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Ought we to visit her? : In 2 vol. Vol. 2 (290,00 руб.)

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Ought we to visit her? : In 2 vol. Vol. 2 .— : Tauchnitz, 1872 .— 304 с. — Lang: eng .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/87226 (дата обращения: 11.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

If he did not realise the truth before, this sweetness of reconciliation, this hour and а half spent at ]a.ne’s side, have brought him to see it in its very nakedness at last. <...> As much mad passionate devotion as his nature is capable of he, Emma Marsland’s lover, is lavishing upon a woman the tips of whose fingers he will never be allowed to kiss while he lives. <...> Courage to break the heart of a good and amiable girl who, until she became his betrothed wife, was his sister and best friend; means to pay the forfeit (not the loss of Emma's fortune, let me do Rawdon justice, this is the lightest of his considerations): the forfeit of 6 ouonrwr. <...> TO VISIT HER? self-respect, of credit before his own family and before the world, which breach of faith so flagrant must entail? <...> Well, then, shall he tell the truth, the absolute, honourable, ridiculous truth, and let Emma deal with the future of both as she chooses? “I thought I loved you, my dear Emma,” such a confession must run. “I was sure, at all events, that it was my mama-ta’; wish we should marry; and as you have thirty thousand pounds, and as I knew that you had long a.g0‘l)estowec1 your affections upon me, I proposed. <...> And on the day you accepted me, my dear, I fell in love with some one else—needless, I believe, to mention her nameand have been stealthily seeing her and falling deeper and deeper in love ever since. <...> She laughs in my face; was good enough, a few days ago, to tell me that her heart was not in her own keeping, and I think this has had the eflect of rendering my passion for her a little the stronger. <...> The possession of a torn glove, of a faded flower that she has worn, renders me happier than would the gift, my dear Emma, of your hand and of all the substantial blessings your hand would bring with it. <...> However, as I am tryin"g- to act like a man of honour, you see, I <...>

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