Национальный цифровой ресурс Руконт - межотраслевая электронная библиотека (ЭБС) на базе технологии Контекстум (всего произведений: 608419)
Проблемы машиностроения и автоматизации  / №2 2017


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Первый авторMurari Krishna
АвторыAhmed Faraz, Kumar Pushpendra
АннотацияMathematical modeling of the physical systems is important to describe their dynamic behavior. Furthermore, mathematical model of a physical system enables to apply model-based control on the system. In the present work, an inverted pendulum mounted on a cart is modeled using different mathematical modeling approaches and the dynamic behavior of the system is analyzed. Equations of motion (EOM) for the inverted pendulum system are obtained using Newton-Euler formulationand Lagrange-Euler formulation. Control strategies are developed for the system to control the angular motion of the pendulum. The developed model is analyzed through simulation results
Murari, K. MODELING AND ANALYSIS OF AN INVERTED PENDULUM / K. Murari, Faraz Ahmed, Pushpendra Kumar // Проблемы машиностроения и автоматизации .— 2017 .— №2 .— С. 113-117 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/612780 (дата обращения: 14.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

UDC 621 MODELING AND ANALYSIS OF AN INVERTED PENDULUM © Krishna Murari, Graphic Era University, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India Faraz Ahmed, Graphic Era University, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India Pushpendra Kumar, Graphic Era University, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India Abstract. <...> Mathematical modeling of the physical systems is important to describe their dynamic behavior. <...> Furthermore, mathematical model of a physical system enables to apply model-based control on the system. <...> In the present work, an inverted pendulum mounted on a cart is modeled using different mathematical modeling approaches and the dynamic behavior of the system is analyzed. <...> Equations of motion (EOM) for the inverted pendulum system are obtained using Newton-Euler formulationand Lagrange-Euler formulation. <...> Control strategies are developed for the system to control the angular motion of the pendulum. <...> The developed model is analyzed through simulation results. <...> Inverted pendulum is a nonlinear and unstable system, therefore it is very useful problem to study and apply di f ferent control strategies. <...> Dynamic model of the system can be derived based on physics laws [1–2]. <...> In inverted pendulum system, position of inverted pendulum (or bar) is controlled to keep it upright by applying various control strategies. <...> Many researchers proposed different control strategies for various configurations of inverted pendulum system including sliding mode control [1], fuzzy control [3], classical PID control [4], etc. [1–7]. <...> In the present work, an inverted pendulum (bar) mounted on a cart is analyzed for planar case. <...> Dynamic model of the system is derived based on Newton-Euler formulation and Lagrange-Euler formulation. <...> Model-based control strategies are developed for the system to control the motion of the bar. <...> The present paper is arranged in five sections; first section is about introduction of the inverted pendulum system; second section describes the mathematical modeling of the system; control schemes are described in third section; simulation and results are discussed in fourth section; finally conclusion and future work are given in fifth section. 2. <...> Dynamic model of the system is developed using two approaches namely, Newton-Euler formulation Fig. 1 <...>