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Environmentally Friendly Agriculture and Forestry for Future Generations (290,00 руб.)

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АвторыПопов В. Д.
ИздательствоСПб.: СПбГАУ
АннотацияСборник содержит статьи участников конференции. В них рассматриваются актуальные проблемы развития мировой аграрной и лесотехнической науки и пути их решения.
Environmentally Friendly Agriculture and Forestry for Future Generations = Экологически дружественное сельское и лесное хозяйство для будущих поколений : Book of Full Papers of International Scientific XXXVI CIOSTA & CIGR SECTION V Conference, 26-28 May, 2015, St.-Petersburg, Russia : сб. науч. тр. Междунар. науч. конф. XXXVI CIOSTA CIGR V Conference / ред. В.Д. Попов .— Санкт-Петербург : СПбГАУ, 2015 .— 1033 с. : ил. — Текст на рус., англ. яз.; Библиогр. в конце ст. — ISBN 978-5-85983-257-6 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/705720 (дата обращения: 13.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Экологически дружественное сельское и лесное хозяйство для будущих поколений: сборник научных трудов международной научной конференции XXXVI CIOSTA CIGR V Conference- 2015 / СПбГАУ.-СПб., 2015. - 1029 с. Сборник содержит статьи участников конференции. В них рассматриваются актуальные проблемы развития мировой аграрной и лесотехнической науки и пути их решения. Главный редактор В.Д.Попов Заместитель главного редактора В.В.Беляков Редакционная коллегия: Ефимов В.А., Селиховкин А.В., Широков С.Н., Овчинникова Е.И., Максимов Д.А., Левченко Л.В., Смелик В.А., Ружьев В.А., Коростелев А.А., Лепп Н.В., Шайтарова О.Е., Белинская И.В. © Санкт-Петербургский государственный аграрный университет, 2015 ISBN 978-5-85983-257-6
CONTENTS A. Adamovics, S. Ivanovs, V.Dubrovskis Productivity of industrial hemp and utilisation thereof for biogas production S. Adeili, B. Haidn, M. Robert Development of a control unit for the autonomous guidance of manure removal-, cubicle cleaning- and bedding machines, as well as of automotive fodder-mixing-vehicles В.В. Альт, С.П. Исакова, Е.А. Лапченко Сетевая система поддержки принятия решения управления производством продукции растениеводства S. Altunbas, M. Sari, G. Gozukara Effects of Degradations in Wetlands of Turkey on Agriculture and Forest Ecosystems Ş. Arıkan, M. İpek, A. Eşitken, L. Pırlak Effects of IBA and Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) on Rooting and Root Growth of Myrtle (Myrtus communis L.) Stem Cuttings P. Barge, P. Gay, P. Piccarolo, D. Ricauda Aimonino, C. Tortia M. Caria, G. Chessa, L. Murgia, A. Pazzona, G. Todde RFID identification and traceability of Agnello Sardo lamb В.В. Беляков, А. П. Картошкин, С.Н. Широков, В.А. Ружьев, А.В. Зыкин, И. В. Белинская Развитие академического процесса подготовки агроинженеров в России: новые вызовы – новые подходы B. Bianchi, P. Catalano, A. Tamborrino, A. Leone, C. Martinelli Full scale composting tests of organic mixtures based on "two phase" pomace using a prototype of turning machine 14 20 28 34 43 49 58 62 E. Bilgili, C. Ertekin, M. Canakci Determination of Energy Usage Efficiency in Colza Production in Cukurova Region, Turkey 72 S. Bilgin, H. Yılmaz, A. Koçer, M. Acar, M. Dok, S. Alparslan 1
Briquetting of Rice Straw and Determination of Briquette Physical Properties 79 Ali Bolat, Ali Bayat Drift Potential Of Some New Types Of Spray Nozzles In Different Wind Conditions S. Bostanci, I. Koca, B. Tekguler, A. F. Koca Comparative Evaluation of Catechins, Alkaloids and Antioxidant Activities of Green and Black Tea Wastes G. Bourges, J. Eliach, M. Medina Numerical testing of a distributor head modification of an air drill seeder. Performance comparison with actual model M. Brambilla, F. Meneghetti, P. Salazzari, C. Bisaglia Introduction of UASB reactors and planted units of horizontal subsurface and aerated engineered wetlands for in farm piggery wastewater clarified fraction processing: a case study K. Buyuktas, A. Tezcan, S. Buyukkok A Model Freestall Dairy Barn Sample