеся перспектив развития региональной журналистики, внедрения инноваций в сфере массмедиа, выстраивания диалога между СМИ, властью и бизнесом, влияния на коммуникационный процесс социальных сетей, норм журналистской этики и перспектив коммуникационного сообщества.
Предпросмотр: I Дальневосточный медиасаммит. Итоги .pdf (2,7 Мб)
В сборнике представлены доклады Всероссийской междисциплинарной молодежной научной конференции с международным участием "III Информационная школа молодого ученого" (Екатеринбург, 26-30 августа 2013 г. Конференция организована Центральной научной библиотекой УрО РАН при поддержке Секции специальных научных, научно-технических и технических библиотек Российской библиотечной ассоциации, научно-технических и технических библиотек УрО РАН (проект № 13-6-МШ-649). Материалы сборника содержат результаты исследований в различных отраслях естественных, технических и гуманитарных наук молодых ученых Екатеринбурга, Перми, Сыктывкара, Ижевска, Новосибирска и статьи ведущих докладчиков конференции. Один из разделов посвящен информационно-библиотечному обеспечению науки. Сборник представляет интерес для ученых различных специальностей и библиотечных специалистов.
Предпросмотр: III Информационная школа молодого ученого сборник научных трудов.pdf (3,1 Мб)