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Первый авторMikeshova
АннотацияThe article discusses the use of multimedia technologies in teaching Russian as a foreign language considering film-viewing as an example. Multimedia technologies change the character of educational activities by increasing their efficiency. Integration of video materials and film-featuring into curricula of Russian as a Foreign Language classes serves different purposes such as development of communicative skills, cultural and linguistic awareness and social understanding as well as compensation for the lack of language milieu. The article presents teaching guidelines for a foreign language class based on showing the film Kiss Them All (Gorko!) by Zhora Kryzhovnikov in class
Mikeshova, EkaterinaA. The Use of Multimedia Technologies in Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language: a Film-Viewing Study / EkaterinaA. Mikeshova // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2017 .— №3 .— С. 83-93 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/585037 (дата обращения: 13.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 3 (2017 10) 367-377 ~ ~ ~ УДК The Use of Multimedia Technologies in Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language: a Film-Viewing Study Ekaterina A. Mikeshova* Palackэ University 10 Křнžkovskэ Str., Olomouc, 771 47, Czech Republic Received 15.09.2016, received in revised form 01.11.2016, accepted 06.02.2017 The article discusses the use of multimedia technologies in teaching Russian as a foreign language considering film-viewing as an example. <...> Multimedia technologies change the character of educational activities by increasing their efficiency. <...> Integration of video materials and film-featuring into curricula of Russian as a Foreign Language classes serves different purposes such as development of communicative skills, cultural and linguistic awareness and social understanding as well as compensation for the lack of language milieu. <...> The article presents teaching guidelines for a foreign language class based on showing the film Kiss Them All (Gorko!) by Zhora Kryzhovnikov in class. <...> Keywords: Russian as a Foreign Language, multimedia technologies, language proficiency, language skills, in-class film-viewing, video materials for foreign language classes. <...> Multimedia technology is “an umbrella term for technologies that use multiple types of content forms simultaneously, such as graphics, texts, video, photos, animations, sound effects and accompanying sounds. <...> All rights reserved * Corresponding author E-mail address: jekaterina.mikesova@upol.cz – 367 – (Аzimov, Shchukin, 2009: 149). <...> The fact that “video-communication, including a contact with films, television and computer graphics, becomes, nowadays, a significant and everexpanding part of communication in modern society” (Аzimov, 2006: 38) plays an important role. <...> And there are no obstacles to use information from these sources for educational purposes, including teaching Russian as a Foreign Language. <...> These resources may be, and are, applied for educational purposes, as they are available for teachers from all over the globe, they stand for clarity, being highly informative in nature, and, finally, they are simply easy to use. <...> At first glance it may seem that the use of multimedia technologies makes teachers’ lives easier in a great extend, and it may even give a wrong impression that a film, video or program gets the job done for a teacher. <...> A specialist, however, can only agree in part <...>