with 400 Animal Capacities for Hot Climate Conditions F. Caffaro, E. Cavallo Ergonomic study of the interaction between novice users and technological solutions adopted in tractor cabs N. Caglayan, C. Ertekin Implementation of Fuzzy Logic for Natural Ventilation in Greenhouse D. L. Cardoso, T. B. Kaminski, L. R. Braun, G. I. Venson, C. D. Cancelier Rice husk ash waste added to soil for formation of sustainable composites K. Çarman, T. Marakoğlu, V. Talantimur Effects of Different Tillage Applications on Fuel Savings and Reduction of CO2 Emissions in Wheat Production C. Caruso, C. Maucieri, A.C. Barbera, M. Borin Effects of mycorrhization on biomass plant species fertilized with 2 89 98 107 114 123 129 134 142 148
digestate liquid fraction 153 P. Catania, P. Febo, M. Alleri, M. Vallone Design of an impact recording device for table olives P. Catania, M. Vallone, G. F. Argento, V. A. Laudicina Influence of different tillage systems on soil physical-mechanical properties: a three-year study H. K. Celik, A. E.W. Rennie, D. Dawson, A. Eatough, J. Eatough, I. Akinci Deformation Simulation of a Tyre Safety Cage in Testing of Agricultural Vehicle Tyres Chang Z., Jin H., Fu G., He J. Distribution of nitrogen and phosphorus in liquidand solid fraction of pig and dairy manure in anaerobic digestion reactor А.Ф. Чешкова, А.Ф. Алейников, П.И. Стѐпочкин, И. Г. Гребенникова Программный комплекс для информационно-аналитической поддержки селекции сельскохозяйственных культур I.S. Choi, J.H. Jun, Y. Choi, T.K. Kang, D.K. Choi, C.S. Nyeon, C.K. Lee Design of the seed metering device for seeder of Foxtail millet & Sorghum V. Chumakov, A. Punko Production technology protein feed from biological waster poultru establishments S. O. Chung, Y. K. Choo, M. S. Kabir,Y. J. Kim Development of Tractor Modes for Major Field Operations В. Делягин Термическая утилизация токсичных отходов животноводческих предприятий V. Delyagin, N. Ivanov, V. Murko, V. Karpenok, D. Chernykh Thermal utilization of livestock toxic waste J. Deming, T. O’Dwyer, P. Clarke, D. Gleeson, A. Renwick, B. O’Brien 3 159 165 173 185 205 212 216 220 231 234
Current status of overall labour input on Irish dairy farms 236 V. Demircan, M.Ç. Ormeci Kart, S. Baysal, A. Temur Socio-Economic Structures of Agriculture Faculty Students and Determination of Their Inclinations: A Case Study from Suleyman Demirel University, Turkey K. Ekinci1, R. Külcü, İ. Tosun, E. Onursal, B. S Kumbul, B. Bıtrak, F. Şevik, K. Sülük Design and Construction of Fifteen-Automatically Controlled Laboratory Scaled Reactor Composting Systems T. Erdem, M. Incesu, T. Yesiloglu, S. Oztekin, B. Ozturk Microwave drying of persimmon and its drying characteristics T. Erdem, C. Kurt, H. Arıoğlu, H. Bakal, F. Shahzad Baloch, Melih Y., Cevik Some physical and mechanical properties of five cultivars of peanuts R. Erdogan, H. Dirik, H.E. Oktay Protecting and sustainable use of meadows which is under pressure of urbanization and tourism in the case study of Antalya Y. M. Fernandez-Ordonez, J. Soria-Ruiz, R.C. Medina-Ramirez Use of satellite image data to locate potential aquaculture facilities F. Garbati Pegna, P. Sacchetti, A. Belcari, A. Camussi, F. Meggiolaro Heating pattern in dates subjected to postharvest radio frequency treatment G. Gui, Z. Jian-Chao, Y. Ji Dynamic changes of cell membrane permeability and antioxidant enzyme activity sugar beet leave under NaCl stress T.J. Girardi, D.L. Cardoso, L.R. Braun Numerical analysis of stress distribution in cylindrical metallic silos A. Gräff1, S. Wörz, J. Dietrich, M. Höld, J. Stumpenhausen, H. Bernhardt Effects of a simulated power cut in ams on milk yield valued by statistics model 241 252 259 267 273 283 289 296 301 309 4
