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Basics of Russian Law (5000,00 руб.)

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Первый авторMalko A. V.
АвторыSubochev V. V., Fedorov G. V.
ИздательствоМ.: Проспект
АннотацияThis textbook presents in accessible form information necessary for comprehensive understanding of the basics of Russian law: theory of state and law, constitutional, civil, labour, administrative and criminal law. It is based on the Russian legislation in force and the market practice, combining theoretical material, classical and modern doctrinal works, as well as the basics of the current legislation. The above will allow readers to obtain practically-oriented knowledge.
Кому рекомендованоThis textbook is intended for lawstudents, legalscholars, legal practitioners, as well as everyone who is interested in the basics of Russian law.
Malko, A.V. Basics of Russian Law : Textbook / V.V. Subochev, G.V. Fedorov; A.V. Malko .— Москва : Проспект, 2017 .— 241 с. — Текст на англ. яз. — ISBN 978-5-392-21764-9 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/667181 (дата обращения: 11.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

ББК 8УДК 811.111:36(075) B291.2Англ Электронные версии книг на сайте www.prospekt.org About the Authors: A. V. Malko – Doctor of Juridical Science, Professor, Director of the Saratov Branch of the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Honoured Science Worker of the Russian Federation; V. V. Subochev – Doctor of Juridical Science, Professor of Department of Legal Support of Management Activities, MGIMO-University; G. V. Fedorov – Master of Laws, Associate at the Moscow office of Hogan Lovells, an international law firm (Infrastructure, Energy, Resources and Projects practice). Peer reviewers: V. B. Isakov – Doctor of Juridical Science, Professor, Honoured Lawyer of the Russian Federation; N. I. Matusov – Doctor of Juridical Science, Professor, Honoured Science Worker of the Russian Federation; Y. I. Vaslavskiy – Ph.D. in Political Science, Associate Professor of Political Theory. Malko A. V., Subochev V. V., Fedorov G. V. B29 Basics of Russian Law. Textbook. – Moscow : Prospekt, 2017. – 240 p. ISBN 978-5-392-21764-9 This textbook presents in accessible form information necessary for comprehensive understanding of the basics of Russian law: theory of state and law, constitutional, civil, labour, administrative and criminal law. It is based on the Russian legislation in force and the market practice, combining theoretical material, classical and modern doctrinal works, as well as the basics of the current legislation. The above will allow readers to obtain practically-oriented knowledge. This textbook is intended for lawstudents, legalscholars, legal practitioners, as well as everyone who is interested in the basics of Russian law. ББК 8 УДК 811.111:36(075) 1.2Англ The image on the cover megastocker /Shutterstock.com ISBN 978-5-392-21764-9 © Малько А. В., Субочев В. В., Федоров Г. В., 2016 © ООО «Проспект», 2016
CONTENTS Preface ...............................................................................................................................3 Part 1 BASICS OF THE THEORY OF STATE AND LAW Chapter 1 ORIGINS OF STATE AND LAW 1.1. Primary Causes and Forms of the Birth of State .................................................. 4 1.2. Principal Theories of State Origin ....................................................................... 6 1.3. Peculiarities of the Birth of Law .......................................................................... 8 STATE: ITS ESSENCE AND FUNCTIONS Chapter 2 2.1. State Power: Its Nature and Distinctive Features ............................................... 11 2.2. Defi nition and Characteristics of State ...............................................................12 2.3. State Functions and Their Classifi cation ........................................................... 14 FORM OF STATE Chapter 3 3.1. Form of State: Defi nition and Elements ............................................................ 16 3.2. Form of Government........................................................................................ 16 3.3. Form of State Structure .................................................................................... 18 3.4. Political Regime and Its Types .......................................................................... 19 STATE MECHANISM AND THE SOCIETY'S POLITICAL SYSTEM Chapter 4 4.1. Defi nition and Structure of the Mechanism of State .......................................... 23 4.2. State Agencies and Their Classifi cation ............................................................. 24 4.3. Principles of Organisation and Functioning of the Mechanism of State ................................................................................ 25 4.4. Defi nition and Structure of the Society's Political System .................................. 26 4.5. State and the Political System ........................................................................... 27 ESSENSE OF LAW Chapter 5 5.1. Defi nition and Characteristics of Law ............................................................... 29 5.2. Principles of Law .............................................................................................. 31 5.3. Functions of Law .............................................................................................. 32
236 • Contents 5.4. Legal System of Society .................................................................................... 33 5.5. Modern Legal Families ..................................................................................... 33 INDIVIDUAL, LAW, AND STATE Chapter 6 6.1. Legal Status of an Individual: Defi nition and Types ........................................... 36 6.2. Correlation and Interaction of State and Law .................................................... 36 6.3. Rule of Law State: Essence and Principles ......................................................... 37 6.4. Civil Society: Defi nition, Characteristics, and Structure .................................... 38 6.5. Legal Awareness and Legal Culture ................................................................... 39 NORM OF LAW. FORMS (SOURCES) OF LAW Chapter 7 7.1. Defi nition and Characteristics of a Norm of Law............................................... 41 7.2. Structure of a Norm of Law .............................................................................. 