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Кровельные и изоляционные материалы

Кровельные и изоляционные материалы №3 2019 (535,00 руб.)

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АннотацияИздается с июня 2005 г. Журнал публикует материалы по темам: различные виды кровельных материалов, применяемых в современном строительстве изоляционные и герметизирующие материалы тепло-, звуко-, и акустические материалы фасадные теплоизоляционные системы современное оборудование в технологии производства эффективных кровельных и изоляционных материалов особенности производства работ с применением новых видов кровельных и изоляционных материалов
Кровельные и изоляционные материалы .— Москва : Композит XXI век .— 2019 .— №3 .— 50 с. : ил. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/652207 (дата обращения: 30.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

s u m m a r y Expert from TECHNONICOL: changes in the SP 17 «Roofs» will extend the life of the roof Commentary by vice-president of TECHNONICOL Corporation Evgeny Voilov about the industry is expecting in connection with changes in the regulatory field (p. 8). Vladislav Beletsky. From import to local production, or About the shortest path to the consumer A note on the marketing policy for the promotion of SOUDAL products on the Russian market (p. 9). MATERIALS Valkovoy V.S. Experience of studying the efС О Д Е Р Ж А Н И Е Новости строительного комплекса .................................................... 4 Эксперт ТЕХНОНИКОЛЬ: изменения в СП 17 «Кровли» позволят продлить срок службы крыш .......................................... 8 Владислав Белецкий. От импорта к локальному производству, или Самый короткий путь к потребителю ...................................... 9 МАТЕРИАЛЫ Валковой В.С. Опыт изучения влияния влажности на свойства утеплителя ....................................................................................... 10 ТЕХНОЭЛАСТ АКУСТИК: тишина – рукотворная роскошь ................. 14 Ярцев В.П., Мамонтов С.А., Загородникова М.А., Рупышев В.Г. О пределе прочности при сжатии гидроизоляционных ПВХ-мембран PLASTFOIL® fect of moisture on the insulation properties In the domestic market it is not the first year that an increase in the negative attitude towards wind-proof films is observed due to a number of serious fires. Despite the fact that companies have mastered the production of non-combustible materials and the manufacturers of thermal insulation have introduced technologies for impregnating insulation with special hydrophobic substances – the question of the fundamental need for wind-protective films in the composition of enclosing structures periodically «emerges» and is hotly discussed by experts (p. 10). TECHNOELAST ACOUSTICS: silence is a man-made luxury Paper states that modern soundproofing sysGEO ....................................................... 17 Пять шагов к уютной мансарде. Советы профессионалов ................ 20 ОБОРУДОВАНИЕ Попов В.Г., Попов А.В., Жигулина Т.Н., Кротов В.Н. Создание строительных материалов на основе отходов ............................... 25 ТЕХНОЛОГИИ Редько Ю.Б. Звукоизоляция светопрозрачных ограждающих конструкций с использованием ПВХ-профилей ............................ 30 Жуков А.Д., Тер-Закарян К.А., Зиновьева Е.А., Домников И.С. Система изоляции энергоэффективного коттеджа ........................ 36 Оптимальная защита брандмауэров ................................................. 42 СОБЫТИЯ Копылов И.А. АРХ Москва NEXT! ....................................................... 44 tems are not only consumer characteristics of the building, but also a marketing advantage in the construction of apartment buildings, office centers, hotels (p. 14). Yartsev V.P., Mamontov S.A., Zagorodnikova M.A., Rupyshev V.G. About durability during compression of waterproofing PLASTFOIL® Geo PVC membranes This note presents the study findings of the resistance of PLASTFOIL® Geo PVC membranes and three-layer waterproofing systems from PVC membranes with geotextiles drainage layer to the effects of extreme static load. It has been fixed that microscopic examination of the samples revealed defects only when the load was increased up to 400 MPa. It was concluded that the static resistance of PLASTFOIL® Geo waterproofing PVC membranes to compression by the static load while maintaining the insulating properties of the material was high (p. 17). Five steps to a cozy attic. Professional tips. My home is my castle, my attic is my joy! Believe me, any person who has arranged this
s u m m a r y wonderful room in his house will say so. Often rooms under the roof, with balconies under the ceiling, even better than a full-fledged second floor (p. 20). EQUIPMENT Popov V.G., Popov A.V., Zhigulina T.N., Krotov V.N. Creation of buildings materials based on waste Authors made a brief overview of the situation with creation of building materials abroad and in Russia on the bases of recycled waste. The technology of preparation of building material from waste of thermoplastic is developed. Area of perspective application of technology: the device and repair of flat roofs of industrial buildings and structures as well as the warming of foundations of housing stock (p. 25). TECHNOLOGIES Redko Yu.B. Sound insulation of translucent walling using PVC profiles Based on the information analysis, a technique is proposed, and experimental data obtained for the sound insulation of PVC window profile blocks are given, depending on the design, availability and design of composing elements (p. 30). Zhukov A.D., Ter-Zakaryan K.A., Zinovieva E.A., Domnikov I.S. Insulation system of an energy-efficient cottage This article concentrates on the materials and systems solutions, which provide an opportunity to the insulation of building spaces considering their exterior perimeter through cladding with traditional materials. The usage of roll polyethylene foam as well as the locking joint by means of hot-air welding allow of building-up of a seamless thermal insulating coating along with water vapor barrier-coating with the benefit of an efficient insulating ability (p. 36). Optimal protection of firewalls Paper deals with technologies and materials used to protect firewalls, it is noted that this is a rather complex task, especially in cases of layered roofs (p. 42). EVENT Kopylov I.A. ARCH Moscow NEXT! Сorrespondent is about the new ideas of architectural Moscow – report from International Exhibition of Architecture and Design in Moscow (p. 44). Yartsev V.P., Mamontov S.A., Zagorodnikova M.A., Rupyshev V.G. About durability during compression of waterproofing PLASTFOIL® Geo PVC membranes ................................................. 17 Five steps to a cozy attic. Professional tips ......................................... 20 EQUIPMENT Popov V.G., Popov A.V., Zhigulina T.N., Krotov V.N. Creation of buildings materials based on waste ........................................... 25 TECHNOLOGIES Redko Yu.B. Sound insulation of translucent walling using PVC profiles .................................................................................. 30 Zhukov A.D., Ter-Zakaryan K.A., Zinovieva E.A., Domnikov I.S. Insulation system of an energy-efficient cottage ............................ 36 Optimal protection of firewalls ......................................................... 42 EVENT Kopylov I.A. ARCH Moscow NEXT! ................................................... 44 I N T H I S I S S U E Сonstruction industry in focus .......................................................... 4 Expert from TECHNONICOL: changes in the SP 17 «Roofs» will extend the life of the roof ........................................................ 8 Vladislav Beletsky. From import to local production, or About the shortest path to the consumer ................................................. 9 MATERIALS Valkovoy V.S. Experience of studying the effect of moisture on the insulation properties ............................................................... 10 TECHNOELAST ACOUSTICS: silence is a man-made luxury ................ 14

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