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Гигиена и санитария  / №1 2024

Work- related musculoskeletal disorders and ergonomic risk assessment among radiologists and gastroenterologists using the workplace ergonomic risk assessment method (400,00 руб.)

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Первый авторKabir-mokamelkhah
АвторыSanati P., Hosseininejad M.
АннотацияBackground. Ergonomic risk factors in the workplace expose gastroenterologists and radiologists to Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WRMSDs). This study aims to compare the frequency of musculoskeletal disorders and ergonomic risk factors in these two groups of physicians. Materials and methods. This descriptive study was conducted on 360 physicians (radiologists and gastroenterologists) at the 5 University and teaching hospitals in Tehran. The prevalence of musculoskeletal symptoms was detected using the Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire. The Workplace Ergonomic Risk Assessment WERA) method was used to estimate and evaluate the ergonomic risk factors in each physician. Finally, the frequency of musculoskeletal disorders was compared between the two groups using statistical tests. Results. The prevalence of shoulder (70% vs 36.66%; OR=4.03 (2.59–6.25); p<0.001) and hand pain (45% vs 30%; OR=2.78 (1.80–4.31); p<0.001) among adiologists was significantly higher than that among gastroenterologists. In contrast, gastroenterologists had a significantly higher prevalence of upper (65% vs 38.33%; OR=2.98 (1.94–4.58); p<0.001) and lower back pain (67.2% vs 49.44%; OR=2.55 (2.06–3.17); p<0.001) than radiologists. The mean WERA final core, the leg score, forceful score, contact stress, and task duration in radiologists were higher than that of gastroenterologists and the back score in gastroenterologists was higher than radiologists (p<0.05). Limitations. In this study, the psychological factors affecting musculoskeletal disorders have not been investigated. Conclusion. WRMSDs had a relatively high prevalence among radiologists (shoulder and hand pain) and gastroenterologists (upper and lower back). Due to the mpact of ergonomic risk factors on these disorders in the workplace, ergonomic interventions should be implemented to reduce these risk factors in occupational ettings.
Kabir-mokamelkhah, E. Work- related musculoskeletal disorders and ergonomic risk assessment among radiologists and gastroenterologists using the workplace ergonomic risk assessment method / E. Kabir-mokamelkhah, P. Sanati, M. Hosseininejad // Гигиена и санитария .— 2024 .— №1 .— С. 31-37 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/872749 (дата обращения: 23.06.2024)

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