42 7.3. Classifi cation of Norms of Law ......................................................................... 42 7.4. Defi nition and Types of Forms (Sources) of Law ............................................... 43 7.5. Normative Acts: Defi nition and Types .............................................................. 44 LAW-MAKING AND REALISATION OF LAW Chapter 8 8.1. Defi nition, Principles, and Types of Law-Making ............................................. 47 8.2. Systematisation of Legal Acts: Defi nition and Types .......................................... 48 8.3. Realisation of Law: Defi nition and Forms ......................................................... 49 LEGAL OFFENCE AND LEGAL LIABILITY Chapter 9 9.1. Defi nition, Characteristics and Types of Legal Off ence ..................................... 52 9.2. Notion, Grounds and Types of Legal Liability ................................................... 55 SYSTEM OF RUSSIAN LAW Chapter 10 10.1. Defi nition and Structural Elements of a System of Law ..................................... 57 10.2. Brief Description of Primary Branches of Russian Law ...................................... 58 CONSTITUTIONAL LAW OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION. BASICS OF CONSTITUTIONAL ORDER OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION BASICS OF CONSTITUTIONAL LAW Chapter 11 Part 2 11.1. Constitutional Law of the Russian Federation as a Branch of Law: General Description ......................................................................................... 61 11.2. Defi nition and Legal Features of a Constitution ................................................ 63 11.3. Fundamentals of the Constitutional Order of the Russian Federation ................ 64 RIGHTS, FREEDOMS AND OBLIGATIONS OF MAN AND CITIZEN IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Chapter 12 12.1. Notion of Rights and Freedoms of Man and Citizen.......................................... 69 12.2. Classifi cation of the Fundamental Rights and Freedoms of Man and Citizen ........................................................................................... 70
Contents • FEDERAL STRUCTURE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Chapter 13 13.1. General Description of Modern Russian Federalism ......................................... 75 13.2. Constitutional Status of the Russian Federation ................................................ 76 13.3. STATE AND MUNICIPAL AUTHORITIES OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Chapter 14 14.1. The President of the Russian Federation ........................................................... 80 14.2. The Federal Assembly (Parliament) of the Russian Federation .......................... 82 14.3. Law-Making Procedure in the Russian Federation ............................................ 84 14.4. The Government of the Russian Federation and the Structure of Federal Executive Bodies of the Russian Federation ...................................... 86 CIVIL LAW AS A BRANCH OF RUSSIAN LAW BASICS OF CIVIL LAW Chapter 15 Part 3 15.1. The Defi nition and the System of Civil Law ...................................................... 95 15.2. Sources of Civil Law ......................................................................................... 97 CIVIL RELATIONS Chapter 16 16.1. Defi nition, Structure and Types of Civil Relations ............................................ 99 16.2. Citizens (Individuals) as Participants of Legal Relations ...................................100 16.2.1. Specifi c Features of a Citizen. Active and Passive Legal Capacity of a Citizen ..................................................................100 Constitutional Status of the Subjects of the Russian Federation ................................................................................. 78 237 12.3. Obligations of Man and Citizen under the Constitution of the Russian Federation ................................................................................. 73 14.5. Judicial Power and the Prosecutor’s Offi ce ........................................................ 90 14.6. Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation ............................................ 92 16.2.2. Business Activities of a Citizen.............................................................103 16.2.3. The Guardianship, the Trusteeship, the Patronage ...............................104 16.2.4. Recognizing the Citizen as Missing for an Unknown Reason and Declaring the Citizen as Dead ......................................................105 16.3. Legal Entities as Parties to Civil Relations ........................................................106 16.3.1. The Defi nition and Legal Capacity of a Legal Entity ............................106 16.3.2. Establishment and Termination of Legal Entities. Bankruptcy .............107 16.4. Types of Legal Entities .....................................................................................110 16.4.1. Corporate Legal Entities ......................................................................110 16.4.2. Unitary Legal Entities .........................................................................114 16.5. Objects of Civil Rights .....................................................................................115 16.6. Deals and their Invalidity .................................................................................117 RIGHT OF OWNERSHIP AND OTHER RIGHTS IN REM 16.7. Enjoyment and Protection of Civil Rights ........................................................119 Chapter 17 17.1. Notion of Right of Ownership and its Holders ..................................................121 17.2. Acquisition and Cessation of Ownership ..........................................................122
