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Modern England From the reform Bill to the accession of Edward VII. [Vol. 2] (190,00 руб.)

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ИздательствоFisher Unwin
Modern England From the reform Bill to the accession of Edward VII. [Vol. 2] / by Justin McCarthy .— 3. ed. — : Fisher Unwin, 1899 .— 196 с. — Lang: eng .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/88705 (дата обращения: 18.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

JUSTIN McCARTHY, M.P. M ODERN E NGLAND FROM THE REFORM BILL TO THE ACCESSION OF EDWARD VII. <...> CONTENTS I THE CONVICT SHIP 7 The Plea of Insanity — Transportation — The Committee of 1837 — The Ticket-of-Leave in Australia — The Complaint of the Colonies — The Ticket-of-Leave System — How it Worked in England — How it Worked in Ireland — Political Convicts — "The Bull's-Eye of Publicity" — No Reaction Possible. <...> II TITHES AND STATE CHURCH IN IRELAND 23 The Tithe System in Ireland — The Struggle against Tithes — The Archbishop of Dublin — Something has to be Done — Lord Ebrington's Declaration — The Irish State Church — The Tears of the King — The Melbourne Administration —The King's Death — A New Era Opens. <...> III QUEEN VICTORIA 37 The Young Queen — The Duke of Cumberland — Lord BroughamLord Lyndhurst — Russell and Peel — A Remarkable House of Commons — The Jamaica Crisis — Resignation of Lord Melbourne — The Bedchamber Question — The Queen and PeelLord Melbourne Returns to Office — Melbourne's Death. 1 IV THE FOUNDATION OF THE CANADIAN DOMINION 54 Upper and Lower Canada — Discontent in Canada — Rebellion in CanadaLord Durham — Lord Durham Reconstructs Canada — Durham's Enemies and Friends — The Dominion of Canada — The Principle of Federation — The Future of Federation — Australasia — The Basis of Federation — One Imperial System. <...> V THE CHARTIST COLLAPSE 70 How the Movement Began — "The People's Charter" — The Chartist Agitation — Three Classes of Chartists — The March on Newport — The Chartist Petition — "Improved Laws and Clearer Hopes." VI STEAM, TELEGRAPH, AND POSTAGE 81 Railways and Steamers — The Revolution in Travel — Postal Reform — The Smuggling of Letters — Rowland Hill — Hill's Scheme Adopted — The Penny Post — The Submarine Telegraph — A Sudden Growth. <...> VII "THE STOCKDALE CASE" 93 The Privilege of Parliament — The Sheriffs in Custody — Freedom of Debate. 2 VIII THE OPIUM QUESTION 98 The Opium Drug — The Opium Traffic — War with China — The Lorcha Arrow — The Levelling of the Summer Palace — The Open Door. <...> IX <...>
CONTENTS I THE CONVICT SHIP 7 The Plea of Insanity — Transportation — The Committee of 1837 — The Ticket-of-Leave in Australia — The Complaint of the Colonies — The Ticket-of-Leave System — How it Worked in England — How it Worked in Ireland — Political Convicts — "The Bull's-Eye of Publicity" — No Reaction Possible. II TITHES AND STATE CHURCH IN IRELAND 23 The Tithe System in Ireland — The Struggle against Tithes — The Archbishop of Dublin — Something has to be Done — Lord Ebrington's Declaration — The Irish State Church — The Tears of the King — The Melbourne Administration —The King's Death — A New Era Opens. III QUEEN VICTORIA 37 The Young Queen — The Duke of Cumberland — Lord Brougham — Lord Lyndhurst — Russell and Peel — A Remarkable House of Commons — The Jamaica Crisis — Resignation of Lord Melbourne — The Bedchamber Question — The Queen and Peel — Lord Melbourne Returns to Office — Melbourne's Death. 1
IV THE FOUNDATION OF THE CANADIAN DOMINION 54 Upper and Lower Canada — Discontent in Canada — Rebellion in Canada — Lord Durham — Lord Durham Reconstructs Canada — Durham's Enemies and Friends — The Dominion of Canada — The Principle of Federation — The Future of Federation — Australasia — The Basis of Federation — One Imperial System. V THE CHARTIST COLLAPSE 70 How the Movement Began — "The People's Charter" — The Chartist Agitation — Three Classes of Chartists — The March on Newport — The Chartist Petition — "Improved Laws and Clearer Hopes." VI STEAM, TELEGRAPH, AND POSTAGE 81 Railways and Steamers — The Revolution in Travel — Postal Reform — The Smuggling of Letters — Rowland Hill — Hill's Scheme Adopted — The Penny Post — The Submarine Telegraph — A Sudden Growth. VII "THE STOCKDALE CASE" 93 The Privilege of Parliament — The Sheriffs in Custody — Freedom of Debate. 2
VIII THE OPIUM QUESTION 98 The Opium Drug — The Opium Traffic — War with China — The Lorcha Arrow — The Levelling of the Summer Palace — The Open Door. IX THE IRISH NATIONAL MOVEMENT 108 O'Connell and Repeal — O'Connell Prosecuted — "A Mockery, a Delusion, and a Snare" — Famine and Insurrection —Home Rule. X PEEL'S TRIUMPH AND FALL 115 Peel's Free Trade Policy — Cobden and Bright — Benjamin Disraeli — Peel's Overthrow — The Great Exhibition — Death of Wellington. XI CRIMEA AND CAWNPORE 123 The Eastern Question — The Alliance against Russia — The Question still unanswered — The Khyber Pass — Indian Mutiny — India reconquered. XII THE WANING CENTURY 132 3