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Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences  / №3 2017

Psycho-semiotic Approach in Psycholinguistics Analysis of Verbal Material as a Means of Recreation of the Individual Picture of the World of Man (150,00 руб.)

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АннотацияIn the modern psychological tradition there exists a dramatic disparity between the experimental probative research and the psychotherapist practice. It is connected with the fact that such most important elements in existential and humanistic psychotherapy of existence as “the picture of the world of man”, “ freedom”, “loneliness “ etc. are semantically uncertain concepts and therefore they are inaccessible for experiment checkup with the use of the traditional mathematical methods. However their formalization as well as their use in practice is possible. With the help of psychosemiotic methods it became possible to prove that the picture of the world of a human being is not a metaphor but it does exits in reality and is reflected consequently on the texts both written and oral which are generated by this human being. Analyzing the texts with the help of the specially created formal procedure it became possible to recreate the model of the picture of the world of the author of these texts while the formalization brings to the minimum the plurality and the arbitrariness of the interpretations whereas the reliability is checked with the help of the easy mathematical method with the use of combinatorics. As a result it became possible to detect omissions and in a number of cases to reconstruct them (with the data precision), which apart from the theoretical interest opens up new productive strategies in psychotherapy
Novikova, MarinaW. Psycho-semiotic Approach in Psycholinguistics Analysis of Verbal Material as a Means of Recreation of the Individual Picture of the World of Man / MarinaW. Novikova // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2017 .— №3 .— С. 94-106 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/585038 (дата обращения: 13.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 3 (2017 10) 378-390 ~ ~ ~ УДК 159.9.07 Psycho-semiotic Approach in Psycholinguistics Analysis of Verbal Material as a Means of Recreation of the Individual Picture of the World of Man Marina W. Novikova-Grund* Russian State University for the Humanities 6 Miusskaya ploschad 6, Moscow, 125993, Russia Received 01.09.2016, received in revised form 13.09.2016, accepted 10.01.2017 In the modern psychological tradition there exists a dramatic disparity between the experimental probative research and the psychotherapist practice. <...> It is connected with the fact that such most important elements in existential and humanistic psychotherapy of existence as “the picture of the world of man”, “freedom”, “loneliness “ etc. are semantically uncertain concepts and therefore they are inaccessible for experiment checkup with the use of the traditional mathematical methods. <...> With the help of psychosemiotic methods it became possible to prove that the picture of the world of a human being is not a metaphor but it does exits in reality and is reflected consequently on the texts both written and oral which are generated by this human being. <...> As a result it became possible to detect omissions and in a number of cases to reconstruct them (with the data precision), which apart from the theoretical interest opens up new productive strategies in psychotherapy. <...> Keywords: psycholinguistic, semiotics, syntactic structure, paradigmatics and syntagmatics, existential problems, plot structure , psychotherapy, preterition. <...> From what point of the semiotic universe do we look at the world? <...> All rights reserved * Corresponding author E-mail address: dmitrinus@gmail.com – 378 – immanent property of something that is meant and the semantic component of the meaning of the picture of the world. <...> The picture of the world on the whole and its components have been in the focus of attention of different psychotherapist Marina W. Novikova-Grund. <...> Psycho-semiotic Approach in Psycholinguistics Analysis of Verbal Material as a Means… aspects – gestalt-therapy, humanitarian, existentialist approaches and quite a number of others. <...> However the semantic uncertainty and the semantic polysemy of the interpretation of these issues was such that researches were compelled to refuse of the immediate empiric and experimental investigation as the usual statistic methods could not be applied to them, and in a number of cases when translating from one European language into another (e.g. the problem of Angust) also of the comparison of similar constituents which are used <...>