238 • Contents 17.3. Common Property ...........................................................................................123 17.4. Limited Rights in Rem .....................................................................................125 17.5. Ownership Protection ......................................................................................126 GENERAL PROVISIONS ON OBLIGATIONS AND CONTRACTS Chapter 18 18.1. The Defi nition of an Obligation and Its Performance .......................................128 18.2. Providing for the Discharge of Obligations .......................................................130 18.3. Liability for Violation of Obligations ................................................................132 18.4. Termination of Obligations ..............................................................................133 18.5. Defi nition and Terms of Contract ....................................................................134 18.6. Types of Contracts ...........................................................................................136 18.7. Concluding a Contract.....................................................................................137 18.8. Modifi cation and Rescission of Contract ..........................................................139 INHERITANCE LAW Chapter 19 19.1. General Provisions on Inheritance ...................................................................141 19.2. Inheritance by Will ..........................................................................................142 19.3. Inheritance by Operation of Law ......................................................................144 19.4. Acquisition of Inheritance ...............................................................................145 Part 4 BASICS OF LABOUR LAW Chapter 20 LABOUR LAW AND ITS ACTORS 20.1. Defi nition, Subject Matter, and Method of Labour Law ...................................147 20.2. Principles of Labour Law .................................................................................149 20.3. Labour Relations .............................................................................................151 LABOUR CONTRACT Chapter 21 21.1. Defi nition of Labour Contract and Its Conclusion ...........................................154 21.2. Modifi cation and Termination of a Labour Contract ........................................157 21.3. Social Partnership in Labour and Collective WORKING TIME AND LEISURE TIME Agreements .....................................................................................................160 Chapter 22 22.1. Defi nition and Types of Working Time ............................................................162 22.2. Labour Regulations and Labour Discipline ......................................................164 22.3. Defi nition and Types of Leisure Time ..............................................................166 PROTECTION OF LABOUR RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS LABOUR PROTECTION. Chapter 23 23.1. Protection of Labour and Its Organisation ........................................................169 23.2. Protection of Labour Rights and Labour Disputes ............................................171
Contents • BASICS OF ADMINISTRATIVE LAW Chapter 24 Part 5 ADMINISTRATIVE LAW AND PARTICIPANTS OF ADMINISTRATIVE LEGAL RELATIONS 24.1. Subject Matter, Method and Distinctive Features of Administrative Law as a Branch of Law ...........................................................................................175 24.2. Administrative Legal Norms and Administrative Relations ...............................177 24.3. System of Administrative Law and Its Sources ..................................................178 24.4. Administrative Law Actors and Their Status .....................................................179 24.4.1. Citizens, Foreign Citizens and Stateless Persons ..................................179 24.4.2. President and Executive Agencies ........................................................182 24.4.3. State Civil Servants..............................................................................185 24.4.4. Military Servicemen ............................................................................189 ADMINISTRATIVE COERCION AND ADMINISTRATIVE LIABILITY Chapter 25 25.1. Defi nition and Types of Administrative Coercion .............................................192 25.2. Defi nition and Types of Administrative Off ences ..............................................193 25.3. 25.4. Administrative Penalty and Its Types ...............................................................197 Part 6 CRIMINAL LAW AND CRIMINAL LEGISLATION BASICS OF CRIMINAL LAW Chapter 26 26.1. Defi nition, Subject Matter, Method, and Specifi cs of Criminal Law .................201 26.2. Principles of Criminal Law ..............................................................................202 26.3. Criminal Law of Russia and Its Structure .........................................................203 26.4. Operation of Criminal Law in Time and Space .................................................204 CRIME AND CRIMINAL LIABILITY Chapter 27 27.1. Defi nition of Crime, Its Features, and Categories .............................................207 27.2. Multiplicity of Crimes ......................................................................................209 27.3. Criminal Liability ............................................................................................210 27.4. Corpus Delicti .................................................................................................211 27.5. Stages of Committing a Crime .........................................................................215 27.6. Complicity in a Crime .....................................................................................216 27.7. Circumstances Excluding the Criminality of a Deed .........................................218 CRIMINAL PUNISHMENT Chapter 28 28.1. The Defi nition, Purposes, and Types of Punishment ........................................222 28.2. Imposition of a Punishment .............................................................................225 28.3. Release from Criminal Liability and Punishment .............................................228 28.4. Amnesty. Pardon. Criminal Record .................................................................229 28.5. Criminal Liability of Minors ............................................................................231 28.6. Compulsory Measures of Medical Nature ........................................................232 28.7. Confi scation of Property ..................................................................................233 Administrative Liability and Its Principles ........................................................195 239

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