I.B. Gurbuz, O. Turan Future of Family Farming Concerning Rural Unemployment Trends in Turkey 317 E. Güzel1, I. Derici Measurement of Some Physico-Mechanical Properties of Dodder (Cuscute) and Alfalfa Seeds Grains For Development of Electrostatic Seperation Machinery H. E. S. Haapala The role of advisory services in agricultural innovations He, XQ, Jia H, Zhang J Coordinated effect of NAA and 6-BA on germination and growth of Gladiolus hybridus Hort cv Bingzhao Hongshi K. Heitkämper, R. Stark, M. Schick Development of an online application for labour-planning data M. Hellstedt The effect of manure cooling and high-pressure spraying on odour on fattening Pig production units H. Shimizu, T. Hoshi, K. Nakamura Development of a non-contact ultrasonic pollination system Hou P., Wang C., Wang X., He L., Zhou H., Ren P., Song P., Luo B., Zhao Y. Development of Dynamic Ion Flux Detecting Equipment and Its Application in Plant Science S. Ishikawa, K. Iwabuchi, J. Takano Peak Power Demand Leveling to Stabilize and Reduce the Power Demand of Dairy Barn Ю.О.Истомин, В.А. Мельников Результаты испытания свободнопоточной микрогэс с поперечной турбиной K. Iwabuchi, S. Ishikawa, M. Komiya, R. Hara, J. Takano Electricity Supply Characteristics of a Biogas Power Generation System Adjacent to a Livestock Barn H.L. Jia, J.T. Qi, J. Zhuang, J.X. Zheng, J.Y. Sun 5 326 334 338 343 351 356 363 370 380 384
Some special structural biomimetic on soil-burrowing animals applied on agricultural engineering 394 V. Jugessur, R. Rujub, S. Venkannah Cost effective automation for sustainable seedling production in Small Island Developing States T. Juliszewski, D. Kwaśniewski, M. Pietrzykowski, P.Tylek, J. Walczyk The root system of energy willow: The issue of liquidating plantations H.J. Jun, I.S. Choi, T.G. Kang, Y. Choi, D.K. Choi, C.K. Lee, K.Y. Jung Performance improvement of a head feeding rice combine for sorghum harvesting Z. Kara, M. Baykan, M. Dogan, D. Ege Antifungal and antibacterial activities of grape (vitis vinifera l.) seed extracts D. Karayel, M. Topakci, I. Ünal, M. Canakci, E. Šarauskis Determination of Seedling Distributions over the Field using Global Positioning Systems (GPS) N.E. Kasumov Method of determination of average labor energy intensity of depending on physical activity Y. Kazenin, A. Yakovlev, V. Kryuchkov Agriculture Modernisation for the Purposes of Making Environmentally Safe Production Using Nanotechnology I. Koca, A. F. Koca, V.A. Yilmaz, B. Tekguler, S. Bostanci Physical, Chemical and Antioxidant Properties of Mad Honey I. Koca, B. Tekguler, S. Bostanci, A.F. Koca Antioxidant activities and total phenolics content in the leaves and bulbs of cigdem plants (Ornithogalum sp.) from Turkey И. Кокунова, О. Титенкова, В. Ружьев Чистые технологии и новое техническое средство для заготовки качественных кормов в условиях повышенного увлажнения 404 414 422 427 435 441 445 450 460 467 6
T.S. Kornecki Effects of cover crop management and planting operations on cotton establishment and yield in a no-till system 473 Козлов В. Д. Аграрное образование - выйти из тупика S. Kurpaska, H. Latała, P. Konopacki, R. Hołownicki The effects of storage of excess heat from the plastic tunnel in the water accumulator D. H. Lee, Y. J. Kim, S. O. Chung, K. H. Lee Development of Automated Clutch System of Agricultural Tractor using Electric Actuator J. Mačuhová, F. Albrecht, B. Haidn Estimation of capacity of robot scrapers – Development of calculation models S. Mansuroglu, P. Kinikli Impacts of Highways on Agricultural Areas: The Case of Antalya-Alanya Highway L. Marchenko, A. Kozlova Assessment of pesticide drift during application with boom sprayer C. Maucieri, C. Caruso, A.C. Barbera, M. Borin Effect of cultivation of six energy crops fertilized with digestate liquid fraction on soil respiration K. Mazur , W. Romaniuk Modern technologies of animal production and their sustainability Morozov V.V., Fyodorov D.A. Ways to decrease potato tuber injury at mechanized harvesting В.В. Морозов, Д.А. Федоров Пути снижения травмирования клубней картофеля при механизированной уборке В. Мурко, В. Карпенок, Д.Черных, В.Делягин, Н.Иванов Технологический комплекс по переработке отходов углеобогащения для предприятий малой энергетики 481 483 493 503 510 518 522 528 541 552 562 7
