Национальный цифровой ресурс Руконт - межотраслевая электронная библиотека (ЭБС) на базе технологии Контекстум (всего произведений: 608419)
Проблемы машиностроения и автоматизации  / №2 2017


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Первый авторJoshi Anita
АвторыChauhan Rahul, Rana Deepak
АннотацияThis paper imparts the recognition of MRI brain tumor images. This paper is based on the identification analysis on the output of noisy and filtered images by using image processing techniques. The noisy images is built on the three types of images: Gaussian, Poisson and Speckle. Here we detect the tumor, segment the tumor and calculate the area of tumor. MRI brain tumor images allow obtaining the useful key indication of disease progression. The tumor detection is essential phase to solve the segmentation problem successfully. This paper first pre-process the MRI images, then segment the images to get the tumor information and then calculate the tumor area. For segmenting the images morphological operations such as erosion and dilation is performed. Thresholding the image gives the better result analysis along with morphological operations
Joshi, A. SEGMENTING MRI BRAIN TUMOR IMAGES AND ITS ANALYSIS / A. Joshi, Rahul Chauhan, Deepak Rana // Проблемы машиностроения и автоматизации .— 2017 .— №2 .— С. 108-112 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/612779 (дата обращения: 13.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

UDC 621 SEGMENTING MRI BRAIN TUMOR IMAGES AND ITS ANALYSIS © Anita Joshi, Graphic Era Hill University, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India Rahul Chauhan, Graphic Era Hill University, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India Deepak Singh Rana, Graphic Era Hill University, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India Abstract. <...> This paper is based on the identification analysis on the output of noisy and filtered images by using image processing techniques. <...> Here we detect the tumor, segment the tumor and calculate the area of tumor. <...> MRI brain tumor images allow obtaining the useful key indication of disease progression. <...> The tumor detection is essential phase to solve the segmentation problem successfully. <...> This paper first pre-process the MRI images, then segment the images to get the tumor information and then calculate the tumor area. <...> For segmenting the images morphological operations such as erosion and dilation is performed. <...> Thresholding the image gives the better result analysis along with morphological operations. <...> There are four basic steps that is required for brain tumor detection. <...> Second stage is to Pre-process the image using image enhancement techniques. <...> LITERATURE SURVEY A) Pre-Processing Stage This Stage is to make the better image quality and enhance from noise, corruption and interference. <...> This stage uses low pass spatial filter, high pass spatial filter (less sharper), high pass spatial filter (more sharper), median filter, prewitt derivative filter. 1. <...> Median filter: the median filter block replaces the central value of an M-by-N neighborhood with its median value. <...> If the neighborhood has a center element, the block places the median value there. 2. <...> Low-pass spatial filter: a low-pass filter, also called a “blurring” or “smoothing” filter, averages out rapid changes in intensity. <...> The simplest low-pass filter just calculates the average of a pixel and all of its eight immediate neighbors. <...> The result replaces the original value of the pixel. <...> The process is repeated for every pixel in the image. 3. <...> High-pass spatial filter: a high-pass filter can be Fig. 1 106 Engineering and Automation Problems, № 2 – 2017 used to make an image appear sharper. <...> These filters emphasize fine <...>