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The Rights of the Indigenous Numerically-Small Peoples of the Russian Federation in Practice of High and Regional Courts // Scientific enquiry in the contemporary world: theoretical basics and innovative approach, 5th edition, Vol. 1. Humanities and social sciences, CA, USA, B&M Publishing, 2015. PP. 83–96. (110,00 руб.)

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Первый авторЧертова Надежда Андреевна
АвторыЗадорин Максим Юрьевич
АннотацияThe protection of indigenous numerically-small peoples' rights in the Russian Federation is inconceivable without scrutiny of the court practice and case law based on this issue. Particular attention should be paid to the practice of high courts which de facto is obligatory for all subordinate levels of Russian unitary court system. It seems important to describe the most significant court decisions which form the unified law-enforcement practice to be taken into account by indigenous communities and organizations of Russia
Чертова, Н.А. The Rights of the Indigenous Numerically-Small Peoples of the Russian Federation in Practice of High and Regional Courts // Scientific enquiry in the contemporary world: theoretical basics and innovative approach, 5th edition, Vol. 1. Humanities and social sciences, CA, USA, B&M Publishing, 2015. PP. 83–96. / М.Ю. Задорин; Н.А. Чертова .— : [Б.и.], 2015 .— 19 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/637748 (дата обращения: 12.03.2025)

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SCIENTIFIC ENQUIRY IN THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD: THEORETICAL BASIСS AND INNOVATIVE APPROACH 5th edition Research articles Vol. 1. <...> Humanities and social sciences B&M Publishing San Francisco, California, USA SCIENTIFIC ENQUIRY IN THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD: THEORETICAL BASIСS AND INNOVATIVE APPROACH Vol. 1. <...> Humanities and social sciences Research articles 5th edition SCIENTIFIC ENQUIRY IN THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD: THEORETICAL BASIСS AND INNOVATIVE APPROACHLOBAL C L SCIENCE B&M Publishing Research and Publishing Center «Colloquium» SCIENTIFIC ENQUIRY IN THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD: THEORETICAL BASIСS AND INNOVATIVE APPROACH Science editor: A. Burkov Copyright © 2015 by Research and Publishing Center «Colloquium» All rights reserved. <...> San Francisco, California ISBN-10:1941655238 ISBN-13:978-1-941655-23-8 DOI: 10.15350/L_26/5_1 2 CONTENTS CONTENTS HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES HISTORICAL SCIENCES M. Khabibullin Studying history and religions of the peoples of the Middle Volga at Kazan Spiritual Academy in the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries POLITOLOGY K. Taichikova Water resources conflict in the Central Asia D. Shaikenova The nature of interethnic conflicts and ways of its prevention in the Republic of Kazakhstan I. Shamin, A. Kuklina Discrete cultural and economic partnership Russia and Spain in the XXI century ECONOMICS G. Narzullayeva, B. Dehkonov The opportunities of development foreign economic activity in Bukhara region M. Boltayeva Directions of improvement the welfare of the population in Bukhara region A. Kodirov, O. Turobova The directions of development of small business in the Bukhara region I. Dymova Prospects for the internal control system from the point of economic security business O. Dedova, L. Ermakova Accounting improvement of the development of the baking industry N. Medyanik The innovative format of the environmental cooperation abroad M. Uzdenova, M. Uzdenov The role of the state in a system of small and medium business development in Karachay-Cherkessian Republic L. Ladonko, O. Mykhailovska, N. Filippova, N. Tkalenko State management of innovative activity in Ukraine Sh. <...> Brilkov Target audience segmentation in social networks 5 10 16 22 26 29 32 35 39 48 52 56 63 67 3 SCIENTIFIC ENQUIRY IN THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD: THEORETICAL <...>