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Первый авторXue Zhao
АннотацияThe object of attention in this article is perceptual presupposition, which determines the Chinese Russianists’ reception of modern Russian literature and is explained by the specifics of the history of academic reading in China. Under the influence of the policies, like Correction of Mistakes and Emancipating the Mind, Chinese literary scholars comprehended their experience of reception of Russian literature soberly and objectively. They found it necessary to eliminate the gaps, correct the distortions and rehabilitate the writers. The fact of distorted submissions of Russian literature in the twentieth century and the causes of distortion, that Chinese scientists have been aware of, generate an importance of the full view. This presupposition is shown in two ways. One is an effort to maximum grasp of literary material in order to avoid new lacunas, the other is conscious need for not limited by epistemologically ideological analysis, preferring to study the literary phenomenon as a socially determined formally meaningful unity. Another presupposition of research is systematization of representations in modern Russian literature, which shows the definition in four aspects, first, the key social-cultural and proper literary events that defined the movement of literature, second, literary trends, third, aesthetic directions or trends, fourth, the attempt to combine the topical literary phenomenon, and to single out the leading subjects
Xue, Z. THE STUDY OF MODERN RUSSIAN LITERATURE IN CHINA: CORRECTION OF MISTAKES / Z. Xue // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2017 .— №1 .— С. 134-146 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/581745 (дата обращения: 14.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 1 (2017 10) 134-146 ~ ~ ~ УДК 82.09 The Study of Modern Russian Literature in China: Correction of Mistakes Zhao Xue* Siberian Federal University 79 Svobodny, Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russia Received 25.11.2016, received in revised form 15.12.2016, accepted 11.01.2017 The object of attention in this article is perceptual presupposition, which determines the Chinese Russianists’ reception of modern Russian literature and is explained by the specifics of the history of academic reading in China. <...> Under the influence of the policies, like Correction of Mistakes and Emancipating the Mind, Chinese literary scholars comprehended their experience of reception of Russian literature soberly and objectively. <...> The fact of distorted submissions of Russian literature in the twentieth century and the causes of distortion, that Chinese scientists have been aware of, generate an importance of the full view. <...> One is an effort to maximum grasp of literary material in order to avoid new lacunas, the other is conscious need for not limited by epistemologically ideological analysis, preferring to study the literary phenomenon as a socially determined formally meaningful unity. <...> Another presupposition of research is systematization of representations in modern Russian literature, which shows the definition in four aspects, first, the key social-cultural and proper literary events that defined the movement of literature, second, literary trends, third, aesthetic directions or trends, fourth, the attempt to combine the topical literary phenomenon, and to single out the leading subjects. <...> Keywords: reception, Russian studies, literary situation, literary process, history of Russian literature. <...> Introduction The judgment that the conditions of reception determine the direction of the interpretation and evaluation of the text is axiomatic in literary criticism. <...> To understand the way Chinese readers perceive the modern Russian literature, the things they pay attention to, and the things that remain © Siberian Federal University. <...> All rights reserved * Corresponding author E-mail address: zhaoxue1207@gmail.com – 134 – in the so-called “blind spot” (read more about “blind spot” in literary criticism: Govorukhina, 2010) one have to clarify the receptive situation in China. <...> The Study of Modern Russian Literature in China: Correction of Mistakes authors for the first time distinguish and analyse the presuppositions of perception of a professional Chinese reader, which are predetermined by the specificity of the history of academic reading <...>