V. Murko, V. Karpenok, D. Chernykh, V. Delyagin, N. Ivanov Technological complex for processing coal cleaning waste for small power engineering enterprises in the agribusiness industry of Siberia 570 Наквасина Е.Н., Минин Н.С., Голубева Л.В., Павозкова А.В. Формирование постагрогенных лесов в Архангельской области J. Neiber, Dr. S. Neser Energy consumption and improvement of the energy efficiency in the agricultural animal husbandry В. Нестяк, В. Арюпин, О. Ивакин, С. Усольцев, В. Серебряков Тепловой режим защитных экранов для выращивания овощей в неблагоприятных условиях открытого грунта V. Nestyak, V. Aryupin, O. Ivakin, S. Usoltsev, V. Serebryakov Thermal conditions of protective shields for growing vegetables under unfavorable environment of open ground L.Nozdrovicky, M.Macak, T. Sima Analysis of the factors affecting the technical efficiency of the application of fertilizers and environmental effects R. Oberschätz, B. Haidn, J. Neiber, S. Neser Automatic feeding systems for cattle – A study of the energy consumption of the techniques B. O’Brien, J. Shortall, R. Sleator, C. Foley Preliminary measures of labour input on farms with conventional and automatic milking systems H. Öğüt, H. Oguz, S. Şahİn, S. Gezgİn, F. Aydin, D. Özen, G. Yalçin Investigation of the characteristics of biodiesel from some species of safflower H. Ok, Ş. Orman Determination of the performances of the grass plants on which dried stabilized sewage sludge was applied in soils at different lime levels 572 579 589 597 599 606 615 625 635 8
H. Ortiz-Laurel, D. Rössel-Kipping, H.M. Durán- García, L. Gonzalez-Muñoz, A. Amante-Orozco Calculating energy balance by using emerging technologies for biomass derived from vegetative materials 653 М.С. Овчаренко, А.С. Арефьев Повышение безопасности операторов транспортной сельскохозяйственной техники за счёт предотвращения возможного засыпания за рулём Peng S., Wei L., Cheng W., Junxiong Z. Automatic sorting system for haploid maize kernels A. Perekopskiy, S. Chugunov, M.Kuzovnikov Analysis of factors affecting the high-moisture grain drying on a rotary dryer В. Попов, Д. Максимов, А. Брюханов Подходы агроинженерной экологии по снижению негативного воздействия на окружающую среду от сельскохозяйственного производства A. R. Proto, G. Zimbalatti, G. Macrì, B. Bernardi Acoustic tools in forestry: a case study in Italy E. Quendler, L. Tschenett, K. Trieb, R. Kogler, J. Boxberger Analysis of trailer incidents on Austrian farms K. Sabancı, C. Aydın Embedded systems based smart irrigation system design S. Sangsoponjit, W. Suphalucksana, K. Soytong Enzyme-producing microorganisms from cattle’s ruminant J. R. Sanz-Uribe, P. J. Ramos-Giraldo, J. M. Castrillón-Cuervo, N. Ferrier Characterization of Defective Washed Coffee Beans for Electronic Sorting M. Sari, S. Altunbaş, G. Gözükara Agents and Factors of Deteriorations Occurred in Agricultural and Forest 9 653 663 671 674 679 686 693 699 706
Areas: An Example From Southwest Turkey Antalya 716 M. Schick, K. Heitkämper Weak-Point Analyses as a Basis for Future-Oriented Agricultural Systems Шкрабак В.С., Овчинникова Е.И., Шкрабак В.В., Шкрабак Р.В. Человеко-машинные аспекты безоопасности мобильных агрегатов в сельском хозяйстве E. Šilerová, M.Hriníková Architecture of a management information system for farmers I. Solonko Freedom and responsibility in adult education In context of globalization J. Soria-Ruiz, Y. M. Fernandez-Ordonez Land use/cover and its interaction with soil fertility in a compact agricultural area K. Srikijkasemwat, K. Jirajaroenrat Optimization for the Amylase Activity by Novel Starch Degrading Bacteria Isolated from Swine Feces Suphalucksana W., Sangsoponjit S., Soytong K. Efficiency for Enzyme Production of fungi Isolated from the Buffalo’s Ruminant R. C. Tieppo, T. L. Romanelli, M. Milan, L. M. Gimenez Prediction of financial index and outsourcing viability on agricultural mechanized operations M. Topakci, A. Özmerzi Determination of soil failure boundary by image processing technique C. R.Trein, M. T. de Moraes, R. Levien, M. Mazurana, I. Anghignoni, H. Debiasi, J.A. Bonetti Tillage systems with controlled traffic and limits to maize production C. R. Trein, R. Levien, C. Bissani, M. Dall’Agnol 10 725 732 738 746 750 756 763 770 778 784
