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Первый авторNeganov
АннотацияThe author attempts to show how modern concepts of space and time, the original principles laid by Immanuel Kant, help take a fresh look at traditional philosophical problems of the material and the ideal, the nature of consciousness, the ratio of sensual and rational in cognition. The author also draws a parallel between the philosophical views of I. Kant and L. Wittgenstein
Neganov, FanilM. I. Kant and L. Wittgenstein: Correct Notions for Correct Language-Games / FanilM. Neganov // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2017 .— №2 .— С. 96-102 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/585025 (дата обращения: 16.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 2 (2017 10) 242-248 ~ ~ ~ УДК 165.731=111 I. Kant and L. Wittgenstein: Correct Notions for Correct Language-Games Fanil M. Neganov* Ufa State Aviation Technical University 12 K. Marks Str., Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan, 450008, Russia Received 12.10.2016, received in revised form 13.12.2016, accepted 18.01.2017 The author attempts to show how modern concepts of space and time, the original principles laid by Immanuel Kant, help take a fresh look at traditional philosophical problems of the material and the ideal, the nature of consciousness, the ratio of sensual and rational in cognition. <...> The author also draws a parallel between the philosophical views of I. Kant and L. Wittgenstein. <...> On the other, carried away with the notion analysis we may get distracted from solving real problems. <...> Notion and its meaning A notion hides some meaning assigned to it by an individual. <...> All rights reserved * Corresponding author E-mail address: neganov2005@mail.ru – 242 – This individual meaning (physically, in the sense of its influence on spontaneous physical processes, or SPP) may not matter in reality. <...> In other words, it may not change anything in the Universe. <...> Along with that, individual meaning does matter for social phenomena and for art in particular. <...> But works of art do not exist in spontaneous physical processes; they are created due to the will and intentional activity of man. <...> However, one should note that the emergence of life and the Fanil M. Neganov. <...> I. Kant and L. Wittgenstein: Correct Notions for Correct Language-Games humankind in the world is also a result of some SPP. <...> For example, the notion of “gravity” may imply “gravity force” or “curved space”. <...> Therefore, the notion of “gravity” itself refers to the theory introduced by a scientist, not to his personal experience. <...> Researching the notion of “gravity” is useless; it is necessary to study the theory behind it, and then reality itself which stands behind the theory (the area described by the theory). <...> The notion of “space”: application in physical and social science Notions adopted from physics are not always efficiently applied to humanitarian issues. <...> In other words, giving a thing or a phenomenon a new name does not change either the thing or the science <...>