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Первый авторVlasov
АвторыTrofimova ElenaB., Trofimova UlyanaM.
АннотацияDo punctuation marks facilitate sentence readability? Tasks consisting of sentences with syntactic ambiguity are suitable for experimental studies. In such studies the subjects deal with a specific pragmatic problem of relative clause (RC) attachment with complex noun phrase (NP) and choose early (N1 modification) or late (N2 modification) closure of ambiguous constructions in Russian. Our experiment showed that the presence or absence of a comma on a RC boundary had different effects on individual interpretation strategies of a certain sentence as well as speech tempo in reading. The experiment showed that the role of the punctuation factor in reading sentences in Russian with late closure prime was negligible. Null prime generally facilitated early closure preference, but there were no significant differences in tempo pronouncing of sentence segments. In addition, there was no correspondence between a pause and a comma on a RC boundary. Comma absence in the sentence with early closure prime caused tempo slowing in pronouncing N1 and reducing preferences of early closure from 100% to 80%. The experiment revealed gender differences in tempo pronouncing of N1 depending on the punctuation factor: females tend to read N1 slower than males. This effect becomes stronger when a comma precedes a RC
Vlasov, MikhailS. COMMA EFFECT IN READING RUSSIAN SENTENCES WITH SYNTACTIC AMBIGUITY / MikhailS. Vlasov, ElenaB. Trofimova, UlyanaM. Trofimova // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2017 .— №1 .— С. 124-133 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/581744 (дата обращения: 14.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 1 (2017 10) 124-133 ~ ~ ~ УДК 81’23 Comma Effect in Reading Russian Sentences with Syntactic Ambiguity Mikhail S. Vlasov, Elena B. Trofimova and Ulyana M. Trofimova* Shukshin Altai State Humanities Pedagogical University 53 Korolenko Str., Biysk, 659333, Russia Received 29.11.2016, received in revised form 15.12.2016, accepted 11.01.2017 Do punctuation marks facilitate sentence readability? <...> In such studies the subjects deal with a specific pragmatic problem of relative clause (RC) attachment with complex noun phrase (NP) and choose early (N1 modification) or late (N2 modification) closure of ambiguous constructions in Russian. <...> Our experiment showed that the presence or absence of a comma on a RC boundary had different effects on individual interpretation strategies of a certain sentence as well as speech tempo in reading. <...> The experiment showed that the role of the punctuation factor in reading sentences in Russian with late closure prime was negligible. <...> Null prime generally facilitated early closure preference, but there were no significant differences in tempo pronouncing of sentence segments. <...> The experiment revealed gender differences in tempo pronouncing of N1 depending on the punctuation factor: females tend to read N1 slower than males. <...> Keywords: Russian language, syntactic ambiguity, relative clause attachment, early closure, late closure, priming, reading aloud, speech tempo, comma effect. <...> Introduction It is known that linguistic determinants of syntactic ambiguity in a Russian sentence are grammatical word forms, variants of lexical compatibility, omission of some sentence parts, word order, punctuation and other factors. <...> All rights reserved * Corresponding author E-mail address: vlasov_mikhailo@mail.ru; eltrofimova@mail.ru; umt2005@rambler.ru – 124 – on the material of Russian and English ambiguous sentences (Vlasov, 2008). <...> Syntactical disambiguation in languages of different structure is one of the most topical psycholinguistic problems. <...> Comma Effect in Reading Russian Sentences with Syntactic Ambiguity of the actress [N2] who was on the balcony) has been studied in a number of languages (Fodor, 1998, pp. 285-319), (Fedorova et al., 2007), (Hemforth et al., 2015). <...> It has been proved that the speakers <...>