PAI: A link between Education and Extension in Southern Brazil 790 M. M. Turgut, Z. B. Barut The Instant Mean Downforce and Emergence Parameters for Furrow Opener Types on Direct Seeding Machine Tuure, V-M., Lätti, M. Co-operation between livestock and crop farms Tuure, V-M., Lätti, M. & Luoma, T. Agricultural traffic in field operations on an enlarging dairy farm C. Umstatter, R. Stark, D. Schmid, M. Schick Impact of technological advances on annual working time in Swiss farming İ. Ünal, M. Topakcı Development of Internet Based Remote-Controlled Vehicle for Precision Farming Y. Ünal1, B. Acar, M. Direk Research on water distribution uniformity for different drip irrigation laterals H. Vural, Ş. Turhan, T. Tipi, B. Erdal The using of farm appraisal methods in Turkish agriculture sector Wang H., Tang Z., Zao R., Zou X. Design of Clamping and Cutting Mechanism for Picking Banana Manipulator Wang J., Shang S., Egil O. Iamfe and its Development P. Xyradakis, I. Gravalos, D. Kateris, Th. Gialamas, Z. Tsiropoulos, A. Georgiadis Engine performance test with different alcohol (C1-C5) gasoline blended fuels S. Yakovchik Belarus experience in processing animal manure and chicken dung with the use of biogas technologies 796 806 810 815 823 831 842 848 859 863 873 11
O. Yaldiz, T. Bischoff Laboratory Studies on Methane Production from Cattle and Chicken Manure bei Different Reaction Conditions as a Basis for Process Optimization of Biogas Plants in Low Fermentation Temperatures 877 Yang J., Zhou J., Geng G. Dynamic changes of organic osmolytes in sugar beet leaves under NaCl stress D. Yilmaz, M. Canakci Determination of the usage combine harvester: a case study for Antalya region E. Yilmaz, Z. Alagöz Impacts of agricultural waste utilization on aggregate systems in a clayey soil (Typic Xerofluvent) in Turkey Y. Yan, S. Shu-qi Design of Self-supply Power System to Farmland Environmental Monitoring Network Zeng B., Tong J., Liu L., Liu J., Yang S., Ye J. Design and experiment of new maize stubble harvesting machine D. Akbolat, K.Ekinci, Y.E. Bozkurt, B.S. Kumbul The Influence of Soil and Air Temperature on Soil Carbon Dioxide Emission Abdulrazzak A. Jasim Alzubaidi, Khaled S. Ahmed Alobaidi Using power sources to determine the qualification of pumping unit performance В.Н. Бровцин, А.Ф. Эрк Обоснование оптимальных параметров преобразователей энергии солнца и ветра в электрическую В.Н. Бровцин, А.Ф. Эрк Сравнительный анализ энергоэффективности предприятий сельскохозяйственного назначения A. Coskan, K. Dogan 12 886 892 901 915 922 933 940 950 960
Organic fertilizers are increasing CO2 and N2O emissions 965 E. Çalişkan Timber extraction with a cable crane in turkey E. Çalışkan Planning of forest road network using gis Г. Личман, И. Смирнов, М. Савельева Анализ факторов, влияющих на качество дифференцированного применения удобрений D. Maksimov, A. Briukhanov, I. Subbotin Profitability of biogas technologies on livestock farms in the North West of Russia В.Н. Миронов, В.В. Гордеев Изменение плодородия почвенного субстрата при использовании вентиляционных выбросов Н.М. Ожегов, Н.И. Джабборов, A.В. Добринов, Д.С. Федькин Оценка интенсивности изнашивания плужных лемехов, наплавленных твердыми сплавами Э. Папушин, А. Валге, И. Серзин, Е.Тимофеев Мониторинг работы мобильных агрегатов в сельском хозяйстве S. Rakutko Organizational and Pedagogical Conditions for Implementation of Professionally Focused Technology of Training on Energy Saving in Modern Agroengineering Education Е. Тимофеев, И. Серзин, С. Матейчик Управление сельскохозяйственным производством на основе инфокоммуникационных средств D. Zare, N. Gholamrezaei, M.T. Golmakani Biodiesel production from mixture of rapeseed and sunflower oil and evaluating its properties as a fuel 972 979 987 993 997 1000 1005 1010 1017 1022 13

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