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On the study and value of Chinese botanical works (90,00 руб.)

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Первый авторБретшнейдер Эмилий Васильевич
Издательствоprint. by Roazario Marcal & Co. Foochow
Бретшнейдер, Э.В. On the study and value of Chinese botanical works : with notes on the history of plants and geographical botany from Chinese sources / by E. Bretschneider; Э.В. Бретшнейдер .— : print. by Roazario Marcal & Co. Foochow, 1870 .— 57 с. — Lang: eng .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/85432 (дата обращения: 11.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

BOTANICAL WORKS, WITH NOTES ON THE HISTORY OF PLANTS AND GEOGRAPHICAL BOTANY FI‘.(_J,\I CHINESE SOURCES. <...> ITSSIAN. [LE<G£ ‘T'0©W АТ РЁКПЁМГЁь ILLUSTRATED WITH 8 CHINESE WOOD CUTS. <...> ON THE STUDY AND VALUE OF CHINESE BOTANICAL WORKS, WITH NOTES ON THE HISTORY OF PLANTS AND GEOGRAPHICAL BOTANY FROM CHINESE SOURCES. <...> PREFACE. ln presenting these pages to the leamed world, I consider it my duty to confess, that I am neither a Sinologus nor Botanist, my knowledge in Chinese as well as in Botany being very limited‘ But living in the Chinese Metropolis live yours, I Wu encouraged by the favourable conditions in which I found myself, to minke some inquiries into Chinese plants and to venture on the publication of these notes on Chinese Botany. <...> Every body will admit, I think, tlnit some questions regarding Chinese plants can l)e more easily decided by men, living in cliina, by (llrecl; observation and information mlccn directly from the n:ltives,——tho.n in Europa by eminent snvnuts, who have not been in Clllllu and must llzlxw their views, for the most part upon accounts given by travellers, which are not always exempt from errors, and upon translations from Chinese works, made by sinologues, who know little or nothing about Botany.‘ I beg therefore tobe excused if I hnva attempted sometimes to coutmdict some views of well known scholars. <...> I implore indulgence for any errors which I may myself have committed. <...> I have а: least alivays endeavoured to adduce the sources whence I derived my information mill prosecuted my enquiries in order to afford an opportunity for correcting or aonfirining my views, Although l had the advantage of having access to the splendid library of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission at Peking, where are to he found not only nll Chinese works of importance, but also most European books relating to выдадим render will observe the want of some special works on Botany, indispeumble in the treatment oi botanical questions. <...> But such works can only be шве within the gent Eui-opean librariesl—â€As my notes have been written for Sinologues as well as for Botnnisln, I have endeavoured to be intelligible <...>